I LOVE THISSSS Honestly, this is totally my style and it's something I'm trying to learn. I'm so jealous that you can do this! I don't have any CC either, maybe if you cna make it a little smaller? So I can use it as my siggy that would be perfect. <3
Doesn't ring a bell. Were you a long staff member? o,o
When I saw this video aired on TV I was stunned also. Like, literally taken aback. And turns out, after some hefty research this isn't something "new" he's always been this way. He has charges against him for raping a 13 y/o. And this happened so many years ago and it's still going on (i may be wrong here though, I can't remember). He has other charges against him for sexual misconduct, harassment and more towards women. I'm surprised honest,y since he's a father of a daughter. His children don't speak out against him???
Did you have a different name back then? I remember more then half of the mods back then
THIS RIGHT HERE IS SO IMPORTANT. He has disrespected all women. Now, honestly yes everything else that has come out of his mouth is also repulsive (literally, everything). The debate made it worse and people are still wanting to vote for him. it's more then a disappointment. it's hurtful to see these numbers. I have my opinion and yadda-yadda but America is literally in a sh!t-hole. And everyone will be affected by this. And I don't think the world understands this.
[x] Shank some fool
Spoiler I was SOOOOOO looking forward to some killer pokemon battles, even just for Lance, honestly. I agree with @Iskandar Blue came off so strong here, then in the games. Where I felt that, in the game he was that kid who felt like he was in the shadows because of his rival (Red) and because of Oak. I'm in love with the style of the anime also, I wish they gave us more. :( But again, that was defiantly his "15min of Fame" and honestly I figured it was an easy challenge for Blue?? I mean even though he acted like he sucked in the game he was able to beat everyone before you did.
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Hey guys! Next weeks podcast will focus on the new staff members of KHV! (If case you forgot they are: @Fearless @Dr. Lux @Boy Wonder @Heart ❤ and yours truly!) Want to ask us certain questions? or want to know something about one of these kool kids? Ask us! Either post it below, or submit it via the question b0x ! Hope to read some interesting things! Also, this is a chance to get in the podcast! Everyone loves shoutouts. :)
I'm not too into these games this month to be honest with you. Last month was more "colorful" to me. I'm looking forward to CID VI, Paper Mario, Titanfall 2 and World of Fantasy. CID has always kept my attention, even tho they keep going, LOL! I was hyped for Titanfall but when everyone was like "garbage" I was p upset (because I liked the game). Who doesn't love any game with Mario in the title, and of course World of Fantasy I've been following for a minute. Looking forward to these titles! (even tho my vote is WoFF)
You're so awesome! I'm happy you know that. <3 OK, I'm super jealous. I can't draw this type of stuff. ;-; Anything with landscape honestly. I was trying to do some outlines of roses to paint (when i was trying out ya know, coloring) and I got so scared it's be crap so I just shaded it in. It's just a balloon with thorns LOL. Although, my drawings come out cartoony also. Totally in love! (please update this asap, quick edit something)
My favorite is the art you colored in. The colors standout and I'm just seriously attracted to color. And your RP edits, I didn't participate in said role plays but I can feel the creativity and characters behind them. c: Everything is all so lovely and I can't wait to see more. Do you do any traditional work?
Hey Roxanna! Just wanted to let you know, I'm gunna color in the drawing when I get home tonight! Sorry for the delay, didn't think today would be...
From the information given, it seems they want Ashe to have a "fresh start" and this time, he'll be attending school like all the other children. it said something alone the lines of "instead of Ashe traveling the regions, he'll stay in one spot to attend and finish school". So they made him younger on purpose and definitely changed the art style. I think a different team is producing this also, unless the quote I read was just a quote from the Anime Network.
well I mean
Of course! Me too, I'm looking forward to it!
i love how you made the characters alive. Like when someone doesn't use the proper, prefix? I think. Like "San" and "sama" I love that. Sylvester is creepy. I too feel like he did something he wasn't suppost too- or he's a fake. But my favorite part was reading about the characters. Sora working fast food and a student? Never would have assumed that about him! Same with Riku, I thought him to be like a tough punk in a gang. Kairi I took as the nice student, like how Sora is. However she came off like a snobby brat. And I love it. I can't wait to read how the auditions go for the trio. And let's not forget the faves of Mickey, Donald and Goofy. (A-huck) Over all this idea excites me. I wish I could have thought of something like this. "Where it all began" but in a movie form!