that is just cruel
im sorry....i always say the wrong thing ): i cant do anything right.....
it's worse to see a run over cat in the street X[
oh....sorry ._.
thats different :P Look!*points at bird*
you were sad and now your angelic :P
hallo : P
i didnt know XP
*eats cookies*
but im hungry XD
what do you mean?
Hallo again :P
i is good :P you?
*gets off*sorry :P Me missed joo too :] *leaves*im goin to bed
Hiya! Hello *glomps*
Hello Hello Hello
dont worry i will!:D right around 2:30 PST i think XD
It suck D: i wish i could stay,but i have all classes today*falls*
not me D: i gotta go in like 5 minutes