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  1. Kross123
    Kross managed to throw off the wolves attacking him and glanced to the side in time to see Eon get bitten in the leg. His eyes widened and he ran towards Eon, halfing the wolf running at the boy and stood beside him, taking his mage stance, then pointing his keyblade at one in the air, eyeing the leaping wolves. "Stop!" He yelled, the wolves freezing in mid air with clock symbols on their heads. He leaped and slashed at them individually."Eon! I'll flank them!"
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 21, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Kross123
    Kross had his own struggles, holding off two thrashing wolves at once with a keyblade. He grit his teeth, his arms swelling a bit with the effort. He felt a gust around him as white wind whipped around him. He felt renewed, strengthened and he threw away the wolves. He raised his keyblade, the air charging with electricity. The couple of wolves around him bristled as yellow lightning struck the two, the wolves howling before popping into black smoke. "Thunder!"
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 18, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Kross123
    Kross straightened himself and turned, facing the group of five neoshadows. He narrowed his eyes and raised his keyblade."I won't fall into a coma again.."He said, a burst of orange light erupted from the tip of his keyblade and shot into their ranks. The magic hit one Neoshadow and exploded into a huge half-sphere of fire magic."Fire!"
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 18, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Kross123
    Kross reached out, tentatively touching the 'border' with his finger. The section lit up and a few shadows surrounded him. The shadows then solified to form Neoshadows, the things that 'killed' him in the first place. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he summoned his keyblade Odin. He brandished it, first pointing it at them, then he put it behind him, one hand out, his Mage stance. He rocketed towards them, bashing them like a jack hammer with each stroke.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 17, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Kross123
    Kross trailed behind, he had a lot on his mind anyway, it wasn't just this mission, it was the one in the Outback. As bad as he felt about 'leaving', he couldn't help what happened. One moment, he was helping to fight the Heartless, the next minute he was flung into space. He glanced up as Eon offered to help him warm up. He blinked twice, but smiled bright. The offer was nice. "It's okay Eon! I'll get used to it. Besides, Karina gave it to you, you should keep it."He said, politely refusing the gesture.

    Their trip was going well, until a pack of wild wolves came. Kross's eyes narrowed dangerously as he looked at them. He summoned his keyblade, a strong gust of wind making him put his arm infront of his face. He heard Eon and nodded."Just let us handle it sir!" He gave a thumb up with his free hand and hopped over the wolves, landing gracefully. When his feet touched the ground, he made his charge, bashing into the wolves like a battering ram.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 17, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Kross123
    Profile Post

    "As if"

    "As if"
    Status Update by Kross123, Feb 15, 2014
  7. Kross123
    Kross made his landing outside of the battle site, eyes observing the earth-shaking skirmish with an amused expression. He brushed his chin and stood straight, approaching the site."I wonder what's going on here.."He trailed off. He paused mid-step, images of the final battle from years ago flashed in his mind, he remembered this place. He quickly stepped back and the images stopped. After he recovered reeling from the memory flashes, he contented himself to watching the battle. "I have no idea what's going on but someone needs to end this..quickly."
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 14, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Kross123
    Kross narrowed his eyes at the darkened sky, but he swallowed down his fear, he left that petty emotion behind a long time ago. He was young and naiive then, he had not aged in appearance, save for the pure white hair, but for that reason, he has yet to know. He sighed and curled his legs, getting ready to launch off."All right Kross..let's see if you still got it.."He said, bending his knees forward and shot forward, sliding down the cliffside and kicked off, arms behind him as he floated fifty feet above ground, using the Glide ability. He was merely going to observe, this battle seemed miniscule at best, but it'd still be interesting to watch.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 11, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Kross123
    Kross shivered as a particularly cold gust swept over him. He wanted to get this over with, but he also didn't want to burden the man when he didn't need it. Maurice had already been through enough tonight and it was time to set things right here, a little one on one with Karina for a chance for redemption was out the window, but he'd focus on the objective and help the two when he needed to be. "Don't thank me sir."He said, shaking the man's hand with a smile."I just want to help."He said, letting him shake Karina's hand next and listened as Maurice voiced his doubts about Eon. With a wide smile, Kross intervened on the boy's behalf."Yeah, Eon's right, he may be young, but he's really tough! You have nothing to worry about, my friend."He assured Maurice."And Karina's just as strong, if not stronger. So don't worry."He said. He heard Eon suggest that Maurice get coats or blankets. Seeing that Karina had given Eon some extra clothing, he smiled, that was nice of her..of course Kross would probably catch cold, guess that's what he deserved. Seeing that Eon and Karina were covered for the trip, he turned to Maurice."You don't have to worry about the extra clothing, I'll power through this. Let's go."He said, letting Maurice lead. If he did, Kross would trail behind the group, his arms folded over his chest, rubbing his bare arms to keep warm.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 11, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Kross123
    Kross stabbed his Odin keyblade into the spin of the monster and pulled it back, making the monster thrash in mid air and give in to his steering. He steered it left and right before pulling down, making him go high into the air and do a backflip before slamming it head first into the ground. He pulled his keyblade out and swung it, the single action cleaving the head of the giant heartless dragon from its shoulders. He breathed a sigh of relief but when it started to disappear in darkness, the tendrils started going up his legs. Try as he might to get them off, it consumed him.

