I win! Yay! All of that sounds good. We could also pop by Ados for carbonated soft drinks. Also, we're going to planet Ip. There will be so much pie we will be able to take some with up to Eci Maerc. I mean, we could probably fill the hold for supplies, but I'm assuming the hold is already full of plunder from Izzap.
[color=magenta]Yes, there are, but they also aren't pantheons. By definition.
[color=magenta]Then the "Make a pantheon" achievement will forever go unfulfilled.
One after the other. Azzip for supper, then Ip for dessert. And maybe Eciuj for drinks, I dunno.
We should go to Ip, in the 3141st quadrant. The pie there is phenomenal.
[color=magenta]I guess. But then it's not a pantheon... Hmm....
[color=magenta]I think a pantheon has to be a group. Maybe one big god and a crap tonne of minor gods. Or only two or three gods.
[color=magenta]Well it is a pantheon. Unless you just start with one god/dess and the more worship points the more god/desses you'll attract to...
[color=magenta]Also plays, books and paintings. Depending on era, movies, music and tv. Basically, seduce the artists. Make them worship you.
So floating in space having a grand ol' time? I can do that.
[color=magenta]Was that [b]opera[/b]-tunities intentional? Because people writing full operas to you would probably give you a lot of worship...
[color=magenta]The currency would be number of prayers received in a day. So you start out with maybe one follower, and have to build from there.
[color=magenta]Lakes don't need ladders. Unless he lures them into a mountain lake and then raises the sides so it becomes a lake at the bottom of...
[color=magenta]Ok, but I still want to do the Odin and pool ladder thing. What's the point of a sim game if I don't get to make my own story?
Interesting concept. I haven't seen the idea of this kind of thing being something that was acted out by the characters rather than written, animated and voiced. Your grammar and sentence flow could use work, but overall, very good.
[color=magenta]Hera yelling at Zeus for becoming a swan and impregnating the neighbour. Trapping Set in the kitchen with a plate. Odin luring Thor...
[color=magenta]Nah, those are post-game bonuses. You still have to go through the entire dragon simulator first.
[color=magenta]All of the dragons should be playable dragons. Every single one. With unlockable other flying mythological beasts, like the Thunder...
[COLOR=MAGENTA]I am the dragon. I want to horde books. If I want to warm up, I uproot a few trees from outside my cave.
[color=magenta]Yeah, human concepts. Sentient. People thought wolves were evil, but like I said, the wolf just wanted food. Yeah, I could, but it...