Once Hermia reappeared in their fairly large apartment she bit her knuckle thoughtfully. She hadn't really been thinking about it before, but what Lake and River had been saying before about children had made her think. "I know you do." He grinned. "Now, let's get in."
"Maybe it would be safer if everyone was together all the time, I don't like the smell of the vampires but it would be for the best. At least then we're always protected and we can still sleep. And it shouldn't disrupt your little sister too much..." Hermia suggested.
"You're welcome any time love." Lake smiled. "Bye bye." "See you soon." Hermia smiled as she disappeared with a loud crack. "Let's head inside already. That's where the interesting stuff happens."
"It's just worrying that now your family is involved too..." Hermia said, her words softly spoken. Slowly she entwined her fingers with his, a tiny smile gracing her lips at the sight of them.
Hermia pushed herself off of the sofa and stretched. "Thank you for having us over, again." She giggled. "I had noticed." Adam chuckled.
"I hope you're right..." She mumbled in reply, settling her head back onto his shoulder. "Everything seems to be getting worse again..."
Hermia tilted her head up slightly and kissed his cheek gently as she tucked her arms around him.
OOC- Sorry that took so long, I didn't get back until later then I expected and then something came up. @A@ "Someone's rather excited." Adam smiled, happy that she seemed to excited over something. "We should probably get going home, River." Hermia said, prodding him slightly.
"Slow down will you Elly!" Raye giggled. "You'll damage your dress if you're not careful!" Hermia nodded. OOC- Sorry, I have to go. I should be back on around 11-ish. Hopefully. XD Bai.
She smiled slightly and rested her head against his shoulder.
"Yeah..." Hermia nodded slightly. "Of course I'd tell you." Raye quickly followed her friend up the pathway, nearly stumbling over the immense height of her heels. Adam exhaled loudly and shoved his hands into his pockets as he fell into step with the girls.
"I'm fine..." She said, nestling in between him and the sofa.
"Heyyy..." He said, pulling away from her. "I'm just being polite." Adam chuckled, rubbing his cheek, which was turning slightly pink. "Exactly, you're the exception. Everyone else has at least two kids." "Ahem." Jacob coughed, drawing attention to the fact he was both a single child and single.
"You all right...?" She asked as she sat down next to him on the sofa.
"Sure." He nodded. "Ladies first." "True. This family seems to breed like rabbits. Well, most of the time." She said, looking over at Hermia and River.
"Hey..." Hermia said softly as she wandered into the room and gently ran her hand through his hair, she hadn't put on a lot more clothes only a pair of trackies that she'd been leant by River's grandmother.
"Yep, and it's just grown since then." "Thanks." He said. "Shame it clashes with your dress really." Adam chuckled. "Oh well."
OOC- Sure XD I dunno what to say either.
"God, he doesn't half take his time." Raye said, looking down the drive again. Finally Adam walked up to them. He seemed somewhat under-dressed for the occasion. Only wearing a black shirt and a dark red tie in addition to what looked like his usual school trousers and a pair of red converses. His hair was effortlessly styled and he had a smile on his face. "You look amazing Elly." He said, feeling as though his heart had skipped a beat at the sight of her face for the first time in three weeks. "You're all freaking nuts. That's why." She laughed.
"I know." Jacob grinned. "I do worry about you lot. You know that?" Lake sighed, trying her best not to laugh. "Indeed." She nodded. "I guess it's just a case of waiting."