OOC- Thankies~ And I think they should do, but I didn't want to add any in without asking first XD What do you think?
OOC- Sure~ "Personally I'd rather be too young then too old, at least you don't look stupid when you to things that too grown up for you. You just look naive." Lake sighed, she pulled a hair-tie out of her pocket and started to gather up her mass of curls at the back of her head. They were getting in the way while they were walking, if they ended up being confronted it would only be worse, so she needed to be prepared. "You still don't like baths Mickey." Lake giggled slightly. "I think it's a werewolf-pup thing, like how real puppies don't really like baths either." "I didn't cause problems when I needed a bath." Jacob interjected in an indignant tone of voice. "And be grateful I even have pyjamas on, usually I sleep in my underwear when I'm at home." Jacob said, looking back at his uncle. "And it's sheep because my mum brought them, personally I don't like shopping. So I get her to do it. Only trouble is I end up with things like this." He added on, tugging the light cotton fabric of his trousers slightly. Hermia stifled a chuckle and poked River gently. "I wouldn't go that far, but who knows." She grinned fliratiously. "And I like the idea of getting our own place, and it gives us more time to ourselves." "I hope you're right, it's just he's got the cockiness that usually causes the downfall of our family." Casey said, folding his arms and leaning against the nearest wall.
OOC- It's fine XD Sorry I haven't been on much, I had my last week of school which was just hectic and then I had a friend down for a week so we were moving around all over the place and I didn't get the chance to really do anything online. ^^' "A lot of things were better back then." Lake sighed wistfully, a part of her wished she could go back to the times before children. If only for a few days. She'd been in such a hurry to settle down and have kids because that was what she wanted for her future that she didn't really spend any time thinking about what she wanted in the present. "I was just kidding River, kind of." Jacob said, raising an eyebrow at the reaction of his elder cousin. "Besides, the main thing I'm annoyed about is the fact it's not something like jeans I'm walking around in, it's pyjamas with freaking pastel blue sheep on them." Hermia grinned cheekily at her mate. "Wouldn't it just. If we ever get our own place we could give it a trial run for a day or two." She said as she fell into step besides him. "But that's if we actually manage to get out of here." "I know, I don't doubt them. I'm just worried he'll bite off more then he can chew before they get the chance to do anything." Casey explained. "You know what he's like. He's like we all were at thirteen. Thought we were invincible, only he pretty has actually has been, up until now."
"There's things I don't think the kids really need to know." Lake giggled slightly, her mind casting back to the time where she got to see him half naked without having walked in on him getting changed or just before bed. Children, marriage and age really did kill the sexual romance of a relationship. "At least I'm sexy, so I can get away with it." Jacob said, a smug grin spreading across his face. The quick change between being sceptical about it to being fine with it seemed a little fast, so perhaps it was a glimpse into the true inner workings of his mind. "I wish I could get away with it, would make my life a lot easier." Hermia sighed. "I wouldn't care, it's just I don't really want to be arrested for indecent exposure or something like that." She muttered, fiddling with the drawstrings on the hoodie that was barely covering her up at the moment. "I wouldn't complain if you did." Jacob said, a slightly dirty grin crossing his face briefly. "It's Jake I'm worried about..." Casey added under his breath. His bright eyes glancing over at the spot that the boy usually occupied when he was at home.
Emo thread is emo. *throws lolipops and rainbows everywhere* I've had the most epic week of my life so far this week 8D How about everyone else?
Name: Adam Lee Age: 17 Gender: Male Birthday: 21st July Appearance: Shortish fair-brown hair, hazel eyes. Skinny build, but surprisingly strong. Race: Werewolf (But hasn't started shifting yet.) Bio: Adam has been one of Elena's best friends since they first met at platform 9 3/4s in their first year. And, has had a crush on her since their 3rd year. His family has some trace of werewolf in it, although it hasn't manifested in many generations. But it seems likely that he will begin to shift soon as he's showing all the signs. Name: Hermia Othello Age: 28 Gender: Female Birthday: 12th October Appearance: Long brown hair, brown eyes. A healthy weight and fairly tall for a woman. Race: Werewolf Bio: Hermia has been through a lot in her few years and used to be a Lone Wolf hunting and tracking vampires all across the country. However now she's much more settled as she has imprinted on River Malfoy. She's very agressive towards those she distrusts and has very little problems with walking around with very little on due to her tendency to spend a large amount of time as a wolf. Name: Ocean Jackson Age: 30 Gender: Female Birthday: 4th November Appearance: Long blonde hair, dark blue eyes. Petite. Race: Werewolf Bio: Ocean was a late blooming werewolf and only started to shift when she was in her twenties, once she'd realised just how much danger her family was in. Ocean recently married and now has a step-daughter and a daughter of her own. Name: David Jackson (Known as Jackson) Age: 35 Gender: Male Birthday: 25th November Appearance: Tall, black hair and grey eyes. Race: Human Bio: Jackson has always been a kind hearted man, and has always only wanted what was best for his daughter. Unfortunately due to this he was constantly taken advantage of by predatory women. Then he met Ocean. He will do anything to protect his family, even if it means sacrificing his happiness, or even his life. Name: Amy Jackson Age: 17 Gender: Female Birthday: 15th October Appearance: Long, straight, black hair. Fairly tall. Dresses very girly. Race: Human Bio: Her mother died when she was born, so has never known having a consistent mother figure. Despite this she is very welcoming to her step-mother Ocean, despite the fact that she now has an aunt who is the same age as her. She usually keeps to the background, unless something really rials her. Then it's next to impossible to shut her up. Name: Jessie Jackson Age: 3 Gender: Female Birthday: 16th September Appearance: Brown haired and brown eyed. Tall for her age. Race: Human (?) Bio: Jessie is a very playful little girl, and she gets excited over most things. It's unknown at the moment if she will shift. Name: Jacob Avalon Age: 21 Gender: Male Birthday: 11th February Appearance: Dark purple hair, dark eyes. Very muscular and tall. Race: Werewolf Bio: Since the events that occurred whilst he was 13 years old Jacob has been determined to one day surpass River's abilities. A target he is very close to meeting, if not already beaten. He's fairly flippant in his behaviour towards pretty much everything, and is very laid back.
It would appear that in the time that I've been gone over-protective parents have struck again. hoewell.
"There's something perverse about wandering around a place like this shirtless and covered in blood whilst wearing pyjama bottoms..." He continued to mutter as he followed after his cousin. "Eh, walking around shirtless seems to be what male werewolves do Jake. Get used to it." Hermia shrugged as she walked past him, the hoodie she had on only just covering everything that needed to be covered. Though it didn't seem she was making too much effort to cover up anyway, seeing as she had it unzipped to the point where from the right angle you could see more then you would want to see, unless you were a pervert of course. "Actually, werewolves in general just seem to spend a lot of time half naked." Lake said, more to herself then to anyone else. As a wolf herself she understood that being naked was really the only option, but there was seeing another werewolf naked and there seeing your future daughter in law and your nephew naked. Neither were things you really wanted to see during you life. "Everything will be fine Elly, don't worry." Casey smiled warmly as he came up behind her and placed an understanding hand on her shoulder. "Your parents have gotten out of worse scrapes, and so has your brother and Hermia."
"I want one of those..." Jacob whined to himself. "I want a shirt as well while I'm talking about things I want..."
Jacob rolled his eyes, River could be such a ****** at times. Yeah it wasn't the most sensitve thing in the world to say, but they'd always been like that since he'd returned. The two of them were give and take, one insult for another, an eye for an eye. Lake quickly slipped out of the door and looked around nervously. "I don't see anyone..." She whispered softly.
She used to do a lot of sport before she broke her leg when she was 11 (we're now nearly 18). Now she's lazier then me. And she's tall and skinny.
"Now isn't really a good time for you two to start a fight." Lake snapped at the two boys. "Getting out of here remember?"
"What? It's true." Jacob said, raising an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware it was a touchy subject. Unbunch your panties."
"Just because I'm younger then you doesn't mean I'm not capable of being good at fighting you know. It comes naturally to me, unlike you."
Jacob nodded. "That I did. He wasn't happy with me." He chuckled.
"I'll be fine." He said dismissively, waving his hand as though to brush the idea away. "I'm tougher then I look, I managed to get that stupid kidnapper good." "Were you the one who, like, took a chunk out of his arm?" Lake asked, her jaw dropping in disbelief. "Yep, that was me." Jacob grinned smugly. His pride was radiating off of him. OOC- sure, I don't mind.
"Might be a good idea to keep him armed." Lake said, looking over from her observation of the hallway. "He'll need to go in front and it's best to keep the front and the back protected." "I'll take the rear if you like." Jacob volunteered, a smug grin on his face. You could tell he was enjoying every second of this disaster.
"That like the werewolf version of a rolled up newspaper?" Hermia giggled slightly, trying to make light of the dark situation.
"You remember your way around right?" Hermia said, looking up at River.
"Eh..." He said, shrugging slightly and pulling himself onto his feet. "At least it worked."