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  1. Kross123
    Kross was set to fight, and after heavy blows to the Thorn, it split into separate possessors again. Again with this cowardly tactic, which he hardly called a tactic. At last, it was his turn, so he had two choices, Heal his ally or attack the possessors. He chose the latter and gripped his keyblade, rushing over to a possessor and swung his keyblade down, horizontally, and finished with a spin attack.

    Kross used Combo on Possessor B
    Post by: Kross123, May 16, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Kross123
    Kross sighed, as well as the fight was going, he was running out of things to do in terms of magic but maybe he could help one of his allies. The Beast took a nasty hit earlier. And he still had yet to heal him. He pointed his Keyblade at Dark Thorn, then redirected the keyblade to The Beast, raising it up in the air. The beast was covered in a green light, it would heal any wound he had and restore his stamina too, two birds with one stone. It was the only thing Kross could do to help right now, he couldn't do much else.

    Kross used
    Cure on The Beast!
    Post by: Kross123, May 14, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Kross123
    Done and edited, sorry about delay, had work
    Post by: Kross123, May 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Kross123
    Name: Warrior of Light
    Video Game Series: Final Fantasy
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Sword and shield, knightly armor, some basic magic

    Name: Red
    Video Game Series: Pokemon Red/blue/yellow
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: His team consists of Charizard, Pikachu, and Pigeot

    Name: Wally
    Video Game Series: Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Battles with his team of Gardevoir, Fearow, and Delcatty
    Post by: Kross123, May 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Kross123

    Kross finally gathered his courage and exited the break room, going down the hall where he heard talking going on. He could see Karina storming across his line of vision, so he was being the wise guy and went the opposite way, only glancing back before he reached the others, jerking his thumb behind him."What's eating her this time?"He asked anyone present.
    Post by: Kross123, May 12, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Kross123
    The possessors dropped one by one, and as glad as he was of this, it was too easy, he needed to keep on his toes if they were to succeed in this. Sometimes this was the time when solidarity came in handy."Don't worry about us."He said to the Beast, smiling at him."It'll be okay!" He said. He widened his stance and spread out his arm, fingers forward. Then he rose his keyblade into the air, circles of light surrounded his form."Explode!" He shouted.

    Kross used
    Mine Square!
    Post by: Kross123, May 12, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Kross123
    It looked like the Dark Thorn summoned three underlings to do its bidding. As Beast shaved off half of one's HP, Luna had made it faint all together. Now it was his turn to show them what he could do. He hopped ontop of the wall and then hopped down, raising his keyblade on Possessor B, the only one who had not been hit. The hairs on him began to stand as static electricity surrounded him, summoning bright yellow lightning from seemingly no where to strke the dark possessor."Shock!" He shouted.

    Kross used thunder on Possessor B
    Post by: Kross123, May 11, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Kross123
    Everyone had their certain technique, and Kross had a lot of work to do to catch up to these guys. He couldn't just lag behind and get weaker, no way he was going to do that. He had something to prove, to prove he wasn't as childish as he seemed, to prove he was strong enough to protect his friends. He left the safety of the wall and slid towards the monster. He swung his keyblade up to strike it, but since it was a large boss, he couldn't knock it into the air. He then flicked away, going above it and swung down, striking down and landed to the ground, hopping backwards and backflipped over the wall with elegance, landing among his allies.

    Kross used Aerial Slam!
    Post by: Kross123, May 7, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Kross123

    Kross was a little uncomfortable about her talking about Beuce, yes, the guy who loved to make references and break the fourth wall. He was contextually insensitive but he wasn't that bad of a guy.. Her mentioning of finding another love sparked something in him, something he had not felt since he was 17 years old, hope. He then shunned it, it was impossible, she rejected him, if he remembered correctly and she broke his heart, there was no hope that was going to fix that. He only nodded when she proposed to leave him along, giving a slow nod in reply."I'll be out in a little bit."He said, turning from her, only hearing her footsteps echo down the hall. Why did he come here? THis was just a place for painful memories, was he that much of a masochist?"Ugh.."He sighed."I hate romance.."
    Post by: Kross123, May 7, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Kross123

    Kross glanced to the side, he didn't need her sympathy or anything like that. He only told her the truth and nothing more. Granted, he may have had a crush on Ananta at one time, heck there was even a time when he felt something for Karina. In the end, they both rejected him for people who would eventually, not to his knowledge, cause them both some sort of harm. He shut out love at that point, just wasn't worth it. He only glanced at her when she addressed him and he shook his head."Uninjured, just winded..Omega is..tougher than expected." He said and sharpened his eyes to think for a moment."A few hours ago, give or's been very recent.."He answered. gaze sharply focused on her."Are you injured in any way?"
    Post by: Kross123, May 6, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Kross123

    Kross and Ananta stood in silence for a minute, it was nice so he hung his head, closing his eyes and thinking she had no more questions. That is, until she grabbed his arm and tugged him along. He opened his eyes and stumbled behind her, what was she doing? He only followed until the two entered the break room. He pulled his arm away with a confused grimace directed at Ananta. He eyed Ananta for a minute as she asked, once again, what happened to him..He sighed, giving up. He sat across from her, red eyes scanning her like a hawk, seeing if she was listening."Okay want the truth? ..I'm not supposed to be alive."He said."If you remember the final battle against Vanitas and his cohorts, it was the end of them..but it wasn't the end of the Heartless."He said, leaning his arms on his lap."Xehanort lured me to the Keyblade Graveyard only to ambush me..I lost the battle and I was put into an eternal least it was supposed to be eternal."He said."I woke up from my coma not too long ago.."
    Post by: Kross123, May 5, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Kross123

