Haha, whoops. I've been gone two weeks. Sorry, it's been busy. I kind of went ahead and wrote the thing with the BAPU ship, but it should be easy enough to change if we don't have permission.
Yeah, I do this thing where I write stuff, and then I back-edit like no tomorrow. I probably would have noticed that when we were further down the line. And definitely feel free to change literally anything I write if it's wrong or sounds funny or something.
Yup. Are you? I tried finding your name but your weren't on either list...
Sorry sorry! I had a bunch of early shifts at work and I've been bushed. I hope you don't mind, I made myself back-up pilot. Yeah, how do I add you on that by the way? I cannot figure it out...
Since my character has been established as a bit of a mother hen and really, you're not wrong... maybe one day I look at all of us just sitting around eating chips and cookies because our cook went somewhere and start making massive meals out of frustration.
Third person omniscient is the best. EDIT I started. Who wants to be the first to enter the dining room?
And of course, when we get sucked into a cosmic storm or whichever, it's all hands on deck as our severely-understaffed crew is all trying to do three jobs at once. Chaos reigns. I like it. Let's do it.
This basically. We could probably get a list of people who are interested, then assign random order?
Ooh, I like this! This is my description now. BRB, drawing.
That exact hat, with a skull and crossbones on it.[DOUBLEPOST=1469394736][/DOUBLEPOST] Ooh, describe me! EDIT: I don't know why that double posted. This is weird...
I can do both.
I am going to take artistic license on that one and give it a pirate bandanna and saber if no one stops me.
Yes. Yes it is. When I imagine people, if I don't know what they look like, it's normally their avatar plus something personality-like. The problem with that is of course when people change their avatar.
Yes, please do that. Otherwise, I'll draw you as Steph Brown in a nurse hat. My art skills are passable, but my imagination, she lacks.
Hm. Now I have to think about it. Also, if anyone wants me to draw what they looks like, my art skills are passable. I did a thing a little while ago where I drew all my friends as comic characters. That was fun. Could totally do that here.
That would be cool!
We could do a graphic snake like the one that was on here a few years ago. Like, one person draws something, and then the next person draws something that connects to it, and then the next person etc. If not, the writing thing sounds good.
Holy crap I've been on this thread for five years? HOLY CRAP I'VE BEEN ON THIS SITE FOR SEVEN YEARS?!?!?! Well then. I propose we celebrate, but let's not raise any glasses. We don't want to exacerbate Glen's problem.
[color=magenta]But I fixed it?
[color=magenta]Nah, there was a little gear thingie next to my headphone and mic thingie.