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  1. Peace and War
    Cash cow. Good idea considering the track record of From Software, will probably boost the parent company, as long as they leave em to get on with their thing and don't interfere too much.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  2. Peace and War
    Biggest problem about reviewing rep is how do you grade if it's appropriate or not. And one staff member can interrupt things differently to others. Do you then make it a vote, or a first come, first serve thing?

    Rep systems feel like such a video game mechanic, +1 and -1, you are now two green gems, twenty more for a third.
    They're easily exploitable too, as repwhoring was a thing.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Peace and War
    See, I think if I was old enough to have been around when this happened, i might've cared about this discovery. The problem is, it's like telling me they buried a poor selling, limited edition Beatles album in Phoenix, Arizona and after decades, they've found it.
    I suppose I should care more since it's a part of gaming history, and I probably will when the documentary about this is out but, yeah, well done for finding plastic bricks, fellas.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 27, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  4. Peace and War
    I think anything that requires luck. Hoping they never get a critical hit, or don't heal, or don't stay out of range attacking from a distance.
    Or things that go against the actual set up of the game and the choices available. Like Deus Ex Human Revolution allowing you to stealth and hack through missions, silently taking down (not killing) enemies and then throwing bosses where you HAVE to kill them with loud, noisy guns.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 24, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  5. Peace and War
    Well, this is an interesting set. Might as well try and answer them.

    Depends on the change. Women are trying to advocate education for women in their country. Don't resist. Russia is trying to invade your country. Resist. My belief actually advocates no resistance no matter what. Trying to change the world just makes things worse, which I partially agree with. But sometimes you need to push some things forward, when waiting can be worse than doing.
    You should be the water. The water adapts, it fills whatever is needed, it moves forwards, explores the world and picks up a bit of everything. The boulder will stay there, unmoving, but slowly wearing away, till eventually it succumbs to the water having learnt nothing.
    Depends on the change, again. I accept some things better than others. I hate having to look for a job or losing one, I do like that sort of consistency in my life. And my travel into Uni, I like it being simple and direct, as soon as the chaos of delays and needing to switch lines and being delayed an hour, yeah, no thanks. But changing a diet or what I wear, or going out with mate, most of that I'm perfectly content with changing around. Admittedly I do like to organise and make a light plan on what I'm going to do in the next week or month, just simple stuff they doesn't always get done but at least try and aim to do.
    I don't actively change myself anymore, not really, I feel like i'm content with where I am at for now. I use to really try and change who I was to better, basically, deal with my day to day life. I became more organised, more uniformed, more focused, and tackled my own laziness, solitude and mental issues. It's worked so far, so why rock the boat?
    I probably would change myself for someone, or more accurately, try. I doubt I could change fundamental things, but I'm willing to try something new, especially for someone I cared about.

    Change is as good as you make it. If we accepted life as it is, we'd not have developed or grown. Doesn't mean we should be steamrolled, sometimes we must resist.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 24, 2014 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Peace and War
    Hell, i've changed most on the site, and it's kind of for my better, and maybe not everyone else's in particular. But i've been trying to work with what i've got, i've learned a lot of things and i'm happy where I am. Honestly, I just try to not let the internet be such a serious thing for me anymore, something I worry over and fear of. Change is therefore good, for me.

    This particular change was sudden for two reasons. One, the security as has been noted. If we had told everyone about it, chances are another attack would've taken place before we could make the change, delaying the eventual move and potentially bring down the site. And two, it was suppose to be a good surprise. You don't tell someone what you're going to get them for Christmas, and we kinda hoped it would be enjoyed because of the surprise factor. Reactions were disappointing to say the least, but we kept on working.
    Otherwise, feedback and assistance allow debating of issues and allows ideas to be proposed. And many features implemented are announced beforehand, the site usually doesn't make big changes anyway. the like system revamp was discussed and when I left still being tweaked by staff, so it all goes somewhere and any changes staff know are going to happen are usually passed on to us.
    Basically, it's ok, nothing has blown up yet, we're still here, still talking, we'll live through this, together.

    Of course, they could all be dicks now, it's been a number of months for me.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Peace and War
    To be frank, forum users in general are not prone to change, which I find odd considering most of them are liberal, it's so bloody hypocritical.
    When I was on staff and when the team made decisions that affected the site on a large scale, we were pretty attentive to detail and knew what we were getting ourselves into, planning months in advance and debating it. Misty, out of anyone, proclaimed before the rest of us that people won't like the change, she said they never do on here for as long as she's been on the site (which I do kind of believe too).
    She was bang on the money and the outcry was bloody annoying considering how long we'd been working on trying to implement it all and make sure it ran smoothly, which was mainly up to Misty admittedly. So I think she knows from experience that she won't change people who are still hating Xenforo, years after its implementation. It's a resignation which isn't always healthy, but it's what happens after consistent results.
    So take it easy on her, is all I'm saying, and the rest of staff. Not that you're on their back, or I'm aiming this at you particularly, really it should be at everyone who reads, but I'm rambling on someone and it's your post, by chance. Most gracious apologies.

    I can also verify that Xenforo changes, after the initial switch, helped staff be quicker and more efficient in the work they had. Which meant more events that could be produced regularly and generally just made working less of a struggle.

    Meanwhile, the site's alive, and there's **** to be done.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Peace and War
    They are, but we're the weird country that just doesn't get it. I was arguing this with my lecturer and a couple more students student from Norway and the Netherlands in the class. My teacher was curious about writing in a different language and how foreign writers see their country and what not (because writers are opinionated about anything). We went on a discussion about how the UK as a country is so much more prudish and uptight, unhappy with greater crime rates and so on, compared to other European countries. The foreign students reluctantly agreed, probably because they didn't want to insult. But that's theUK, the biggest prudes in a bunch of liberals.

    Thankfully our sexual education is so much better than it use to be, and the classes taught are by generally likeable people. It's not perfect but it's better. There are many groups in universaties and youth centres talking about healthier sex lives and so on.

    Porn is not anymore addictive than any other substance. Sex addiction is arguably worse.
    Not to mention, our laws allow consensual sex from the age of 16, yet we can't view porn till we're 18. Porn laws over here have been stupid, but largely irrelevant till this happened. Still arguably will be irrelevant when it comes to it. Sexually active people will get what they want by any means. Online porn is arguably safer than alternatives. It's private and contained, cheaper and safer for porn performers.

    Side note, the youngest father in the UK is 12 years old with the mother being 13, as was recently shown in the news. Honestly, this has been happening for decades, but this apparently constitutes as news to the papers
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  9. Peace and War
    By the sounds of it, the course must have a very loose criteria and assessment bracket wise if it can be altered by the teacher's preference. My lecturers can't base a mark on the student's abilities in class or from mutual agreement with personal beliefs. Not saying they all do that, a few are generous especially the feminist teachers, who are fine but my god one track minded when it comes every text. It's all sex and repression in texts through the ages, or for my American Lit teacher homosocial or sexual men. But being reassessed by other lecturers to make sure you're not a biased grader usually curbs that.

    I don't feel comfortable picking classes to get an easy grade from it, admittedly. I'll pick what i'm interested in, whether the teacher is a hard arse on not, though thankfully most are good. None of them are bad actually, but just they don't click all the time. Still, I would've liked it if rapport helped my grades, otherwise I would have better marks. The fact everyone in my classes thinks i'm the smart one makes me worry about how bad other's grades must be.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Peace and War
    Turn and face the pain

    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Peace and War
    True, that's how I justify it to my science and engineering friends, at least.

    It's even more annoying then, that I put in all this work and i'll probably be in the same grade bracket I'm always in, just a few marks away from the next.

    Still, hell to self-pity, next essay begins soon.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Peace and War
    Never ever take an arts based course.
    You'll kill yourself trying to get it, and you'll never get it. You'll never do it. You can't.

    Ugh, I've just submitted some work in I know is good, but I wanted it to be great. I'll get a 2:1 but I wanted a 1st so badly I've spent over a week on this work. Three more left for next Wednesday deadline.

    I'll die doing it, so this is a farewell broiled in self pity.
    All the best.
    Thread by: Peace and War, Apr 21, 2014, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Peace and War
    From what I saw the oxygen only occurs outside of inside areas. So on the moon's surface and such will mean you need to loot, whilst in bases it'll be the regular game.

    It's Borderlands. If I could play it with mates more with it, i'd care. Otherwise it feels a bit empty for me.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 16, 2014 in forum: Gaming