I think it's wrong to implicate Slender Man, Creepypasta or the internet at all in this sort of incident. Like the shooting a few weeks back, people have been blaming the misogynistic culture as the reason for the incident. Blaming these instances on either of these things is incorrect to me. These are outlets for their anger, their mental ideas, something that clicks with them. It could've easily been any other sort of outlet, like I mentioned in the misogynistic thread, such as an attack against the government, parents, a crush, who or whatever for any reason they reasoned was right, or blamed on the attack because God told them, or the aliens did. Typically this sort of attack in this context is a result of a schizophrenic disorder, since these girls couldn't distinguish between fiction and reality. Though two girls with a similar psychosis meeting is rare, and likely the dominate of the two is the one to have it, or neither may and another psychosis may be the case. In any case, the extremely likely they have some mental issues and it has led them to need an outlet for their warped views. Really, it's an unfortunate combination of factors and events that led to this. It has happened, will happen again, and we should be looking on how to more effectively predict or deal with these situations as a culture. We can't simply ban Slender Man, or the internet, or whatever these type of people claim is what made them do it, it's obviously not the issue, this whole transference of responsibility for their actions, but we should be cautious in the obsessions and content people get themselves deeply involved in.
Best ideas I can think of generally revolve around teaching balance between things. Teach authority and responsibility along with freedom and carefreeness. Show the strength of fists along with the wisdom of mind. Look down AND up in the world. Respect the intentions of laws and not always the letter of the law. Understand that hate and love are siblings, uncontrollable and dangerous yet intense and life changing. Debate before fights, but be ready for both. It's hard to know, since I think i'm more up for showing then telling, teaching by example I hope. And honestly, none of us will be able to make our kids perfect or to our expectations. They'll become Christians or atheists, be gay or straight, reject or accept your lifestyle. In these unexpected, uncontrollable ways, they teach us more about ourselves then we can believe they do.
Nah, I don't go to the cinema much, too expensive, rarely anyone to go with, etc. I watch a number of trailers released online though not too many. I disagree, many trailers can make things look good and convey an entire experience well. Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, all have been really good in setting the themes and tone whilst building up to their release. Dead Island and Star Wars: The Old Republic trailers have been excellent, better than the product that actually released, though not very representative of the final product. Admittedly, TV series trailers I can't remember much of but that's because they're generally boring. I'd watch this just because other people hark on about it, and not because I want to. Much like Game of Thrones which i've never really got into till this fourth series, or Dr Who which is just something people talk about that I watch to have an opinion on. I was tempted to watch Attack on Titan all the way through, but after a slow and boring couple of episodes that seemed to focus on melodrama and ultra violent content, i gave up and read the wiki plot and character summaries. And I didn't care if others were talking about it, the plot sounded as if it was going to get mental and turn into something I didn't care for. So you're saying that the nudity shouldn't be addressed in any deeper or more diverse ways in the show because it isn't an issue to you? I have an issue with it. I feel like if it's there, it needs to have a deeper reason, and if it's not got one, why's the skimpiness even needed? Fan service is a reason, if it is a terribly weak one that panders to the male audience members and what a lot of animes seem to consist of it, or at least the ones i've glanced at that aren't aimed at kids (though some still do), you'll find a very sexualised or large breasted lady with highly detailed breast physics in the animation for little to no reason. From the trailer, this seems to fit that mould. It interests me even less since it seems the reasoning is so background. Obviously, I have no clue though, having watched a trailer and that's it, whilst people are telling me the reasons behind this lack of clothing. Sure, terrible writing all around in all mediums, but I'm saying popular anime is generally balls in the writing department. Even the anime I love has terrible writing, dialogue especially, but the art style and characterisation allow me to love them and disregard them. I wouldn't consider them anywhere near good enough to rival other mediums, on average, though. Maybe it is my stigma on the subject, but animes never seem to diversify or experiment with the medium in any meaningful way. TV series and movies have vast histories of trying new stuff all the times with most shows actually being well written these days, but a number of **** ones still get through. Video games commonly have bad writing, but a number of games like Chrono Trigger, Mass Effect, Planescape: Torment, Gone Home, all experimented with the medium in their stories. I can't think of one anime that twists the normal tropes on their heads and tries something radically different. Maybe it's through a lack of looking or detail, but i've not heard of any successful anime like that. It just seems a stagnant medium and I give it a lot of flak as a result. I'd be happy if you could point me to something like that. I'm saying it seems like a weak justification, which makes me think the writing is weak. Stephen King says that themes should also be a secondary thing, an after thought, when the action and the plot should dominate. I agree mostly. I think male skimpiness is as much of a problem to explain in a story as female nudity if it wants to be taken seriously. Why have these guys got their shirts off when it's obviously freezing, or why are they shirtless when they're going to run into a gun fight? Fair enough if nudity like this is used to highlight a quirky, casual and ridiculous show, but Kill la Kill seems to be taking itself very seriously in that trailer. Also, I already gave the example of super hero genre, which has tight clothed women who are comfortable with themselves and who act sexy. Though it started off with the same issues with anime to me, a lot of fan service to men and terrible characterisation. However, as the decades have gone on, they all seem much more rounded as characters and have been 'reclaimed' by many women readers.
