"Good luck." Lake said, reaching out of the window and patting her son's head. "Good luck to you too Lake." Hermia smiled slightly.
"Hey! There's the sat nav." Lake said, pressing a couple of buttons. "It's probably for the best if we don't get in with you. It's River they want, so you guys would be safer without him in the car."
"You know her?" She asked, now rather curious. "Nah, because I'm a man. Didn't you know that?" Jacob snorted, and decided to join in on the conversation. "It's true she's got a great, big --" Only to be cut short. "Jacob!" Lake said, pointing a finger at him. "Just because that's what's meant doesn't mean you have to say it."
"Well he can't run along motorways, he'll get run over or spotted or something." Lake said as she climbed into the car too. Jacob reluctantly sat down in the back of the car, straight away taking the chance to spread out all over the backseats.
"Yeah, and?" Hermia grinned. "You're the biggest girl I've ever seen." She smiled innocently. "Dunno." She shrugged. "Some Ravenclaw girl I've never really taken any notice of. Amy? Maybe. Not sure. She was in our potions class last year."
"Alohamora." Lake said quietly under her breath and watched as the door swung open. "I'm assuming this thing has satnav or something..."
"Aww, don't worry River. I still think you're pretty." Hermia giggled mockingly. "Thank you! I made it myself." She giggled. "Oh, and Adam isn't far behind. He stopped to talk to some girl quickly."
"And we're out. Hopefully." Lake said, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Nah, that's Elena. You get better at it the more you have." Lake grinned as she sat down on the arm of an armchair. "Oh, burn Ocean. Burn." Jacob laughed. "I reckon my parents just got beginners luck with me, I mean I'm just amazing." "That's not really what I meant Jake." She giggled. "Hey! Elly!" Came Raye's squealing voice from up the drive way. With some sharp clacking and heavy stomping she came running up behind her. She was wearing a knee-length emerald green dress that started off as a simple thin-strapped top-half and turned into a heavily ruffled skirting around the back. "God! You look so pretty!" She giggled as she pulled to a stop just in time.
Hermia quickly followed after the others, careful not to step on the remains of Summer. Jacob, glad to be rid of the sight of his cousin's backside, ran to catch up with the others.
Lake laughed and patted her son's head. "Of course I do, I have to. I'm your mum." "You have to admit it, the girl may dress like a ****. But she's got style." Jacob grinned, folding his arms and settling down into his seat more.
"Also, put it away River. As toned as your arse is I don't want to see it." Jacob said, trying his best to look anywhere but at River. But as he was in front of the gore it was very hard not to see. "Let's get moving then." Lake said, quickly heading them off and stepping over the corpse.
"I'll hug you River." Lake grinned, opening her arms. "Come on, give Mummy a hug." She laughed, putting on a kiddy voice.
"I'm staying with you if you're going separately..." Hermia said, looking up at him. The grin was unsettling, and he seemed not all together right. So leaving him on his own probably wouldn't be a good idea "You know, now you've killed her there's probably going to be more coming along. Right...?" Lake said, looking around. "Not a good idea to stay in one place."
"Well, you could break your coccyx. But I doubt you have." Hermia giggled. "All right. Have a nice night sweetie." Lake said, handing the camera over and kissing her youngest daughter's forehead. "You really do look amazing."
Jacob's jaw dropped. "That... That was..." He said, unable to word his disbelief. "That was the most bad*ss thing I have ever seen in my life!" "That's not really what you're meant to say when someone dies Jacob..." Lake said, only half scolding as, well, she didn't really know what to say. "And River, what are you going to do now? You're naked. In an enemy base. And pretty much all your clothes are ripped to pieces." Hermia quickly ran over to River, and to the corpse of Summer. She wrinkled her nose slightly at the state of the dead girl.
Hermia cackled loudly and looked over the edge of the sofa. "God damn River, you failed hard." She grinned. "Well if they were going to show wouldn't they have by now? I mean it starts in ten minutes."
"River! F*cking fight back or something or I'll f*cking do it for you!" Hermia shouted at him, her eyes narrowing. She was worried for him, but she didn't want to get involved, she didn't know what she'd be getting herself into. And she could tell that Jacob was itching to get involved, and her doing so would only give him an excuse.
Hermia laughed and knelt up on the sofa so she could tickle him more. This time her fingers reaching under his arms on both sides. "Poor ickle River!" She giggled playfully. Lake repeated this a few more times and then eventually set the camera down from her eye. "There we go, that'll do. And try not to wreck that dress, it cost a small fortune."
"So does that make her like... River's daughter or something?" "If that's the case I think Freud would have a field day..." Lake muttered quietly to herself.