Search Results

  1. Loxare
    I win! Yay!


    All of that sounds good. We could also pop by Ados for carbonated soft drinks. Also, we're going to planet Ip. There will be so much pie we will be able to take some with up to Eci Maerc. I mean, we could probably fill the hold for supplies, but I'm assuming the hold is already full of plunder from Izzap.
    Post by: Loxare, Jun 28, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Loxare
  3. Loxare
  4. Loxare
    One after the other. Azzip for supper, then Ip for dessert. And maybe Eciuj for drinks, I dunno.
    Post by: Loxare, Jun 19, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Loxare
    We should go to Ip, in the 3141st quadrant. The pie there is phenomenal.
    Post by: Loxare, Jun 19, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Loxare
  7. Loxare
  8. Loxare
  9. Loxare
  10. Loxare
    So floating in space having a grand ol' time? I can do that.
    Post by: Loxare, Jun 6, 2016 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Loxare
  12. Loxare
  13. Loxare
  14. Loxare
  15. Loxare
    Interesting concept. I haven't seen the idea of this kind of thing being something that was acted out by the characters rather than written, animated and voiced. Your grammar and sentence flow could use work, but overall, very good.
    Post by: Loxare, May 31, 2016 in forum: Written Works
  16. Loxare
  17. Loxare
  18. Loxare
  19. Loxare
  20. Loxare