    Was this the end? He opened his eyes, seeing that he was against...something. He looked around, he was back into the Keyblade Graveyard, was this where the darkness wanted him to go? He looked about, dark clouds were in the distance, a clear sign of battle. He grunted as he stood up, unsure of whether to join or to watch, or to just not get involved at all.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 7, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Kross123
    Kross quietly listened to Maurice as he explained about the beast. He felt sorry for the man, it seemed the oldster had a really bad experience at the castle.wait, the castle? That's it! That's where the others were, they weren't off course, they landed right where they needed to be. He stood up, hearing footsteps through the snow and turned, seeing the young lad head towards him. The guilty smile made him smile and he waved off the implied apology."You're just in time Eon." He said. He took a look at Eon and Karina and turned to them."Eon's got the right idea, we can escort Maurice back to the castle, and we can rescue his daughter."He said, turning to Maurice and put his hand on his shoulder."Don't worry, just show us the way, we'll protect you."He said, he was ready to go when they were, waiting for the old man to guide them.
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 7, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Kross123
    I vote Karina

    ...What? I think girls with attitudes are cool
    Post by: Kross123, Feb 2, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  13. Kross123
    Unlike Karina, who seemed less than entertained by Gaston's theatrics, Kross was quite enthralled, not just for the showmanship of course but for the information. Gaston just answered him in his own way, as much of a sleeze ball as Gaston was, he was well-informed. He crossed his arms and listened, picking up the beast's description of 'big fangs and big claws'. It sounded akin to a heartless, or the Unversed. If they were being threatened by this 'Beast' then it was Kross's and Karina's job to take care of business. As Karina once again told Gaston off for being so showey, he felt a bump in his side and glanced down to listen to Lebouf. He nodded slowly and watched as the old man tried to explain that he encountered the beast. He then saw Gaston throw the man out, wincing a little as Karina got even angrier with the larger man. She went out and he turned to Lebouf, shaking his hand."Thanks for answering my questions."He said to Lebouf, looking up to Gaston and laughed sheepishly."Sorry about Karina! I'll go after her. Thanks for the help!" He waved and made his way out to where Maurice was thrown. He saw Karina already questioning him and he went over, opting to be more gentle."Maurice is your name right?" He said, kneeling down infront of the man and helped him up, dusting the snow off of him. He hated cold weather, Pepper Island was usually tropical so he was used to hot, not cold. "Could you tell us what you know?"He asked."What about this castle? Do you think you could point us in the right direction?"He asked, smiling, trying to calm down the man, he knew Maurice would be distraught over Gaston, leave it to kross to try to diffuse any impending conflict.
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 28, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Kross123
    Karina was right about something, Gaston, as he was called, had an inflated and infuriating ego but if there was any fury with Kross, he clearly didn't show it. He couldn't let anger and rage cloud his judgement, he had questions to answer and this world seemed to provide them with many others. He watched as Karina smacked Gaston's hand away from her head and he frowned with worry. He sighed and scratched the top of his head. He focused on what Gaston had said earlier, about Karina treating him like the Beast. 'THE beast, not A beast.. singular form..wonder what that's about..' He thought to himself. If karina didn't want to complete the mission right, he would have to. He went over to Gaston and looked up at him."Excuse me, Gaston was it? What do you mean 'The Beast'? Is it some sort of creature? Did it have any defining symbol on its body?" he asked.
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Kross123
    Spending 15 crowns on Magic +3 and 12 on Speed +3, leaving me 12 points to spend
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 22, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. Kross123
    Karina's icy response sparked little than a raise of the male's right brow. He couldn't take it to heart, they had a mission to complete and usually that had little room for personal feelings. He didn't reply, because a large male came in, off a haughty and arrogant aura, but it also looked like the man had self-esteem issues. Kross couldn't see the wrong in a person. His brown eyes landed on a shorter man that addressed him, calling the two odd balls. "I wouldn't say being odd is a bad thing, sir."He said with a bright smile. Seeing the man being shoved away. He spotted Karina going up to the large man. He bit his lower lip, if he knew her, she would..yep, she was telling him off. He swallowed a bit, eyes narrowing, she was compromising their mission. They were only supposed to control the situation of the heartless and the Unversed, not meddle in the affairs of other worlds. He knew the consequences would be dire, no going back now."Karina, no, you gotta stop this.." He went up to her back, putting a hand on her shoulder."We can't interfere with the affairs of this world like this." He took his hand off and stepped forward, looking up at the large man."I'm sorry, You'll have to excuse her temper she'"He said, tilting his head."I'm Kross, this is Karina. Your friend mentioned an inventor's daughter, is she someone you like?"
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 21, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Kross123
    Well, at least Karina wasn't being violent with him, just her usual cold tone. He frowned anyway, cautiously sitting back on the stool and turned, seeing karina sit and order a drink. He caught the napkins and quietly accepted the task of cleaning up the water he spilt, mumbling a 'thanks' before disposing of them. Her question was not too far off and he wondered too, why did he end up in the town instead of the castle? It made little to no sense. "Our coordinates were correct..but I don't know the answer to that. "He said, then sipped his water, placing it down and thought for a moment, then shrugged, oh well.."First rule of adventuring, Gather Information..or is that the second..ah well."He said and glanced at Karina."We could ask the locals where we are and where the castle is, it couldn't hurt, right?"He said, hopping from his stool. He was ready when she was.
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 21, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Kross123
    Kross thanked the bartender when he got his water, swirling the water in the semi-tall glass. He was in a different world, which looked nothing like the icon, was that a bad thing though? He had to stay on guard however, there were still enemies here he assumed. He didn't sense anything yet, but that's where they got you..where you least expect it. He took a sip, closing his eyes. 'Oh, it's you' His eyes snapped open, recognizing the voice, his water sprayed from his mouth, immediately getting up and turned, the long ebony hair tipped her identity off. It was Karina, she was approaching him, so he pressed his back against the table, swallowing, his knees weak with fear. He had to reply however, he knew she was angry with him, but replying was better than nothing."Ka..Karina.."He managed with a dry throat."Y..You're here..I mean, you're safe..I- I hope your trip wasn't too turbulent?"He asked, feeling the warm tavern drop rapidly in temperature..
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Kross123
    Kross walked along, so far he encountered no threats or resistance. The people seemed to welcome him back, after a run in with Shang and Mulan, he asked them about the locket. They didn't know, but he wasn't disappointed. He should have seen it coming. He sighed, putting a hand to his armor, but before he could, there were screams coming from down the dirt road. He widened his eyes and ran, sliding to a stop as a giant Dragon Heartless appeared before him. He called upon his Odin Keyblade, gripping it tightly."All right, let's do this..!"
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Kross123
    Kross had landed on the world, but it seemed he was a little off. The castle was very far off, it seemed he was no where close. He frowned,disappointed, had he missed his coordinates? That couldn't be right. He thought nothing of it and jumped down from his bike. It was cold, he rubbed his arms and spotted the tavern to his left. He went in, the merry music greeting him. THough he hadn't an inkling that Karina had landed in this world, he was focused on completing the mission. He went up to the bartender, his haori around his waist flapping behind him at his brisk pace. He shyly greeted and sat down in a stool infront of the bar. "May I have some water please?" He asked of the man.
    Post by: Kross123, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena