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  1. Loxare
    Arch meet me in the Denny's parking lot if you want to fight
    Post by: Loxare, Sep 7, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Loxare
    Really? Cause I call you Rat
    Post by: Loxare, Sep 7, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Loxare
    Heh. Cat. Nice
    Post by: Loxare, Sep 7, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Loxare
    My decade was a few days after KH3 came out. I can't believe you've put up with me for this long
    Post by: Loxare, Jun 14, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Loxare
    People Like Us, but specifically the one from the Doom Patrol show. Because it's pretty dang amazing

    Post by: Loxare, Jun 4, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  6. Loxare
    Yeah, there were some great times here. I was kind of hoping that KH3 would punch people in the nostalgia like it did me and bring more life to this place, but alas. Now we're all sitting in the corner of the bar, reminiscing about old days while the only light still on in the bar flickers above us.
    Post by: Loxare, May 18, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Loxare
    Amaury, my dude, my pal, it's been like, four years since we've had a conversation
    Post by: Loxare, May 12, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Loxare
    Oh really? Huh
    Post by: Loxare, May 11, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Loxare
    Post by: Loxare, Apr 29, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Loxare
    I was trying to view the Re:CoM cutscenes in the archive, but the only option available is download. It's the same in all of them except KHI, DDD, 0.2, BC and KHIII. Is it possible to get these back? I know I can go to youtube to watch them, but I'd rather watch them here.
    Thread by: Loxare, Mar 30, 2019, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. Loxare
    Man, right? I just passed my 10 year anniversary. Time flies
    Post by: Loxare, Mar 30, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Loxare

    I did this about a month ago and I still really love it? Anyways, hope you enjoy~

    tumblr version
    Thread by: Loxare, Mar 30, 2019, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Loxare
    Did we win against the RP Arena thread?
    Post by: Loxare, Mar 30, 2019 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Loxare


    Man, it's been a while. I'm not sure who all is still here, but hi to anyone who remembers me! For anyone who doesn't, hey, I'm Lox. I've been here since 2009 but took a brief vacation from about 2016 until now into the Batman fandom. Comics are disappointment, do not recommend, I might read some more later ANYWAYS. I will try to be active on here again. It feels a little like coming home you know? Lots of stuff is familiar, lots of stuff has changed (I have munny now?) not quite sure how I'll fit in or how long it'll take me to raid the kitchen in search of pie ingredients. Anyways, see you in the threads!
    Thread by: Loxare, Mar 30, 2019, 1 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Loxare
    I'm still white! Together, we outnumber the oranges!
    Post by: Loxare, Mar 11, 2017 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Loxare
    We have a bunch of red and yellow paint we can just mix.
    Post by: Loxare, Feb 19, 2017 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Loxare
    Well then.

    IC: Later that night, Loxie excused herself to go make supper. As she walked off the deck, she pulled a chef's knife out of her belt and started sharpening it, holding eye contact with Weird Guy the entire time.

    OOC: I hope he can join us so he can introduce himself properly soon.
    Post by: Loxare, Jan 28, 2017 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Loxare
    Oh, that's good to hear. The I will stand by my decision to threaten his innards but still feel a little bad for it.
    Post by: Loxare, Jan 25, 2017 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Loxare
    Oh no! I feel really bad about threatening to rip out his entrails now. I hope he's ok. Has there been any word?
    Post by: Loxare, Jan 23, 2017 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Loxare
    Hm. Probably not the Delta Annex then. Perhaps they were in Centur Sixteen. Loxare could see the Angusi belt 34 degrees starboard. Of course, it could also be the Vega Strip. They were basically the same constellation, just viewed from opposite sides and impossible to tell apart. If she could find Polaris, this would be much easier.

    Behind her, conversation kept flowing. Weird Guy (she still hadn't caught his name) asked, "So, what are my duties aboard the ship?"
    Post by: Loxare, Jan 1, 2017 in forum: Forum Families