That sounds more like the artists and director wanted sexy revealing skimpy clothing and they needed to explain it away. So they asked the writer to do their best in why this girl's half naked and has constant close ups. Slap an emotion on it, overcome it and then it's normal to wear lingerie in battle as it'll never be mentioned again. Fair enough, it's one of the few shows to explain it instead of just ignoring it and treating it as normal, but it's still pretty weak to explain half naked anime battles. In reality, any one wearing less than basic armour would be seen as ridiculous, even if it was explained away. I can't remember who, there was an ancient tribe who went into battle naked as to induce fear into their enemies and a part of their. That's historical but it's still ridiculous. They were also conquered because the lack of armour made them vulnerable as hell. The fact that the lack of clothing makes someone stronger is even more ridiculous? Is it really impossible to not see how ridiculous this anime is? Most anime to me is ridiculous. Doesn't mean it's less enjoyable, but it is ridiculous. Ok i've said ridiculous enough.
I didn't really think many here were into MMORPGs. At least enough to get votes.
When I learnt it wasn't just a position in Rugby. Rugby humour, rare but a gem.
I swear, the standard of hookers goes down year by year.
Stop making me feel old! D: Cheers man.
It's a trailer, it's suppose to give me a sense of the series. If it's accurate then i'm not that interested, seems like Battle Royal, which was ok, but different. If it's inaccurate, well I have nothing else to go on. There are so many shows out there, this doesn't seem taking a chance on when I have other stuff to watch. I'm waiting for an anime to pique my interests again, but i'm still just riffing off my childhood nostalgia to watch again, as the usual high school, magical girl, mega mechas and such just bores my mind since i've seen it all done before. Unless the story's about prostitution, sexual abuse or something that just shows the harsh contrast between fighting and sexualisation. Otherwise, fighting massive magical battles in skimpy clothing is incredibly ridiculous. Traditional superheroes are ridiculous in the same way. Batman, Spiderman, all of DC and Marvel is still pretty ridiculous if not characterised or balanced well. I mean, it's grown men in colourful spandex with super powers and secret identities. That's just mental. It wasn't until stuff like Watchmen shifted the idea of superheroes as being flawed to an incredible degree and show the ridiculousness as being quite tragic. Also I mentioned ridiculous plots as a detraction. They're not always bad, I like quirky and different ones, but since it's based around the high school theme, I couldn't care less. I could also talk about terrible writing of anime, partly due to being lost in translation, partly due to generally bad Japanese writing, with reliance on tropes, stock characters, overly complicated plots and other such generalisations that have plagued the genre's stagnant writing for years.
What the heck? Is this a real plot about high schoolers taking over the world or something? Everyone's treating it as serious. And what the hell is with that skimpy outfit change at the end, that's just random and overly sexual even for fantasy battle gear. Oh anime, I can never take your attempt at intense characters seriously with plots and clothes like this.
Cheers and thank you all. Have a drink on me, if you do such things.
I've stolen the heart, please.
Drugs are bad for you in the short or long term, it doesn't matter the specific drug. It feels strange to have people who condemn alcohol and cigarettes, yet seem to be lenient on drugs. Not sure what to say about them really. Because they make you feel good, doesn't mean they're good for you. Didn't we all learn that about chocolate and fizzy drinks as children? Of course, I must clarify, I mean in a purely recreational situation. Medical drugs are damn near crucial, where people are in situations where their bodies require some manipulation in order to fight pain, resist illnesses and such.
Really? Could've sworn i've had patches before. For Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon at least, I mean i've not got AC4 or 3 on PC and I presumed their statements of releasing patches were true for them too. Not to say they ran better all the time, but the bugs were reduced a lot more. Crashed a lot less too.
in my Gothic and Fantasy Literature essay! A 78, which is unbelievable considering i've never seen a lecturer give anything above a 74. It means, I believe, i've got a first for my whole module. Unbelievable, i've rechecked the grade about four times now. For those who don't know, a first is basically the best achievable grade in a degree over here in GB. 70 is the lowest score to get a first, and 80+ is the higher first, and practically genius level for an English literature course and means The person should probably be published. So i'm well frickin happy at this outcome, I may actually do better overall this year than i thought. Just gotta wait for my other grades to come through. I never dreamed i'd get a 1st in anything, let alone this high. ****in ace! I'm on a Freakin high right now, so high I want to dance.
They had the same issue with AC4, PC version of Ubi game is usually under par or difficult to deal with at launch. They usually patch problems.
I've had no technical issues at all. Isolated issues it seems and not a total fault of the completed game. Fun game, almost too much to do in some ways. All the hacking has good feedback to it, you always feel like you can have control of a situation. Missions are good, repetitive, but I always look to try something different each time. Car chases whether being pursued or pursuing, just feels fun. Multiplayer is tense and very Assassin's Creed like blended with GTA. It's a very good new IP, still doesn't immerse or impress you as GTA does, but a fun alternative that's trying to do its own thing. Sequel will be terrific, when some verticality is added to the mixture like helicopters and such, as well as make some expanses to the hacking abilities and how you can manipulate the world with it. Of note, the sex stuff is annoyingly common with its attempt at being funny just failing, leaving everything being a bit awkward. I mean you get several moments of guys masturbating or couples having sex or mention of sex toys without any reasons other than as a joke that that's all the internet is about and that's all that anyone does behind closed doors. That stuff works in GTA because it's a game completely about satarising American society. It just takes me out of the experience, I realise then that it's just a game and not a Chicago I can prowl around in and experience the world of a truly powerful and interactive hacker. I just feel like i'm watching the badly scripted sex bits in a tv show. The unfortunate result of a disjointed writing department, but that's Ubi for you. Good writing and characters here, but terrible stuff over there that distracts you from the good.
Play Scribblenauts if you really want to have a go at this idea.
I love this, great games coming into full potential on consoles. And the combat and controls of the Last Light coming to the original is great, because the first was gruff and rough. I'll get this at a low price, be great to experience it all again. My only question. What's with the PC release? Is it just for the control changes? Doubt that'd persuade many existing owners.