[color=magenta]What's your pumpkin pie opinion?
"Are you people blind? You're all so busy not trusting each other, not one of you has noticed how obviously evil I am? I strangled a kitten for star's sake!"
Voting for "crew member is acting funny, but the OC is evil". And honestly, it could be any of us. Midnight is acting strange, didn't she give us a vaccine last week WHAT WAS IN THAT SYRINGE? Maybe the strain of her former crew going missing has driven Pine mad. Glen is the most capable one among us with weaponry, but are we sure we can trust him? Did Loxare poison the spaghetti she made, why was she so eager to feed us when she never had before? Cap'n ordered this course set to begin with, did she know this was going to happen? DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN. And then the OC is evil.
[color=magenta]Delicious. But only homemade pumpkin pie. Store bought is atrocious and should be burned.
[color=magenta]Apple. Apparently, my mom threw it in there without telling me last year. So now I get pie~
[color=magenta]Makes sense. I'm thinking pie. Not for supper. For now.
[color=magenta]That's fun. Does that translate to soup and sandwich night or what?
And that's why it had to put the BAPU in pods. Because they kept freaking out that a whatever-we're-going-to-decide-it-looks-like was on their ship and it was agitated and couldn't telepathy.
[color=magenta]It was delicious. And, I found a pie in my freezer. So now I have pie. It is also delicious. So, what's your supper plans turning...
[color=magenta]Hot chocolate is always nice. To prove that point, I shall go make some for myself right now.
If we do do the space-snake thing, maybe we could recognize the species and try and win it over with cookies. That worked last time.
Well, we could give it a translator fish. Stick it in your ear, and it translates stuff for you. Then we could just ask. Dunno. It's moving about the ship, so narrow enough not to get caught in the halls, but large enough to carry away the BAPU crew without too much difficulty. Could be serpentine. Oh, maybe it's the mate of the Space Snake we encountered a while back!
And it grabs someone because it's having difficulty finding what it's looking for, so maybe another person has seen its love.
Maybe the pods the crew are in are memory pods, like in Voltron. And the alien is extracting their memories because they saw its one true love on a planet ages ago and it wants to find out where its love is. But it doesn't speak English (or the Space Common Language) and it doesn't have a translator fish, so it can't ask. Hence the extracting. Light-hearted, and doesn't end in grisly, digest-o-juices death.
[color=magenta]Which is just an excuse to go make hot chocolate. I'm still seeing the win-win.
Firstly: I haven't been on all year, how am I up there? Secondly: Thank you to the one who voted for me!!!
[color=magenta]Even less to lose!
[color=magenta]Sounds cool. Eh, go for it. Worst that happens is you get some practice at making opening posts and all the graphics those entail.
[color=magenta]Whoops. Totally missed that reply. To be fair, there's not much I can do with "okay". How's things?
Well, at least we know why pirate-Glen drinks. It's anime's fault. It's always anime's fault. *gives hot chocolate laced with rum* And if Pine gives us permission, as a former BAPU, would that be legit?