Whoaoa now go Walk out that door Just turn around now CAUSE YOU'RE NOT WELCOME ANYMORE
Absolutely I will not. My bad taste is here to stay
Sapphire and faded jeans I hope you get your dreams Just go ahead, let you haaair doooown
No, this is my name
Same crap, different decade
I feel really bad for anyone who uses light because I chose this font colour based on how good it looks on dark and I'm not changing it
*nods seriously* Crapple.
Just because our house isn't a popping party anymore doesn't mean we have to burn it down. People still live here you know
Do you have definitive proof of that or am I just supposed to take your word for it? And why is your name a small rodent often considered a pest by many cultures?
Ok, so a few years ago there was a thing where you could put in how you wanted your post to look and it would put that into all your comment boxes when you clicked on them. For example, I could make a template that said [color*purple][font*times][size*12][b*] or something and it would put at the beginning of all my posts exactly that, so I wouldn't have to type that every time. Do we still have that? I can't find it anywhere. And if we don't, is it possible to get it back?
Damn[/] Arch, that was a nice arrangement. I've gotta vote for 2 though. It's so quiet and chill and that just resonates with me a lot. Close second goes to DDD for sounding like a carnival.
Run while you have the chance
I remember. Also hey! LP2P is back~
I was kinda expecting Spoiler
I'm all good. Chillin. Did some laundry.
Who needs toast when you can have a friend?