How cool! I'm excited to read what you get started!
WHoa these scores! Look at yall go, great job. :D
Is this more of a fanfic or a novel? (I know you said novel but then you @ Maka so I wanted to just double check). I agree about the calling, maybe like once a week or month? I wish I could work on this y'all have some great ideas and I'm so inspired but 2k words a day is so much with a tight schedule ahhhh. (I should try and make time)
What is 'Fun Home'? I'm not too found of musicals but this fanfic sounds very interesting.
This is a very rough subject because I've changed my ways dozens of times over the many years I have suffered with depression. However I hope some of these can help you. First off, I keep a journal. And I write down everything I can. Now I don't bring it with me everywhere because I'm terrified of losing it. So in my notes i write a small detail that will remind me to talk about it. A day can be busy and hectic and the sad part about it, with me is that I can forget that small thing even tho it was super important to me. But this is important. Writing helps you reflect on what you did. And this is what I write. How my day went. What bothered me through out my day. What sparked anxiety or ANY emotion. How did I really feel about my day. What was super cool or important though out my day. What made me happy. I try and be as detailed as I can, and when I'm not I can look back and see "oh well, I was having a bad day". I also like to write about the things that inspired me. That means a lot. In terms of lists tho, I never go all out anymore. I get too overwhelmed and feel cluttered and it just makes me feel terrible. Because I never really finish everything on there. So when I do make lists they are super tiny. I got laundry to fold? Alright, on the list. I need to vacuum? Ok on the list. I never put more then 4 things on there. And school is an everyday thing, so If i have a ton of school work to do, I'll make a list based on when it's due. For example: Here I leave "study" off. Because I also study, even when I'm doing homework. I mean.. it's homework. Idk I lump it together. So lets say today is Monday. I will make a list for that day. "Make an outline for power point project." (insert due date) "Make an outline for essay due" (then insert the date) I stick these in my planner because that's what i view all day. So here, I just focus on the important stuff. I don't add anything else because I know I will feel overwhelmed AND when I want to take a break I clean. So I don't write down the chores that need to be done. (if you do something else when you take a break from homework focus on that. If it's tv time, social media time do that. Don't stray into something you know will make you unhappy or any sort of anxiety.) Secondly, I focus more on what makes me sad then happy. Sometimes there are reasons and sometimes there aren't but it's better to find out what makes you unhappy then to not, ya know? This is what I've learned over the last few months and I've never felt better. If i know sitting on the comp playin games makes me unproductive and unhappy? I don't do it. This is super important, but this works for me. If you need to focus on what makes you happy then do that. Thirdly, find out what makes you happy. I finally went out and did the things I've always wanted to try and do, and I love them. I've been able to make new friends. but remember if something makes you uncomfortable or if you have some kinda social anxiety don't engage in it. :/ Unless you really wanna try it out, then I defiantly encourage you. I also like to try new things and interact with people that I know I can be friends with. School is different, since I'm not in clubs or taking many classes. So I can't give too much there, but with work I engage my co-workers and then in my creative writing club I volunteer to go first I give my opinions and what I want to change with their writing that they bring in!
Now that i think about it, idk why I signed up since I can't sing and I don't wanna hurt anyone LOL. But I'll sing 'Never Again' by Breaking Benjamin. I own't know an official day, since the 29th is a Saturday and that starts a new week at my work (they post the schedules once a week vs 2 weeks in advance)
i'll literally watch this from the list you made i'm desperate
Whaaaaat. I should honestly play yugioh now. You play magic? DUDE WHAT MOVIES
I don't think we've ever met but honestly I'm so happy you're back because I've heard so many cool things about you. ;-;
hokies. how's your day been??
I only clicked this thread to see whats up because honestly I'm tired of reading "I smell butts"
quick list me some animu to watch that isn't long and boring
wanna play some league later tonight?? I gotta study when I get home and I might have to leave for a birthday shopping trip. ik it's Saturday...
That shade of blue is so intoxicating. I honestly can't stop starting at her hair. And how you were able to match that shade of blue with her dress, like dude. (only has a black wardrobe LOL) You even got her books in her book bag. Great attention to detail. You used CS6? have you ever colored with paint tool sai?
Spoiler for the record Dragonite is my favorite POKEMKN and I always have him as a main during the game and competitions. So seeing how he came to life, with his emotions and how scary he looks made me so happy. I loved how they also made the Team Rocket members walk. Because it's how they looked in the game when you battled them. I do think it defeats the purpose here? Because the series is about the small "back story" or events during the games. And even tho DT is right, it still is a bummer how they made this episode, but happy over all too!
YES! Like DT said, this comment was just all the wrong and left me scarred. But I too feel like this is something that is so small, and says so MUCH about how dirty of a character he is. And why he is still here in a running? Even with all this information? I can't even.
I recall Sara as admin and most of the reporters and like one sectional mod. But hey! Hiya and welcome back c:
I heard, first come freest serve demo players even get a button for coming by! What it is, or what it looks like has yet to be revealed!
I saw when you posted this, just didn't' have a chance to comment! The colors are appealing (I have a weakness for pastel colors). And as mentioned before your use of negative space was super creative. (I love poka dots also hehe.) Again, a beautiful piece. ~ Can't wait for you to get back into it and post more!