Telren shook his head, "you misjudge me know we share love...but these two are fakers indefinately..." he said moving Kade with his foot a little making sure of her unconciousness. "Well well...pathetic indeed..." he sighed turning back to the field, "lets see what Yeifou has to say about such things..."
Telren nodded, "perhaps that could prove seems to always be that way considering it hasn't failed yet..." he said a sly grin crossing his lips. "When one is in danger...there isn't anything the other won't do because of so called love..." he said shaking his head, "nobodies believing in emotions...hardly a logic procedure of thought..."
Yeifou nodded, now concentrating fully on fighting his replica, "lets see what you have got you slab of darkness..." he said striking and parrying constantly, maintaining an offensive and defensive switchoff. He floor swiped knocking the replica over, "did you really think these would match our powers Telren?" Silax continued his assault of slashes and blows against the replica, until there was a flaw in it found, receiving a strike across the face and sending him falling back a little. He staggered slightly before regaining his balance and shaking off his clumsiness, "well well..." he said wiping his cheek. A small splotch of darkness covered his palm, "not bad..." he grinned returning to his former assault. Telren nodded slightly, "it is rather odd to not see them fighting together...side by side..." he said narrowing and scouring the battlefield. "Wait...seems she is more interested in her little headquarters...."
Yeifou nodded again before dodging a swipe by his replica, "things not bad...speed is pretty good..." he said parrying a few attacks and swiping back. "I know dear...thats why we musn't think this is just Telren we are fighting here..." Silax nodded at Garxena, going for his own replica, "lets start this shall curiosity is going wild..." he said going in full agressive attack on his replica, swinging and slashing blindly. He knew this would test the replica's ability to defend itself, and hopefully provide some sort of a weakness perhaps. Telren nodded, "indeed...I have truly waited for this day for a while now..." he said blankly tilting his head and kissing Ina once. "Today we will become the heirs of darkness my queen...ruling on high this pitiful world..."
Yeifou nodded, "found him...however could be a little while before we get to him..." he sighed noticing a Yeifou, Silax, Garxena, and Frostex. "Take these cheap fakes out...then we can all concentrate on Telren...this plague ends now..." "Oh thats him alright...he doesn't fear death...remember he has been brought back atleast twice dear..." Silax said softly locking eyes with his replica, "its funny...I guess there isn't really a real one between us...just have to see how a replica fairs against a replica..."
Yeifou nodded, "I figured as much...he was never one to leave himself open until those challenging him proved themselves "worthy" of fighting him...." he shook his head. "The fool will find that his death will be the swiftest this time..." Silax nodded, keeping an eye out for Garxena's protection as well, "seems its too quiet for now...where could that be now..." he said suspicious of the surroundings.
Yeifou stopped as he was faced with the shadowy figure, "its been sometime hasn't it Telren..." he said his teeth grit, "glad you finally got up the courage to remove yourself from your headquarters...that you are finally willing to accept your fate..." Silax took a defensive position keeping his eyes pealed, "don't get too off guard Yeifou...I wouldn't doubt the fact he could have a replica of yourself that is tougher than the rest..."
Marluxia stopped tensing at the feeling he was getting from Larxene's wavelengths, they pulsed with an uneasiness that sent a shiver through his every non-existent nerve. He sighed letting some of it release through his notion, allowing his calm state and collected thoughts to remain in tact. As far as he could tell she wasn't in physical trouble, if she reached that state he would make his presence known wherever they were post haste. He picked apart the idea must be from the stress of the past, Demyx and Axel and unfornately himself, and of course the present situation with this punk kid. He believed that Larxene could handle this, he had always been one to help her test the limits of her abilities. He closed his eyes in thought, his memories drifting back to a moment in time where her and him were training in his garden. As pleasant as it possibly could be, he shook it returning to reality, his eyes opening. "The time is coming closer for us to enact what I told you would one day happen Namine..." he uttered softly. "Just do as you are told and you will find no harm will come to yourself or those you worry over..." he said releasing her shoulder. He walked over to her window looking out at the vastness of area surrounding Castle Oblivion, "fitting name really...not only does the castle serve its purpose...but so does the location..." He rubbed his temples, he was ashamed of the incident of his and Larxene's discussion, he had hoped they would have never stumbled on such a quarrel.
Yeifou continued running slashing through the replicas who realized what was going on, trying to blockade them from reaching Telren, the person he believed to be the shadowy figure. He sensed the aura and the thick power of darkness easily flowing from the area, "Silax...we are getting close..." Silax nodded, "when I went for him I was attacked by a replica of doubt there will be one of you too...but these were stronger than these petty things..."
Yeifou nodded a small smile crossing his lips, "you know I do dear...and you know I will always be here for you and our son..." he sent back to her, "we are married...we love each other....we do everything together dear..." he said once again heading towards the shadowy figure in the distance that he had caught onto again.
Yeifou nodded, fending off the replicas coming at them, he figured this would actually turn out to be good for the Organization since they hadn't exactly been up to training or combat skills sitting all cooped up in the headquarters for a while. After a few minutes he turned back to Silax, "alright...we can have time for affection after this battle...right now Telren really needs to be taken down...." Silax nodded and softly kissed Garxena's forehead, "if things get bad though...make sure you take care of yourself ok..." he said gently squeezing her in their hugs. He turned around and stood beside Yeifou, "lets do this..." he said following him back down the path they had taken before.
Yeifou sighed and continued fighting, "take care of yourself please..." he said running off to meet up with Silax. "Kade says she will be fine...lets go...Telren still awaits us..." "Give me a minute please..." Silax said kissing her once and holding Garxena close in a hug, "I'm missed you too..."
Yeifou sighed helping Kade fight off the replicas, "I have to let you live your life as well as ours dear..." he said making a solid hit with his dirk on a replica's side. "However we both remember what the darkness does to us when taken to this point in time I would rather die then taste of it again..." He noticed Frostex come over, "if you believe you can handle it...we don't need anyone vulnerable to Telren's control..." Silax sighed, "no it wasn't Garxena...remember these are replicas...just like myself..." he said taking her hand, "that was part of his plan...seeing our friends and family...having to fight look alikes...its a mind game hes using to wear us down..."
OOC: Marluxia if I may.
Yeifou stopped by Kade, fighting off some replicas, he sighed upon seeing her appearance, "whats happening to you Kade..." he said trying to concentrate on her reply and fighting off the replicas assault. Silax rubbed the side of his face, before he was met face to face with himself, so Telren had even created another one of himself. He was about to engage in combat before sensing Garxena, "this will have to wait..." he sighed running off. He noticed she seemed to be in battle with a replica of Kai, an obvious weakness from the last time they spoke, he ran up sticking a dirk straight in the replica's back. "Garxena...are you ok?"
Yeifou took a sudden halt feeling what was going on with Kade, "I can't do this...not yet...Silax you go after Telren...I'll take care of Kade..." he said turning around and sprinting towards the area where Kade lied. Silax nodded and continued his path forward towards the shadowy figure, he was almost about to view the person in the light before he was struck in the face hard, sending him tumbling a little before he could compose himself.
Yep...still a pretty good anime.
Lol...sounds interesting. Ever heard of Wolf's Rain?
Yeifou stopped to catch his breath, leaning over a little with his hands on his thighs, "how many...does this fool have..." he sighed shaking his head. He froze sensing something, "Silax...hes close..." he said looking around quickly spotting a shrouded figure in the distance. Silax nodded, "I feel it too..." he let a small smile cross his lips, "I always sense Garxena has found her way back..." He tensed a little at the next feeling though, "it feels like Kade may be losing herself somewhat...we better keep an eye on her..."
Oh? And what is that? =p