Thanks! It's going pretty good so far~
Well, I finally applied for and got into school. And in 2020 I hope to do well in my courses
Hard same. This was my favourite site. And actually, for a fourteen year old making her first forays into the internet, it was a really great place to grow up. Everyone here was always so supportive Also yeah, why not Yozorat, huh? Come on man, get it together
*soft island music, title card*
It has been a bit slow
Exactly. And what else am I going to do with my free time?
Psh, nah. That's exactly the right number
I wish my project was moving. I have a bunch of world building that I've done, undone and redone, and some bits and pieces of plot that I've teased out, but that's about it. My fanfictions have been going better, but I haven't finished anything enough to post in over a year
I appreciate you too BIU
Spoiler: Video warning folx
The Halloween candy is out and I am alive
True. It could have become a Despicable Me. The first one? Very good! I liked it. And then they became MINIONS and also Gru and kids in the marketing and plot of the second. And now it's just mindless. But in those quiet moments in the night, I imagine a Megamind sequel. And it's like the Incredibles. Good plot. Fast paced action. Heartfelt moments. Everything you loved about the first one, but built upon.
Megamind is such a good movie and I will keep saying so until my grave
You couldn't pry me away from this ship with a crowbar and a tub of grease
Yeah but there's just one of you and four active INVSP members who've posted here so far. Odds are on our side.
Metroman voice: AND WE LOVE YOU BIU
Yar. This thread be property of the Intergalactic Ninja Vampire Space Pirates. Give us yer booty