    Kross only caught the tail end of Anta, karina and the rest's conversation. he lost interest at that point so he hung his head and closed his eyes, drifting in peace. At least he was until he heard footsteps approach him. He opened his eyes to see Ananta approach him. He nodded in greeted, smiling briefly before looking away again. He kept quiet, she was speaking to him and he was paying attention."Too many questions."He murmured and looked up at her."I'm older now, you should expect a little height to come with it."He said, taking some of his white hair, pulling it a bit."I don't know why THIS is thought..Maybe a side effect..ugh.."He trailed off, quickly looking to the side. This was uncomfortable already."I don't want to talk about it."He said. He looked at her."...How is your life going? That boy over there..he's your son isn't he..I missed so much."He said.
    Post by: Kross123, May 5, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Kross123
    Kross was about to reply to D'Dear when the Beast called them over. As they escorted the Beast, Kross remained silent. Things were tense, when they finally got to the Ballroom, there was nothing there. Instead, a darkness gathered and Kross immediately covered his nose and mouth, feeling nausious. That was until the the darkness manifested, first into a ball and then into a beastly figure, a Heartless by his assumption. He tensed up, this one seemed powerful, but he swallowed down his fear and his keyblade flashed in his hand in a flurry of autumn leaves. Twitterpated appeared in his hand, as faithful as ever and he took a stance, keyblade pointed in a slanted motion behind him and his hand forward, a typical mage stance.

    The players went first, Beast with providing protection along with Luna putting the initial hurt on the monster. He aimed his keyblade forward, the tip glowing a cyan blue before he spoke."Freeze!" He shouted, hurling a magical chunk of ice at the creature.

    Kross used Blizzard!
    Post by: Kross123, May 5, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Kross123

    As eager as Kross was to finally have some sort of ground against Omega, he had promised himself long ago that no more sacrifices would be made to that monster known as Kingdom Hearts. He only crossed his arms and reclined against a nearby wall. He only regarded the rest of his allies with an incline of his head but paid no more a mind to them, they could do what they wanted, he didn't intend to die. He was just going to help, he never wanted to be involved in this battle any more than that.
    Post by: Kross123, May 3, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Kross123
    Unequipping Blend

    Equipping Combo(Skill), Aerial slam(Skill), Thunder(Mag.), Cure(Mag.), and Mine Square(Mag) if I can
    Post by: Kross123, May 3, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. Kross123
    It looked like it would be him, D'Dear, Luna and Steel for this escort mission, and Kross was more than ready to prove himself. The allies he arrived here with were on a different team but they were important to the mission. He turned to Eon and Karina and gave them a thumbs up, grinning."You can count on us!"He exclaimed, going over to join his new allies and grinned, putting his arm out."Come on, we can do this, so let's get Belle to the Beast and help him defend his home!" He exclaimed to them.
    Post by: Kross123, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Kross123
    Kross focused his gaze on the injured man that Ananta put her effort forth to heal. He glanced up as she addressed him and he gave a tiny smile and a nod in reply."Take care of the others, they need you."He advised calmly. He stepped back as she pulled the sheets to the infirmary. He only gazed to the side and closed his eyes. He was already wishing this was over, but he couldn't help but catch an interesting term..X-Blade. it rang familiar. The physical counterpart to Kingdom Hearts. A weapon of true destruction, and of restoration, the one with the name that meant 'end'. This post had just gotten more sinister. Though he shook the thought off and took out the locket, gazing into the mirror. It still showed his SOS counterpart..but why? Was it related to Kingdom hearts? Maybe if he destroyed, or helped to defeat Omega, the image would go away."Or maybe not.."​
    Post by: Kross123, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Kross123
    It seemed everyone was picking their teams, most were going to Vincent and Krowley. He figured Karina would, seeming that her earlier reaction to the man was strong. He sighed, it seemed almost none of the key wielders would stay with the Beast, He raised his hand."I'll stay with The Beast. The residents of the castle are strong but these fiends of darkness can only be slain by keybladers. I don't want to end up leaving the beast wide open, I hope you can understand."He said, stepping back to join the other team.
    Post by: Kross123, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Kross123

    Kross spotted the Mother Crystal, his red eyes narrowed a bit and he listened in on the conversation at hand. He shook his head and walked towards him, speaking as he did."That rampaging monster will not stop until it finds us, Ananta. It was a good idea to retreat but if we run too much, there will be no more room to run to. We can't hide in the dark forever where these fiends prosper the most."He said."We can't show or feel any fear towards this monster, fear beckons the darkness."
    Post by: Kross123, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Kross123
    Kross frowned, his plan went out the window. He wanted to actually take out Gaston first to deflate the mob's morale. He bit his lower lip."But the mob are just innocent people clouded by the poison Gaston has fed them, We can't fight innocent people."He said. He never wanted to harm innocents, it didn't have to be that way, They needed to focus their energy on Gaston, he was the instigator. He considered Base's question for a moment, stroking his chin."Gaston's vanity is his biggest weakness. He has the ego of a zeppelin."He said. Steel's suggestion spurred a thought."If we're going to divide the mob, we need to divide into teams too."He said, frowning that his plan got stomped on, but he sucked it up, maybe this is a better idea.
    Post by: Kross123, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena