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  1. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia shook his head, "refuse my offer...I see..." he said taking a few steps closer to Larxene as well as Toxyn, "what exactly do you expect to receive...rather to find following me I told you there is nothing of value here to you..." He stretched a little, "I must say are rather a difference than your friends back there..."

    He eyed the man looking for any display of anything, " know how to hide yourself and abilities well...a great attribute by very few..." He glanced picking up Larxene's gaze, "hmm...what makes her so special..." He sat down on the edge of her bed, "well you see...regardless if our superior makes law stating no emotion...this Organization doesn't seem to be able to comprehend something of the sort..."

    He rubbed his temples, "you can't tell me there isn't someone in your Organization who acts the they aren't a nobody..." he said his eyes and face blank. "However I would imagine regardless there is probably someone you get along better with in your Organization than the rest...whether it is because they understand you well enough...or your elements just contribute towards a greater being..."

    He conjured a rose in his fingers smelling it, almost relaxing at its aroma, "there now...I have answered your question...why not giving mine a shot..." he said his eyes locked. "What did you hope to accomplish by jumping through that portal..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Last of the Organization
    OOC: They were in a corridor of darkness, however there are many different places to exit. Take Sora being in it with Maleficent's help in Kh2, the place was like an abyss, I would think there would be more than one place to leave.

    BIC: Marluxia shook his head and rubbed his temples, "oh are annoyed?" he said turning around his eyebrow raised, "you don't even know the emotion..." He looked the man over, he did appear the strongest out of them, however he wasn't intimidated.

    "Rather foolish...although some do believe ending this pitiful existence of ours is better than living it..." he said turning back around to his window. "Plus the nerve of entering into someone's manners at all..." He conjured vines around Larxene, them being rather strong and protective in manner.

    "I will give you the chance to leave however...a smart move as I would take in such a situation as this is..." he said softly staring out the window, "I must admit though...I am curious as to why you followed me...did you expect me to lead you straight to our headquarters?"
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia was no fool, he hadn't taken notice of them being followed, however there are many different corridors of darkness. "Going down..." he said softly as him and Larxene disappeared amongst the dark abyss. He did a few more subtley moves among the corridors before stopping and resting a little. He figured if anything that would have lost him, taking a casual look down to see if Larxene was still ok.

    He moved a few strands of hair from her face, the countenance of pain obviously shown somewhat from her actions in the battle. He sighed, "and here I told you to take care of yourself..." he said shaking his head finally finding his exit among the darkness. He stepped out into the bright white sight of Castle Oblivion, his room to be specific.

    He walked slowly over to his bed, gently letting Larxene lay upon it, "and here I said I didn't want to see you in this view again..." he said walking over to an empty vase, causing pink rose to grow in it. He looked around his room, giving a soft sigh knowing that with this new headquarters and the situation at hand that he would not be returning here at all. That was if he even survived to come back here after enacting his plan to overthrow the Organization.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia stood emotionless, before responding to Demyx's words, "I believe you...number nine...are this cause of this little incident to start with..." he said eying him, "if you hadn't run off like a immature little kid...perhaps this could have all been avoided..." He sighed letting the vines form into a bed and letting her lay on them, "as for should be spitting out a thanks to my friend here...without her I doubt he would even be breathing..."

    He noticed a young kid approach him, one with a rather big mouth, obviously underestimating and misjudging type by the way he talked and looked. "You will find I rather do what I like...if you knew anything of learning about your enemies you would realize you are actually in battle with a group of rather strong opponents..." He raised an eyebrow, "the names...apparently your friend over there has done quite a bit more research...personally I would be more interested in seeing his abilities regardless..."

    He rubbed his temples, glad he made it in time to Larxene, however displeased this little fiasco distracted him from his plan, nor did he know when the next opportunity would appear before him. "As for my friend here...I will leave it up to her whether she chooses to evaporate you from this pitiful existence you live..." He opened up a portal and turned back around, "however you are correct in stating that fighting wasn't the orginal intention of this fact I wasn't even assigned this..." he made a slight chuckle to himself, "either bonus or more hatred with the superior seeing how he views this..."

    He shook his head returning to the scene at hand, "I shall make sure Larxene gets through as well as there..." he said pointing at Xengla, "if you could move Axel over here unless he is able to walk..." he made the vines put Larxene in his arms. "Demyx come on...the superior will go lightly if you come now and willingly..." he turned his gaze back upon the Xeltic, "as for best tell whoever it it saw very little of true ability in this fight today..." and with that he stepped through the portal with Larxene.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Last of the Organization
    OOC: I agree, moving on, establishing mistakes getting fixed rather than put on a higher level. Its roleplay, not worth getting frustrated over, I don't care where it gets worked out, on here, or through pm.

    BIC: Marluxia removed himself from his portal, his countenance and eyes blank without emotion. He looked down at the water and did a swift up motion with his hands, vines sprouting forth and plunging into the water. "Don't need anyone's help...hmm..." he said softly watching as the vines wrapped themselves around Larxene and hauled her to the surface.

    He looked around at the battlefield, it had definately begun, it didn't take him long to recognize that. "Well you all are...even the trouble maker of all this..." he said toneless. "However there will be time for that from our superior...right now it appears we have some vermin to chase off...." He eyed the members of the other organization, he showed not a drop of interest however.

    He sighed and looked at Larxene the vines around her, that was another good thing about them, nature could take strikes from lightning without faltering. He shook his head once again turning his view to their opportunity, taking his hood off, the petals of course flying everywhere. "I must did quite a toll to my friend here...and I can't say that pleases me...."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia twirled a rose inbetween his fingers, "this is taking far too long...Larxene..." he sighed rubbing his temples. He was starting to grow impatient as the situation at hand, not at her, but of course the key factor being Demyx. He had often considered which of the Organization members he would offer openly the chance to rejoin him after Xemnas was out of the way. But then of course there was little reason to spend a good amount of time on thoughts such as that when he was still left to be dealt with.

    He once again took his line of vision to the window, looking down at the headquarters outer view. He still would always prefer his castle over this dump, in fact, when he was finished with his plan and Xemnas was gone he planned to relocate the headquarters back to Castle Oblivion. He shook his head however bringing his head back to the time of now.

    He sighed turning around and walking over to the table again, picking up the book he looked it over before setting it back down. He then thought of an idea, why not add some color to this white plastered building. He caused roses of pink to grow every so often down the hallway. "Its always good to have a head start on things..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia continued to stare out of the window, he knew there was no doubt that Xemnas already knew of his intrusion in the low key room in the library. How he planned to continue playing his cards though was on his mind, what excuses and lies would he use to stay in. Or...the thought crossed his mind...a slight grin with it...would the superior lose control enough to cause a fight..."

    He stood quietly, considering the fact he could at that point run or fight. True the superior may be quite powerful, more so than himself, he did not doubt his own ablities either. If he truly did come in with the intent of disposing of him, he would receive the full extent of those abilities. He knew that this plan would cause him to become traitor anyways, he knew the risks, the consequences that would be bestowed upon him too.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia sighed shaking his head, he was now starting to feel the tension that Larxene was undergoing, "and yet she always wishe to show no emotion...this was supposed to be a simple find Demyx deal since we have Xioimara to be worried about..." The problem being however there may not be another chance like this, a moment where almost all of the Organization was away, and he could follow through with the first step of his plan.

    He sighed another long heavy sigh before rubbing his temples in deep thought, she didn't seem to be in much trouble at the moment, however he wasn't sure that wouldn't happen later though. She had already started to focus on emotions she didn't have, much less emotions she could show, and that was a step she didn't usually reach.

    He closed his eyes and thought, why did she have to volunteer for that, was it now really worth it just to taunt Demyx a little more and maybe get a little scraped on the knees. Correction, that was the illusion set before there eyes, the true situation at hand from just his sensing of Larxene would inevitably prove to be much more.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia sensed the battle had not yet started, he figured that she would start with a little taunting and insults before she grew tired of that and actually began the battle. To be honest it had actually been quite sometime since he himself had been apart of a battle, well that is since the little brawl over Xioimara which didn't even count really.

    He continued to rub his temples as he looked over the page in deep thought, he was sure that Xemnas would have manged to find out his presence in the room, with or without Zexion revealing it. He knew it would probably not be long until Xemnas would confront him about it, and one of the confrontations would probably end in a little fight.

    He stood up walking over and looking out of his window, he sighed softly and glared out at nothing special. Right now however he would continue to play his cards as Luxord would say in a manner of low key, making sure to keep his moves as subtle and untreasonious as possible.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia could feel Larxene's tension rising, something that seemed to falter on and off every minute or so. "Hmm..." he uttered quietly, "this is unlike her...could it perhaps be because of her condition of being unmoving for a while..." He pondered this thought as he continued to search the book for the secrets he so wished to harvest, those that would give him the slight edge he needed.

    However constant as far as keeping his mind partially on the well being of Larxene, she was his friend and partner, so the idea of losing her in this petty affair was a strain. He turned a few more pages before his eyes froze on something, the words making his eyes locked. He believed had just found what he was looking for, a piece that could further his plan, and he could do it right from the headquarters.

    He however had a choice to make now...sensing the way Larxene was...should he assist...or rather would she want him to help...or should he stay and follow through with this part of his plan.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia nodded slightly, "a very wise decision...I see that you do have it along with all that knowledge..." he said slowly standing from the table and stretching. "Fair enough on the mission...although I will tell you he has not given me one...I would imagine though that none shall be given out until Xioimara is back and safely secured again..."

    He started to head for the entrance to the room, "we don't need any other members missing...I have a feeling this process of getting her back will require losses..." he said putting his hood up and leaving. He grabbed the rose on his way out and proceeded to head to his room. Once inside he closed the door, and sat down at the little table he had set up. "I sense she is tense...however I am not feeling that she has yet entered the fight..." he said softly to himself.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia noticed his eyes trail down to look at the title of the book in his hands, "yes...I would agree with not letting our talents or our full powers be displayed..." he said his eyes locking back with Zexion's. At his comment of trust he didn't display any emotion but merely quietly uttered, "oh trust are not the only one to judge me in such a manner..."

    He opened a small portal and placed the book into it before dismissing it altogether, he took a seat in a chair at the table, his eyes not leaving Zexion. "I must say...I do miss our castle more than this dreary place..." he said conjuring a rose, "not enough flowers if you ask me..." He leaned back in chair slightly, trying to pursue a comfortable position, although he didn't intend to stay much longer. "So tell me...what job did the superior place on you for this Xioimara fiasco..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia closed the book slowly, "I figured if anyone was going to catch me in here it would be you...number six..." he said quietly turning around. "Not really...I believe I have found just the book I was looking for..." He locked eyes with Zexion, he wasn't really surprised, however he was curious as to why he was in the hidden room as well.

    "I didn't know Xemnas allowed you back here as well...well you are one of the first six members so I guess that explains itself right there..." he said continuing to speak quietly. "Seems everyone is away dealing with the Demyx ordeal...I myself decided to brush up on my history of this Organization..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Last of the Organization
    Yeifou smiled, "first it seems he has summoned a few more...might as well lend Frostex and Kairi a little help down there before we end it..." he said quietly. "Silax...we are heading down to the battlefield...your assistance would be greatly appreciated as well...."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia flipped a few pages with a blank expression on his face, his eyes doing the same, scattering back and forth across the pages as they turned. "Hmm..." he uttered quietly setting the book down on a table before taking another off the shelf. He ended up setting that one down as well, he stopped to rub his temples and concentrate.

    Where could it be? He knew the book he was searching for would be found in this deep room within the library, but that still didn't mean that it would lack a time consuming search. He placed his hand on his chin in deep thought, trying despite the dislike of the feeling, to place himself in Xemnas's shoes. Where oh where would their great superior have placed it?

    Then the thought hit him, and his eyes immediately raised, he turned and walked over to a shelf and started searching through all the books on it. His finger stopped on a particularly worn and almost fallen apart rag of a book. He brushed it off and read the title quietly to himself, "Accomplishments of Success in the Dark Forces of the Heart..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia conjured a rose in his hand and lightly inhaled its aroma before opening his eyes, he shook his head as he sensed Larxene's intentions to visit him vanish with her through the portal. He sighed and stood up stretching slightly, "could have really used you here...oh well...get yourself feeling better...enjoy beating on those fools for me..." he laughed lightly.

    He conjured a portal stepping through it, and he walked slowly along the corridors of darkness. He gently ran his hands around letting the darkness pass over him, he sighed as it touched him. He had always been one to drown himself in darkness, in reality even his garden was half born of darkness.

    He placed his hood over his head sensing he was near the area he needed to be at, opening the corridor and stepping out. He looked around slowly from under his hood before spotting the handle to the door of the headquarters library. He stepped inside closing the door behind him and placed a rose on a table nearby, before continuing to walk along the halls of books. He stopped at a rather old looking shelf before feeling around the side and pushing a button. He walked through the shelf into what appeared to be a dark and dreary cast room, however filled with books. "Now lets find out some secrets shall we..." he said quietly to himself removing a book.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia grinned sensing Larxene's tension she was giving Xemnas from her room, he shook his head and continued walking. "I'm here when you need me...gone when you want me to be..." he softly whispered, "don't think I didn't catch that right now..." He said walking out to his garden, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath of the luxurious scent of aromas that greeted his nose. Up to his name and powers, he was one to make sure his garden was mighty and powerful in appearance as well.

    He took his hood down and proceeded to walk down the pathway he created in it, still deep in thought however his glance would fall on either side admiring his works. He remembered how he would always find Larxene coming to him when he would be tending or admiring his work here, sometimes making fun of the so called beauty of his garden. Knowing about her past, he merely would either playfully taunt back, or just silently take her treatment. None the less it had grown in his eyes to serve as a place of relaxation for her as well as him. Countless times he would come here for that exact reason only to find that she had beaten him to here, and the opposite, only to request of each other if it was ok if they relaxed here too. That would then lead up to them telling how there day went, perhaps if there was a special reason they were there, and of course at some point they would reach a playfully stage with each other, most of the time taunting.

    He forced a vine chair from the ground and took a seat in it closing his eyes, before opening them again, he rolled his eyes before a grin crossed his lips. His eyes had fallen upon his favorite rose patch, of course them being of the color pink. But what made him grin was the fact that exactly in the next patch was his yellow roses, or should he say Larxene's yellow roses. After she had visited him in his garden a few times and the two had become fairly close, as friends and partners, he promised to plant them for her as a symbol of just that. He stated, "roses of course have the same life span as other just like that when it is your time to wither so shall I..." At first she went to the immediate taunting, stating how she once again wasn't going to rely on him and that it was a rather silly gesture in her opinion. Instead of returning the taunting in a playful manner, he said in all seriousness, but not in an ill-tempered way, he merely said, "we are nobodies...the emotions are fake...however gestures like this are real...smell the aroma feel the soft petals...they can sometimes be the emotions we want to express..."

    He sighed returning from his walk down memory lane only to be placed back into another category of thought, the implementation of his plan. He was going over the details in his head, true this disturbance involving Demyx would have a lot of eyes elsewhere, however since Larxene had chosen to assist in going to the quell proved the opposite. He gently rubbed his temples, honestly as she sometimes took it, there was a lot more to this plan then she had always picked up on, more reasons rather than just him wanting to bear the title superior. He closed his eyes, finding it relaxing seeing as he had not received much sleep or rest himself lately, pondering when she would be ready to hear of such things.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia couldn't help but smirk slightly at the tone she had taken with the superior over the matter, he sat quietly not speaking by her side through the whole thing. When he had realized she had finished and that Xemnas seemed to not have anything at the moment to say he proceeded to stand up again. He looked her in the eyes that said, "well since you volunteered I doubt you will be here much know how to get ahold of me..."

    He stretched slightly and headed towards the doorway, "I shall kindly pass on the offer allowing her to take it..." he said softly. "After all it is imperative that we give that medicine a good testing and make sure our members stay in top shape after mishaps like that...." he said opening the door. "And with that I shall take my leave..." he said closing the door behind him.

    He walked down the corridor quietly, keeping his vision straight, and his mind in thought. "This Demyx fiasco could be just the cover I could provide to be more than just an annoyance after all...."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia gently patted her arm and hand when she grabbed onto his arm, trying to show as little emotion towards something he knew to her was an accomplishment. However he honestly was just waiting for Xemnas to finally leave the room, he was thankful the superior had his old rug bag fix up something for Larxene, but now that neither of their presences were needed he knew it would be relief for her and him if they would just leave.

    His eyes shot down to the letter behind her back and then back up, making sure more of the fact that Xemnas or Vexen hadn't spotted it rather than his own curiosity. Regardless of the superiors dislike of emotions, the only person he dared to show them too was Larxene, once again something he could only share and find in their bond alone.

    He noticed her not really grinning or smiling after a few more words from Xemnas and proceeded to whisper into her ear while Xemnas was looking out the window, "I think you are safe with know the ability to express emotion through them is lacking more than actions..." he said letting a slight grin cross his lips. He continued, "however I am not sure how long he wishes to be that case I shall leave you for the time me in my garden later this day so we may talk...also I give you privacy to open the letter...." he said kissing her cheek softly.

    He started to stand but stopped, "unless you wish for my stay here until they leave..." he said making a quick glance in Xemnas's direction then back to her, "I understand two is company...but with four, and one being a hag and the other a dunce..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia sighed and rolled his eyes slightly at the treatment Larxene was giving him with her childish fit, by now he was more than used to it, and believe it or not this was a lesser case than he had experienced before. However his eyes locked with hers, not angered but with a look that said I put up with it for you but you know sure and well that Xemnas won't.

    He gently placed the pill at her lips allowing her to take it, he was glad he had removed the gloves this way it was easier to give to her, and placed the cup of water at her lips for her to drink. He made sure Vexen was looking away in disgust and Xemnas was once again lost in thought before whispering, "seems this little act isn't over yet...just try to not to let things get out of hand again...also you might want to keep that letter hidden..." he said placing the letter behind her. "No worries...I haven't read it...however I am guessing you must open it to realize who it is from..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Dec 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home