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  1. Near-to-Tears
    "Same here." Hermia giggled, poking a finger through one of the holes in his t-shirt and tickling him slightly. A devious grin on her face.

    "Good girl." Lake smiled, as she pressed the shutter button and readjusted the camera for a different angle.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Near-to-Tears
    "Wait, since when could you make werewolves?" Jacob said, looking more then just a little perplexed.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Near-to-Tears
    "Might have to check everything's still in working order, just in case." She giggled quietly.

    "Seriously Elly." Lake smiled as she focused the camera onto her daughter. "You're the last one, so we have to. It's like a law."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Near-to-Tears
    OOC- Sounds good XD

    Hermia snarled again, her top lip curling slightly in her anger.

    "Jake, I think it might be a good idea for you to close your eyes..." Lake said quietly.

    "Hell no!" Jacob protested. "I want to see this."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near-to-Tears
    "That wouldn't be good." Hermia smiled innocently, her tone hinting of sarcasm.

    "I still don't want to swear." Lake said, giggling slightly. "Anyway, photos Elly." She smiled.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near-to-Tears
    OOC- We would have done, but I was carrying what felt like half a tonne of newspaper XD

    Hermia snarled slightly and spun around to face the newcomer. The spin was so fast it gave everyone who happened to looking in the right direction an eye full.

    Jacob fought back a little smirk as he caught a glimpse, but didn't break the battle stance that he had subconsciously stepped into.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near-to-Tears
    Hermia slapped River across the stomach, albeit only playfully, but still pretty hard. "Don't be horrid about your sister. She's beautiful."

    At this point Lake finally came skidding out of the kitchen, camera in hand. "Finally got the little f*cker working!" Once she's spoken she stopped and cringed slightly. It wasn't often Lake swore, actually it was pretty damn rare. "Excuse my language."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Near-to-Tears
    Hermia smiled slightly, and moved his head so she could reach his cheek to kiss it.

    "Dancing... Farm animals? ... You two are beyond weird. You know that?" Lake said, raising a very puzzled eyebrow.

    "It made sense at the time Auntie Lake, seriously." Jacob chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

    OOC- Me and my friend were doing her sisters paper route once, and there was this little paddock that was literally full of sheep. Like it was standing room only. And they all watched us as we went past. We're still scared to go back past there XD
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near-to-Tears
    "Actually, for her that's quite conservative." Jacob snorted cheekily.

    "You look lovely Elly." Hermia smiled.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near-to-Tears
    "Good." Hermia muttered, unfolding her arms.

    Lake turned away and took a couple of steps over to her husband and mouthed to herself 'Wow...' As much as she loved Hermia, as she was basically part of the family now, there were times where she scared her. Anyone who could make River stumble over his words to apologise these days obviously had some great power.

    "Same here, let's not talk about it any more..."

    "Not talk about what?" Lake asked as she slotted into the conversation again.

    OOC- Pupils shouldn't be square. o_o And how they all just watch you, and don't blink. ><
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near-to-Tears
    Hermia blushed slightly and shoved him in an only half-playful manner. "Oh shut up!" She squealed indignatly, although she couldn't help but smile.

    "I'll wait until her Ladyship descends and makes her début." Jacob chuckled.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Near-to-Tears
    "Hmm." Hermia said, folding her arms and almost knocking the zip out of the gap it'd nestled into so it didn't flap everywhere and flash everyone. She was still more then just a little jealous when it came to girls who had been around River. And that probably wasn't going to change for quite a long time. Particularly if he kept saying stuff like that.

    "Dancing farm animals in general are really, really wrong." Jacob said, shivering slightly.

    OOC- They really scare me, which isn't good as where my best friend lives is surrounded by farmlands. They have terrifying eyes o_o'
    It's up to you.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Near-to-Tears
    "Well, so long as it doesn't carry on too long she'll be fine. I guess." Jacob said, he'd never really had any problems with dating. And because of this he found it hard to understand people when they did. "Oh! Them! I'd forgotten about them." He grinned, half guilty looking.

    "Still, I like the idea behind it." Hermia sighed, as much as she tried to deny it she was still more then just a little bit of a romantic at heart.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near-to-Tears
    "To be honest I want to run into someone now..." Hermia said, sniffing the air lightly. "Just so we know where we stand. It's so eerie without patrols or whatever... And I'm really surprised we haven't set off any alarms, or that pervert August hasn't shown his face."

    "Though when they did line dancing was creepy... Sheep shouldn't do that."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Near-to-Tears
    "No boyfriend to come pick her up or anything?" Jacob said, half surprised and half amused. Elena had grown a bit of a reputation for being a man eater around school, so the idea of her being alone on prom night was a bit strange.

    "I wish we hadn't missed prom now." Hermia sighed as she sunk back into the softness of the cushions.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Near-to-Tears
    "It's rather hard not to when the corridor is this deserted and we're all so close together." Lake said, before sticking her tongue out back at her son. "Is it normal for this place to be so empty? It doesn't seem the place to never have guards..."

    "Damn straight." Jacob grinned. "Better then some crappy woolly thing from Postman Pat or something."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Near-to-Tears
    "You'd be surprised River." Hermia giggled as she sat down on the sofa, tucking her legs up onto the cushions besides her. "You got lucky with me, I'm too damn lazy to worry about perfecting my make up and hair half the time. And I don't really like big dresses, and believe me that can slow you down."

    "How is she getting there anyway?" Jacob asked, having been dragged around by his mother as she wanted to see Elena before she left.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Near-to-Tears
    Casey sighed heavily and bit his lip.

    He shrugged. "Usually I don't care, it's just when you're walking around a bad-guy HQ you don't expect to be half naked and wearing Shaun the Sheep all over your legs."

    "It'd be more then just 'nice'." She grinned.

    "Do you think you two could be a little more subtle about your sex lives?" Lake sighed, rolling her eyes. "I don't mind it, but I don't really want to be listening to you two planning things, you know?"
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Near-to-Tears
    OOC- Okies ^^
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Near-to-Tears
    OOC- I think Hermia should get/be pregnant in this one though, I don't see them having kids for a while in the other RP. XD
    Okies, I don't have anywhere to go until around 8pm so I'll be on XD
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home