*glompifies destiny* XP
um....he didnt XD sadden is just another member with a similar avatar
who deserves what?
huh?so soon?
should we make an actual poll thread?(though then others could vote...
last ?Destiny ?
everyone decides who should be leader? and you cant vote yourself
arent you always
who would be the nominees?
THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND GUYS! and im fine last,you?
i dont mind it destiny :P
you are very entertaing to listen to :P
hello people :P how are all you,and yay!destiny is better*glomps*
go to doctor and get well!
School's still a drag...
you got sick from me XP dont get too hyper um....
i changed my avatar to match how i feel :/
tell me about it*hides in other closet* XD
school was a drag D: