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  1. Peace and War
    Jumping in to some comments not specifically to do with the OP.

    Rooster Teeth Let's Plays have really lagged in quality to me. They've been so focused on continuing series like Minecraft and GTA that what made them fun has been run down to nothing fun. It's like three young cocks harassing each other whilst the older guys keep up or tolerate it. They don't feel like friends any more but work colleagues who are friendly. It's the issue traditional TV has when they don't change. Jokes get old, chemistry is lost and effort seems to decrease in some departments, and is generally just repetitive. I'm still subscribe, and I only watch for Ryan and Lindsay these days.

    Nintendo are a conservative and old company, they don't do change and act like rocks. This little shift is exactly that, it's bull in the grand scheme of things, and won't change the YouTube content. A few might think it'll be alright to play a few Nintendo games but that still isn't worth a lot. This is an obvious ploy to market the WiiU, and it'd be laughable if it made a difference to the system. Sony are the only ones not backtracking on their stuff so far or trying to make changes to their marketability, it seems.

    Problems I have with most Let's Players is the problem I have with most gamers on the internet. They dislike something about a game and think they're views are godly and prattle about it the whole video. And they complain why reviewers gave the game a good or bad score, like reviewers words are law. And many are misinformed or generally just not informed about a game, its dev or publisher, anything like that and then make a comment about it as if it's fact. At least journalists are accountable, YouTubers aren't.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    It was a response to that in light of people saying 'not all men' in the wake of Rodger's spree. It's basically the antithesis of it, by including all women into he sphere as people who all suffer under misogyny. I'm sure a number of woemn would dispute suffering misogyny, but the message is a good one.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  3. Peace and War
    Power to the hashtag and all, but the one issue I have is that many people on their seem to think misogyny was the main cause of this violent outburst. Of course it added to it and allowed Rodgers to channel his anger into something, but it was his degraded mental health that led him to this point. There are plenty of misogynists out there who aren't violent, as much of a cop out as that sounds, but it's true, they don't all go out and kill people to make their point. Most have the mental capability to resist this behaviour, unlike Rodgers. More spree killers have mental degradation than misogyny under their behavioural personality. His hate against women was his outlet, but it could have easily been against non-white people, foreigners, the government, or his school/work colleagues.

    Still, the hash tag has had many good messages about the problems women face and i'm glad it's spurred many good messages and statistics that has made many people think.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  4. Peace and War
    Abusers come in all forms. When I worked as a teaching assistant, one of the girls seemed to be physically abusing her younger brother on the playground. Not saying she really hurt him, but she was quite relentless, and she got in trouble a'' the same when on the school grounds. As long as the abusers are treated equally in that they're punished appropriately, sex should not matter.

    Saying that, I'd hit anyone if the conditions were right. Saying that, the condition has never been right and will doubtfully ever be as such. Women aren't inherently angels, precious and fragile beings. I've seen a woman beat the **** out of a guy almost double her height and break his arm. I'd welcome her help any day if I was in a situation, but i doubt I could handle a fight against her. Being human usually means asserting a dominance over others, men are just typically the ones seen as needing to use physical violence to accomplish it.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  5. Peace and War
    JRPGs - played enough to get the gist of most of them and kind of know where they're going. Nothing surprises or interests me as a result, and they're overly long for no reason but to grind, it's like playing a Charles Dickens novel without any real reward to end on it and with constant stereotypical characters. I was told Bravely Default was going to do something different for me, but nope, still lots of long tedious sections that seemed like misteps. The Persona and KH series are the few exceptions for me. I'm waiting for something else to change my mind.

    Japanese voice acting - A lot of JRPG people on the internet seem to love it. I hate it. Not only do the voices sound stereotypical, but the frickin women who play little girls sound as if their screaming a majority of the time. It's like there is no range of ability for most of the voices portrayed and I turn the volume off when they're there.

    Platinum Studios - I don't really get the hype. Their games are fun, but they all seem pretty forgetful to me. Admittedly I want to try Wonderful 101 because it seems like a bit of a departure/experiment to what they usually do, so maybe that'll grip me. But Revengance and Bayonetta were ok games that people said I was going to love. Would've widened this to most Japanese action games, but I love Ninja Gaiden and the Warriors games.

    Assassin's Creed - Feels like they're borking a great series. Revelations and Black Flag were pretty boring compared to the others, and I can't believe a game set in the French Revolution is going to change my opinions. If they focused more on gameplay change ups and altering some of the core mechanics, I could see about caring again, but so far, nope. Same problem with CoD, but I think that's become a fairly common thing that it's not just me.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 27, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  6. Peace and War
    I rarely care about my overweightness and more my mass. It's annoying to slug around in uncomfortable clothes or sit in some seats comfortably because of it. But it's surprising, most of the clothes I actually have problems with aren't related to my fat mass, but my actual physique. My thighs are naturally thick without fat which has caused me problems on long walks or exercising, where the material of my clothing rubs together against my skin, so much that I start to shred the skin off which is disturbing. Or as annoying, my shoulders are naturally wide and finding some shirts and especially jackets that fit me nicely are near impossible without spending proper money.

    I've never heard of thin privilege, sounds like balls. Overweightness should be accepted, as much as we accept smoking or alcohol consumption. Excess is very bad and if someone's going too far with it, it's their job to deal with it as long as they're not hurting anyone. I've been told by thin people they'd love to be more like me, because they find it impossible to put on weight. I never really thought about it like that before, because there are health problems associated with being too thin as well and bulking up at a steady rate is just as hard as losing it. I am happy to talk about it, I don't think there should be a stigma on anyone on their weight as long as they know and aim to do better. Again, like smoking or drinking.

    Saying all that, I may be fat, but I eat healthy, and I care more about that right now than being overweight. I've cut back on food portions or replaced them with healthier alternatives and life is perkier now, not as sluggish or tiring and just easier to deal with. I know my problem is exercise, that I need to really work at improving that, but I doubt i'd lose much weight and am content with what I weigh for now. Honestly, I make more jokes at myself for being fat than anyone has in years. Who cares? Kids point out differences and shout about it. I thought adults would be better.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  7. Peace and War
    Doubtful, you're mentioning Hush who is an already established villain, whilst Arkham Knight is specifically a new villain designed for the game. For me, at least, that implies not connected to any villains of the DC universe, though I could be wrong. The amount of people who believe it's the Joker is a bit mental considering I believe they've confirmed he won't be in it. But everyone's expecting it to be a lie and then ta-da.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 25, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  8. Peace and War
    Welcome to consumerist culture America, I'm glad you've finally arrived. Is this a real surprise? Everything is sold im America, a museum gift shop is the least of anyone's worries.

    Pretty much, yeah. This is at least this is a non-profit business, but the money made by people selling their stories to the paper, writing novels, making Hollywood films, how have they never been an issue, since they are most assuredly making a lot more money than a gift shop? Biased and one sided views by the tabloid and families of the victims, it appears.

    I also have less sympathy for the Horning family, since they've sued over this issue. They're complaining about the city making money off their dead son, so their responses is to want a cut of it? That's more shocking to me.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 21, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  9. Peace and War
    I'm saying Godzilla fits into genre fiction perfectly, and that a lot of people wouldn't expect a monster film to have the best character development or relationships, but would expect impact, movement, action. I'd be one of them. Same way I don't expect The Expendable to have a character development between all of the 8 main cast members. It's not an old movie thing, it's simply a writing thing. I'm not sure if injecting 'personality' would've added to the film, I think it would've been trying to appeal too much to either audience and not fulfilling either's desires. Could've seen what adding a drunken Japanese guy or Jet Jaguar would've done to it, but I think it would have not interested me at all.

    Also i've heard a couple reviews mention the 'Ford' character, and they've said, generally speaking, "ok, I know military guys who would probably act that cold and despondent in the situation, they're trained to be emotionless drones after all, so I can't say that's bad characterisation" so it is realistic, if boring, apparently.

    Because Capcom. The Japanese company killed the old franchise in terms of continuation, that wasn't Ninja Theory's fault. It's dead to Capcom, and I am almost certain the original series will never come back in a proper console gaming form ever again. Ninja Theory were just contracted by Capcom to make a Devil May Cry reboot with a western mindset. They accomplished that and made a good game even. It was never really designed to appeal to old fans, not the way the original series would, and was instead made to attract new audiences. It worked, because I played and really liked it compared to the 3, which was the only game I tried before then. But I believe even the potential of the reboot game becoming a series is gone now thanks to these old fans who never stopped hating and shouting at how they didn't want it. The vocal minority, as they say, but it's what companies stupidly listen to, a one sided argument. Which is a real shame, because a new DmC would've been something I would've bought if they improved upon it. Godzilla seems to be getting similar, if less intense, hate for the same sort of thing. It was even pretty obvious from the trailers how serious the new film was going to be, how the military was trying to kill this monster that was destroying everything, with dark brooding colours, danger at every corner. It was more realistically aimed, which accounted for the serious tone, at least that's what I got from the trailers alone, seeing as I haven't seen it. but trailers are kind of 'proof of concept' for the audiences, these displays of what the whole film is gonna be about. And by the sounds of it, the trailers are fairly accurate to the movie.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Peace and War
    Yeah, I am. Does that mean I can't enjoy games whilst demanding they be better? I don't want another ten years of modern soldier FPS domination on the market, like I didn't really want the Japanese RPG domination of the ten years prior to them. But it doesn't mean I haven't played the hell out of a lot of them. I love the Battlefield and Bioshock series, along with the Kingdom Hearts and Persona series. I just want things to change, more because they're generally bog standard and boring, no real grip to them.
    Sniper Elite 3 looks enjoyable, impactful and a time sink. It's no game changer, but it's not trying to be, it only needs to be a solid and fun experience. It's also a WWII third person shooter, which is a rare commodity these days.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 20, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  11. Peace and War
    Culture holds weight to any of us, it's unavoidable, not only because it's always there, but because of the innate human desire to be a part of it, or failing that, make it.
    I think of everything, modern and ancient, language and architecture, East and West. I remember the African tribes who live purer life on white plains under blue skies. Of the American Gold Rush in the unknown Yukon, Alaskan snow and deadly beasts as man struggles for riches. Of Chernobyl and its ghost town when it was lost to radiation meltdowns and the animals walked the streets. All of this because I've been reading, watching or playing something based around such things. Which is part of it right? We make words that speak of our histories, our achievements, our feelings and failures. We are shaped by our cultures, our creeds, our ways of viewing this existence. And sometimes we think we're rejecting it, rebelling from it by being individuals, but that's the beauty of culture, it evolves, it never becomes stagnant or weak and is created anew. It can die, but it is a phoenix, where in the ashes new things rise after its death.
    Culture is what makes us human. It makes us a part of something bigger than ourselves. It bridges the gap.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 19, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  12. Peace and War
    Mainly English stock, with Irish and Italian ancestry. Want to know more, but I think i'm going to be disappointed i'm not a mongrel.
    Puritan stock, Llave? So original.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 19, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  13. Peace and War
    I use to change myself accordingly, at least for a few avatars. But I'm still me, mood switching all the time whether or not a face is there. It doesn't dictate me any more, I have no investment in it. Might explain why I haven't changed this one in so long.
    Still, Varric is a storyteller, and I feel like that fits me pretty well in real life right now, more than my online persona. Strange, but it's maybe me bringing myself onto here.

    As a part to the avatar in games, I usually play as 'myself' first time through, which would mean moral right, male character. However, most everything else is different. Typically I design a green eyed, dark skinned, white haired guy, with a tattoo or two. And i'll try to be anything but human, so that means elf, dwarf, or creature.
    For the upcoming Dragon Age 3 i'm probably going to be a Qunari because they are unique to the series and i'd like to play the game as an 'outsider' to the typical DA world. Or for Star Wars: The Old Republic I loved playing a race as the opposite of what they're typically characterised as (like a light side Sith Pureblood, or a dark side Republic Trooper). Oh, and in The Elder Scrolls I usually play a new race each time, but not what they're specialised in, so instead of playing a High Elf as a typical mage, I played him as an archer assassin.
    If these say anything about me, i suppose it's that I like playing as the underdog or the non-stereotypical version of a race. It's fun to play against type, I find.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 19, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  14. Peace and War
    Terrible month for games, especially compared to The Last of Us a year back. None of these look as if they'll make ripples, which is a shame, because usually there's one game a month worth looking at. Then again, Tomadachi will be the most memorable, more from the controversy than anything else.

    New one i'm actually interested in. Something satisfying about the slow mo, x-ray, bullet cam and stealth aspect. The Sniper games are rough but enjoyable.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 19, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  15. Peace and War
    I'm going to take a fairly massive leap here, but the human characters were more characterised than Godzilla was. This is based off of a logical conclusion rather than watching the film.
    I still don't understand this criticism of serious films being 'old-school' or i'm not understanding what you're trying to say. Because more films are serious now in my mind than has ever been.
    Also, characters are meant to move plot and are made interesting or deep to keep us interested in the consequences of the plot has on them. There's this belief or argument in novel writing, mainly, about literary and genre fiction. Literary fiction explores deep characters but has a lot of musing and no real progression. Genre fiction (like Sci-fi, horror) is the opplsie, with tons of actions and characters with sometimes little development who follow stereotypes. A great piece of work can have the best of both, and most great writers do so. But there will always be fiction that doesn't nail that, and will fall into the traps of either fiction category. I think it's a bit harsh is all.

    That's exactly what happened. They're not part of the same reality in the DmC universe. What's this idea that it's somehow replacing the original? It's still there, still alive in a recent HD collection. Unless you're one of these older fans who believes that by killing the new game that it'll somehow resurrect the original series, because that's not happening. That's not how business works.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Peace and War
    Regardless, I find it strange for a film to be criticised for being 'too serious', especially since its original incarnation was a serious affair, despite whatever over the top and cheesy exceptions that have been made. This is a remake after all, of a Japanese franchise. And I could bring this back to a Devil May Cry VS DmC remake debate, but that's hellish territory, yet Godzilla seems like its facing the same criticisms.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Peace and War
    Wasn't the original all about warning people about the deadliness of nuclear warfare, the folly of human uses of it and our apparent need for destroying everything, where science and military, the government going public and keeping secret (along with love and suicide) were all issues in the film?
    It feels strange to argue it wasn't camp enough.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Peace and War
    It's funny. This behaviour encourages misogyny, as does it encourage misandry. A spiral of sexism, what terrible paths people can walk down.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Peace and War
    I've done half, about.

    I'll just say, nutters are nutters no matter whether they have a penis or vagina.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Peace and War
    I like these type of films that don't show us the creatures or ghosts much at all. One of the most horrifying things about Cloverfield was the sound the creature made but you never properly saw it, just a limb or eye at a time. Once you start to see the monster it can be underwhelming, or at least not as fear inducing as simply not really knowing would've been. Just to see the absolute destruction it can inflict is scary enough.
    Actually it's something good horror, monster and serial killer movies have in common. By just seeing or hearing the destruction they an cause without putting a face to them. Faceless enemies are the scariest and most intense.[DOUBLEPOST=1400406804][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Exactly. It's no artwork, t's literally just a dumb dinosaur film. I never saw Godzilla before it, heard of it though, so i had no attachment or pre conceived notion except it was a giant lizard monster. So the 98 film was good with me. And actually the writing was no worse than the other monster films i'm going to guess, especially from the dub trailers i've seen.
    Post by: Peace and War, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone