That's what's stupid though, they've already had customisable female multiplayer characters before. To say they can't now is a lie, they're simply saying they won't. The animator for ACIII, who also worked on Mass Effect 1 & 2 and now works at Naughty Dog, made an educated guess that the actual animation work would take a few days to complete not the 8000 unique animation changes that Ubi argued was one fo the reasons. He said that most animations are androgynous, it's mainly the idle stances and walking/running animations that are sexed specifically to give visual character. He even quipped 'look at FemShep.' [link] It's a step backwards in many ways. I get why they''ve done it, you as the main character will always see yourself as Arno, the main character. To others in co-op you will be seen as someone else, one of several male assassins like in the trailers. But why can't you specifically choose how you want to look to others if they're going to generate a customised character anyway? Even Halo has allowed you to play as a woman in the main campaign, and still does in its multiplayer, with customisable armours. How is it you can't customise your multiplayer character to show off to others? They say it's too costly, in effort, money and time, so they cut women altogether. Dragon Age: Inquisition originally was going to have you play only as a Human, yet because the fans wanted to pick between different races as they did in the original, Bioware decided to return the elves and dwarves to pick from, and even introduce the Qunari as an option to play as. And of both sexes as well. So that's 6 extra (8 altogether) body structures, animations, textures and so on for them to include. But because it's what their fans wanted, they aimed to do it. Ubisoft just don't seem to give a **** about adding more to their game even if they know people want it. Have you played The Last of Us?
Going through them now. I'm not into LPs of recent games like in the last 5 years or so, but Super Best Friends, who LP stuff from the 90s or early 00s mostly. Because, like when I read historical fiction, I feel like i'm learning something. Since we're all recommending YT things, might want to check out Matt Lees, he does some good stuff. Gamewank! Cheers man! You've literally just reminded me of BitSocket which i've been hearing about lately. RoosterTeeth, LetsPlay and Yogscast. I realised I had barely been watching any of their stuff for the last 6 months and when I did I was bored and desperate, which didn't change by the end of their vids. Needed something with heart behind it again.
That's like saying Disney should've stuck to making movies like they did pre-90s. Once they hit an era where they shifted things up and had more individualistic women, some who were even heroines themselves, they just shouldn't have because it went against their image of damsel in distress motif. Or that they shouldn't have supported Pixar films, because it wasn't the traditional cartoon animation style. Nintendo need to change in a lot of ways. After the Tomodachi Life social issues they had, and the fact they rely on a handful of franchises to develop, they need to diversify those franchises as much as possible. I liked the Robot Chicken stuff. Showed they're at least aware of the problems fans have with their games. If anything, with their stiff WiiU sales and their disconnect from fans and developers when it comes to their vision, if they become less traditional and a bit more adaptive I think they'd flourish again in the home console market for core gamers instead of just the casuals.
You're pissed because you think it's feminist reaction? From Nintendo, the company headed by mainly conservative, old, Japanese men? It bothers you they're trying to be progressive? Maybe you didn't mean it like that, but it read to me a lot like that. Also, where's this sci fi game thing coming from? I mean they already have that with Samus, did they mention another sci fi game?
Thought you lot might know of some interesting people to watch. Comedy, gaming is my aim, but i'll take a look at any recommendations.
See, we can agree on this thread.
Literally or metaphorically?
No you sound like my mother. Have I been advocating "Ban the Spam Zone" movement again? I have such incredibly poor timing with these things.
Alright. He just seems so disjointed. Forced emotional moments, meh comedy and constant murder sprees of bullets and neck snapping. He's got to have some sort of psychological problems. Good character relations though. It's trying too hard to be quirky. See that to me means bad.
When'd you become his bouncer?
It was alright. Well organised. Boring though. How can you find a serial killer Indiana Jones that attractive?
Just because there are no wounds now, doesn't mean we need to pick the old ones. I mean, if you really wanted dramatic forums I could point you to a few. Wounds abound there, scabs to peel and puss that festers.
That's it Nintendo won. No contest, was years in the making. They had no guff, almost all of it was gameplay footage, they showed how it all worked and had original looking IPs. Splatoon looks so so good, so original for once. Fair do they did bang on about Super Smash Bros way too much and they have these Skylanders/Infinity figures, but in comparison to everyone else Nintendo actually turned me around from thinking they'd be bad to thinking they're good. All the others did the total opposite.
Still thinking of the term, but the connotations of said term are becoming increasingly negative as old problems are being revisited. Maybe, rehash?
That or stuffy old white exec who tries to be funny and relevant. She was much better this year, she seemed more humble and not so much 'trying to do stand up at Ubi conference'.
Boring E3. So many CGI trailers for stuff that should be in engine. So many in engine stuff that should've been in game footage. Mental amounts of teasing. Microsoft may have 'won' slightly more than the others since their conference was organised and direct, like 'we'll start showing off stuff for this year, bam, you can buy these reasonably soon, and here's stuff to drool over for next year, bam' and it was done. With Ubisoft next and Sony and EA both being a bit boring and just waffling on and not really showing anything that new or interesting or it was new gen version of old games. I'm seeing Nintendo possibly winning me to getting a WiiU if they announce or show a lot that's impressive and it's stuff for this year release wise. On note, the two genres I find boring, Racing and Sports look the most interesting and are trying something different. The Burnout guys doing a first person multi vehicle open world game looks good. And PGA Tour doing fantasy golf courses, which is something interesting and fun is just a good idea.
As per every year, me and my friends are having an E3 night, where we try to stay up to watch Sony's conference till 4 in the morning. Honestly, the PS4 pricing last year was the only thing that kept me awake and talking. So yeah, I care, but I try not to see pre-release information, since it's mostly wrong and if right, just spoils the surprises for me. I'll easily be talking about post E3 stuff.