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  1. Last of the Organization
  2. Last of the Organization
  3. Last of the Organization
    Yeifou gritted his teeth knocking away a replica, "of course...the sooner we get this over with the better..." he said ripping a dirk through another darkness covering his hands. He quickly shook it off, not wanting what had happened in the past to happen now. "Silax lets move...standing here isn't a aid to anyone..." he shouted taking off in search of Telren.

    Silax nodded and followed, taking out anyone that stood in his way, "seems we have a new follower..." he said turning back to glance near Kade upon hearing the musical flow of a flute, "looks like shes on our side though...keep going..." He sighed thinking in his head, "Garxena...where could you be...."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia turned and slowly paced across his room, silent as ever, he had more to think of than anytime before, and since he had the peace and tranquility to do so he decided it would be best now. He sensed that the battle with Larxene had taken a turn, mainly location wise, however he believed allowing her to release some of the tension she had been holding up would help her in the long run.

    He once again picked up the book that he had taken from the library, placing it in his cloak, and putting his hood over his head. "Perhaps she was right..." he said softly opening his door, stepping out, then closing and locking it. He sighed walking down the hallway, once again realizing everyone must have jumped at the sound of a fight and went to check it out. He shook his head in annoyance, he had a far bigger fight to worry about than the Organization right now.

    He walked up floor after floor until he reached that specific room, the one he had now made impossible for entrance by anyone without his consent. He placed his hand on the door, vines being heard removing and untying themselves. He gave a blank look on the small object that glanced at him before it turned its head away, busy with something. "It has been some time hasn't it now Namine..." he said walking over to her.

    He placed his hand gently on her shoulder and looked at what she happened to be doing, drawing once again. "Are you happy to see me...its been a while since you have had company..." he said softly, "and you know...since you are a nobody with emotions able to feel such a thing..." He leaned close to her ear, keeping the soft tone, "don't worry...I have come up with a fun game that we can play now..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia continued to glare out the window, all the events of the past had begun to take its toll on him as well, however he kept his composure and sighed. He closed his eyes and concentrated on meditation, something that really wasn't available with all the junk going on. He opened his eyes after a few minutes his countenance and eyes unfaltering.

    He sensed Larxene was in some sort of battle, how in the world it seemed to happen out of no where he had no clue, however after the incidents at hand he believed she wouldn't be too accepting of his presence at the moment. He figured he would once again leave her the opportunity to handle things for herself, if she required his help he would offer it once again for her.

    He turned around and opened a small portal from the darkness, reaching into it pulling out the book he had once taken from the hidden library, he sighed, or should he say the library that wasn't so hidden as he thought it was. He looked it over in disappointment, he knew now why Xemnas lacked coming after him, there was no worry, the book held nothing special as he found out.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia didn't turn around as she was talking with him, he merely kept his vision out on the window, taking in her words calm and collected. He sighed wishing for her to cease speaking and leave him be, obviously she was in no mood to talk in her current state. After having some time to think on it he was able to develop a cause as to why it offended her so much to have that done to her.

    He rubbed his temples in contemplation, trying to see how he could have reached that action, "it was rather out of bounds...even in my taste..." he said rubbing his chin in thought. After a few minutes of pondering he however froze, his eyes and countenance unmoving. "That is why..." he uttered softly, his thoughts frozen on a single moment on remembrance. His past...before he became a nobody...that was the reason.

    He sighed laying down looking up at the ceiling from his bed, "would she even be able to comprehend that reason though...obviously she is still confused...unable to believe it was merely just that...a pact...." He closed his eyes in meditation, thinking about how he would explain his action and the actions they would continue to make regardless of the circumstances.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia merely sat silent, rubbing his temples once again, he was starting to lose patience with people entering into his room. He picked up his coat and draped it over his arm, " not confuse your pathetic emotions with us..." he eyed his gaze it taking a steel turn, "and I would ask why you would once again make your presence in my quarters known...without even a knock..."

    He grit his teeth turning to the window, "the next person to enter my room without proper procedures...then I shall forcefully show them manners..." he glanced behind him once at Larxene. "We will speak on this later...if you wish it...seems I must explain everything to everyone then..." he said shaking his head in disappointment at her before turning around back to the window.

    His eyes narrowed, "number nine...I believe you are already in enough bad standing with the superior as of not have to make me exercise the right to take it to the next not offend me again with such disrespect...." He gave a waving sign as to dismiss him, they may not trust him, but he would continue to demand the respect he deserved even if it required making it known by force.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Last of the Organization
    OOC: *eyes TwilightNight curiously* And you meant what by that?

    BIC: Marluxia sighed hearing the words spill out of her mouth, words of betrayal as they could really be taken as. Although it wasn't like everyone else in the Organization hadn't already been telling him these things. He just wondered how long it would take for all the mess to finally break her down as well, someone he held as a strong and firm follower in his footsteps, and that moment had finally come.

    "I admit..." he said quietly staring out the window, "the fact that everyone is suspicious is no surprise..." he said smelling his rose. "What happened to the strong willed woman who I brought up...who didn't listen to what people said...even me sometimes...." he said turning around and locking eyes with her. His face was blank, but his eyes said all they needed to staring softly into hers, "you told me yourself...death would be greater than this life...forgive me this pitiful existence..."

    He rubbed his temples before locking eyes with her again, "and tell me...what is the purpose of just leaving things as they are...because as I wish for the exactly opposite that Xemnas is offering us...our hearts back..." He sighed, "but then again that ploy is to be judged as well...Roxas has been in this Organization for how long...and Sora has been capturable for how long..." He shook his head, "yet has anything happened...sometimes I think this Organization forgets itself...thinking that Xemnas cares for all of us..."

    He laughed softly at that statement, "the man is apparently only in this for himself...I admit it...sometimes I believe he should be a heartless...rather than a nobody..." He stood up stretching a little before leaning down eye level with her, "I figured you would be one to realize that as well...realize why I am doing this..." He sighed leaning close to her, "perhaps that pact wasn't strong enough..." he said kissing her once on the lips, pulling after straight after it. He licked his lips and sighed, "don't get the wrong idea...merely a pact...the only type I knew it life..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia felt her hand on his arm and looked up to meet her eyes, "very well he said..." he said turning off the blowdryer, he stood up walking back into his bathroom putting it up. He walked back out, fluffing his hair a little, making sure it was a comfortable look. He turned his eyes onto Larxene again, looking at her casually and shrugged, "I am fine with whatever you choose...."

    He stopped for a moment, "that is if I would be allowed to remove the top of my coat as well...having the windows always closed and no source of air...these rooms get rather steamy...." he said looking for approval or the opposite. After a while he began to unzip his coat, reaching down all the way so that his coat could be draped over his bed. He stretched a little, his well fit chest feeling the air lightly touch it.

    He sat down on his bed, staring at Larxene gently, "you mentioned something of our plan I believe..." he said conjuring a rose and smelling it. Finally, he was ready for this moment, they had waited long enough with all the junk regarding the other Organization. He planned to make sure things didn't play out so slowly when he was superior.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia sighed in relief finally getting the sign that everyone had left his room, upon which this time he removed himself from the window walking over and closing the door. He heard Larxene moving around, he would guess finally sitting up in his bed now that she too could relax with all the other presences gone. Upon her comment he turned and replyed, "when you have someone who is without emotions...yet will not leave the denial of expressing them behind...that is what becomes of said person..."

    He took interest and curiosity of the next situation Larxene provided him with, however he was little expecting it. He raised a brow as she began to unzip her coat, eventually exposing somewhat of her flesh to him, something he highly doubted anyone had seen of her atleast as a nobody. He look a casual look over her, admiring her well fit body and presence of strength in her petite form. She was somewhat rather pale, of course the fact being he would imagine she didn't want all of the Organization becoming perverts over her, atleast not anymore than they already were.

    He continued to eye her as she now walked over to his closet, "yes...pity I can't return the favor without receiving more annoyance from our superior..." he said softly walking over near to her. He was rather confused at what she was doing in his closet, he then he realized she was going to change his sheets for him? He didn't know whether she was doing this out of curiosity, the kind she sometimes only showed him, or if she was trying to perhaps baby him somewhat for amusement.

    He sighed, not wanting to find out really too much, he had far more things on his mind as he walked over taking up Larxene's coat. He placed it down infront of the window, unzipping it fully so that it could dry from the inside out. He walked into his bathroom grabbing his hairdryer, walking back out and beginning to dry it. When she mentioned the plan, his eyes slowly moved to hers, "of course the is about time we talked of it now isn't it..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia merely nodded in agreeance to the fact that they would speak on the matter later, however finally he was relieved to see that Xemnas seemed to be recalling everyone finally from his room. He sat down in a chair that was facing his window as he sighed closing his eyes. He once again conjured his rose and smelled it delicately savoring the sweet aroma.

    He casually glanced behind himself every so often, eager to catch if they had all finally left, upon which he would be more inclined to move about. Having five people crowd, talk heads off, and merely pollute the sanctity of his quarters disgusted him. He however had to admit, in order to force the leave of the group, he had to bring about the big honcho.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia sighed and shook his head, "I hadn't a clue until he revealed to me that he supposedly wished to merely offer Xioimara back to us...his claim being she was no good to us...and that this was all a big misunderstanding..." His eyes however did not leave Xemnas's when he spoke, the lack of trust and understanding in his eyes.

    "And that my superior is about all I can recall occurring..." he said rubbing his temples, "as you well know my attention became the two intruders after they made their presences known...upon which I sent you the note you received..." He ceased trying to alleviate himself from this dreadful headache he had, realizing as long as everyone was in his room, arguing up a storm, there would be tranquility restored to it.

    In fact, he was almost wishing he had handled this situation on his own, he could tell that this little ploy to actually help the Organization for once, rather help it in more ways than one, was not even having the slightest effect on Xemnas himself. Sometimes he believed just forgetting everything except for his plot would be best considering everything he did was still looked down upon even if it happened to be so called in the presence of good intentions.

    After he had finished and made it known that he was finished, he merely was hoping that would be good enough atleast in the superior's eyes to leave him be, after all this whole ordeal had just become that, one big annoyance. What he had hoped and expected to happen was a bust, therefore now all he wished for was peace and quiet.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Last of the Organization
    OOC: He made replicas of everyone, however he didn't just make one select set. Wouldn't be much of a battle in my opinion of there was >10 people to fight right, lol?

    BIC: Yeifou continued to scour the battlefield, his eyes finding Kade, Frostex, Kairi, all the members that were on his side. "I know hes not hiding...hes not that type of person...he is waiting for us to find him..." he whispered without reason.

    Silax nodded, "indeed...that is how he always was..." he sighed scratching his head, "well we could aid in disposing with some of these replicas while keeping our eyes pealed for him..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Last of the Organization
    Yeifou landed on the ground, continuing to survey, it was much easier to spot Telren from the above heights of the top stories of the headquarters. However now that he had lowered himself to his level it would prove that a little searching was once again required.

    Silax landed beside him, conjuring his dirks soon after, "seems like everyone else in enjoying taking their share of the replica army..." he said looking around. "I'm guessing no sign of Telren yet though...."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia lifted his eyes casually from the window and the rose he held, he turned around slowly and faced Xemnas, an uninterested and blank look on his face. "What is there to explain..." he said softly looking around the room locking eyes with everyone once. "All this talk of what happened on the battlefield superior I have no recollection of for I was not present..." He sighed shaking his head, "no I merely managed to appear at what seemed like the end of it...finding Larxene in dire need of assistance...and apparently this girl was caring for Axel at the time..."

    He took a few steps forward before dismissing the rose and stretching, "I assessed the situation at hand...seeing as Larxene required attention the worst of all I took that liberty on just happened to play out that way...but I guess serves as a good claim to use against me..." He shrugged off his last comment and continued, "therefore I opened up a portal with which to take them to safety leading here..."

    He began to rub his temples, "I asked if the girl would tell Demyx and Axel to come forth unless Axel could not walk in which case to have her help him to the portal..." he turned stern, "however these two took far too this Toxyn fellow the ability to follow me in...which turned out to be a good thing if I may say so that I chose this castle..." he locked eyes with Xemnas upon that last statement.

    "So as I was about to treat Larxene for her injuries...paralysis it appeared to be...I was interupted by this man..." he said closing his eyes, he was beginning to grow weary of this whole ordeal, however figured he should yet again continue, "upon which he brought up the offer of giving us back Xioimara...and to relay the message to yourself..." He took on a thought pose, "I agreed to relay the message...and asked he leave as I had things to attend to...finally reaching a state of throwing him out by force..."

    He stopped pausing and sighing, "and thus the problem began...I had things quite under control...until Demyx decided to sneak into my room...and Axel chose to just barge right in..." He gave a futile sigh, "however the real problem was...they were not there to assist me in removing this no...Demyx merely hid...and Axel immediately began throwing out insults towards Larxene here before moving onto insulting myself...."

    He turned back around walking over to the window, "There is nothing more to explain you said this Organization lacks teamwork...regardless if some of the members trust me or not...and that has been there downfall sir..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia merely remained quiet while they all gave their comments and recollections of what had occurred, brushing off Axel's immature and petty insults off like a bad habit from early. He rubbed his temples and shook his head upon hearing Axel give his so called truthful account. He remained near Larxene however, noticing the leaf had seemed to have recovered her to atleast somewhat her previous state.

    He conjured a rose in his hand, merely twirling it inbetween his fingers, this whole ordeal growing greatly on his nerves. Honestly he did not know when he would finally break, saying screw subtley, and just hacking down anyone in his way. Never had he thought he would receive so much of a migraine over other members such as Axel and Demyx, he was starting to believe they were actually worth killing over Xemnas himself.

    He did notice however Xemnas lacking in giving him his moment to speak on the matter, but figured he wouldn't have much to stay, and him receiving the note resulted in a close comparison of what he believed would occur. He glanced down once at Larxene, his eyes unmoving, blank, just staring at her for a moment. He shook his head and returned his eyes back to the scene at hand, his headache growing ever larger.

    He turned around to face once again out his window, observing the still presence of the outside, much the opposite of what was occurring in his room. He grabbed his head in irritation, realizing this was all occurring in his room. He grit his teeth, finally having a first person perspective on what the situation earlier had been for Larxene, correction this was far worse. Other than herself, his room was filled with people he rather disliked, treading about and polluting the air of his room with their breath.

    He gently let his hand fall returning back to the spot which was near Larxene's side, closing his eyes in thought. At this very point he actually just wished they would all disappear except for Larxene...and perhaps this Toxyn fellow. Atleast when he was speaking with him, they engaged in a somewhat diplomatic and civilized manner of words.
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia glared at Axel, "well well...the flamer decided to show no manners...seems the people who supposed are my comrades have no manners as well..." he said swinging the scythe and pointing it at Axel. "I wonder how the superior would react to hearing that you have barged into someone else's room...or have you forgotten the punishment that Demyx received...."

    He rubbed his temples from under his hood, before raising it and glaring around, " are a bigger fool than Demyx...I will laugh with emotion when I find he banishes your pitiful existence for disobeying him..." he said before conjuring a rare plant not seen by many. "Vexen thinks he has all the medicines and cures in the world...where do you think he gets some of the herbal ingredients from..." he said placing a leaf in Larxene's mouth.

    He softly whispered to her, "chew..and swallow...give it a few minutes and your muscles should start to relax..." he said before resuming his composure. "What...still here?" he said shaking his head, "you really are lacking in common sense now aren't you boy..." More than anything he wished to just hack Axel to pieces, all he had ever proved to be was a nuisance. "Better yet...lets see what the superior has to say about this shall we..." he said snapping his fingers.

    Out of no where back at the headquarters a pink rose petal fell into Xemnas's hand, before slowly taking form of a note, seeing has he had chosen to avoid using lesser nobodies. He tightened the grip on his scythe before whispering, "won't be long has been a while since he has seen the castle..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia sighed, "ironic that we would be used as much like him..." he said shaking his head before his eyes locked with Toxyn's. "It seems he has played his cards while you were distracted here with us..." he said with a slight chuckle, "if anything I'll give him props for it this one time..." He stretched a little standing up, "seems like you should have left when you had the chance...friend..."

    He placed his hood over his head, "and I must say...I am nothing like the rest of this Organization..." he said twirling the rose between his fingers, "they lack the ability to debate...however sometimes that can prove useful...such as now..." He held up his hand a petal falling from seemed no where and elegantly flowing out into the shape of his scythe.

    He swung it around until it was into of him, "I will give you this opportunity alone...we wish for you to not linger here any if you will make your exit here shortly..." his eyes narrowed under his hood, "of course I could show you the door...but I can't say you will leave the same way you appeared here..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia ignored Larxene's cries of protest, he thought for a moment before speaking, "I see...alliances...interesting topic to speak on..." he blankly. "Honestly the only alliance I have is with this Organization...I am not of high enough stature in the group to agree to such a thing..." He reached out his hand, taking Larxene's in his, sending a sense of calmness through there connection.

    "This Organization would much very much so like to have her back...perhaps there could be a place upon which we could make the know...safely..." he said his suspicions still not cleared. "That way we could do so as you said without interruptions from foolish friends..." He sighed gently rubbing her hand now with his thumb.

    "However I would believe it would be best if you spoke with our superior...or rather allowed me to pass on the message..." he said softly, "unless you wish me not to..." He stood up not letting go of her hand though, "if you would perhaps allow me sometime to think over the deal though...and I shall get back to you in some manner...."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Last of the Organization
    Marluxia was slightly surprised by his comment, "return Xioimara..." he said softly looking over his face for any hint of doubt, "I see...well that is rather what the cause of all this fuss is over..." He sighed rubbing his temples, "something that has caused you put it in a state of annoyance..."

    "If I may ask...what reasoning do you have for wanting to return her...are you not our enemy?" he said his suspicious not being moved, "and as far as you just returning her without those bothersome fools would be appreciated by our superior..." He thought for a second, "so is this merely a message I should pass onto my superior...or rather something that will occur just between us?"

    He didn't know why, but for some reason that statement made the area tense, whether he said that as a ruse or if he actually meant it, it really didn't falter his state of being. "I must say who is willing to debate could get farther than your other member's approaches..."
    Post by: Last of the Organization, Jan 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home