Too bad about the Pibb, but hooray for summoned allies! *raises glass of Coca Cola* What does our crew have in store for it next time? ponderponderponderponder
[color=magenta] Besides, we were talking about being "good dragons" and "evil dragons" earlier. Good and evil only come with sentience. Animals...
[color=magenta]Yeah. And if something with as small of a brain as an ant can do it, so can something bigger. Ok, but we're talking about a video...
[color=magenta]They don't have to be sentient. There's a species of ant in Madagascar that herds aphids or something for food. And lots of other...
Ok. It be eating the chocolate corpse cookies. Aaaaaaaaand... Well, it's not rushing us anymore. That seems like a good sign.
[color=magenta]With the option to steal a few cows or sheep and raise your own herd. You still have to go out and hunt, but the extra helps,...
[color=magenta]Totally. And people will learn that if you treat the dragon right, it won't attack. Or someone could try and break you like a wild...
[color=magenta]Yes! And the more slayers you kill, the more evil you become, and the more you leave alone, the better your rep as a good dragon...
[color=magenta]Horde books. Hooray! I only have one dog and he's really antisocial. And old. He's like the grumpy old man on the porch yelling...
[color=magenta]And to choose alignment. Do I burn villages? Do I keep to myself? Do I help farmers in fields? Awwwww, he sounds so cute~