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  1. Near-to-Tears
    "If I have to, I have to." Hermia said, a faint growl in the undertones of her voice. She had to hope that Blaise's powers didn't over-ride the imprint again, that could spell disaster for both her, River and, if she was indeed pregnant, their unborn child.

    Suddenly there was a loud crack in the corner of the room, a tall and dark figure had just apperated into the area. A tiny growl escaped his lips as they curled up in a dangerous manner. "Adam said something weird was happening here, I figured I should come check it out." Came the deep but still young sounding voice of Jacob. "I didn't realise it was this weird."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Near-to-Tears
    "Yeah, well I didn't take kindly to her being a whorebag..." Hermia muttered under her breath, she was just grateful it didn't seem like the vampires she'd taken down in her time as what was basically a free-lance vampire killer had been brought back. That was a good twenty or so more enemies if that was the case.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Near-to-Tears
    Hermia quickly darted out of the kitchen and over to River, her maternal instincts starting to take over as she realised in her condition fighting probably wouldn't be a good idea.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Near-to-Tears
    Hermia, who had been unable to sleep due to a burning nausea that had just set in a couple of hours ago was stood in the kitchen. The stench of vampire that had filled the room was by no means helping the feeling of sickness. She growled loudly once she had realised who it was.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Near-to-Tears
    "Good luck..." Adam said quietly.

    By now Amy had become increasingly distraught, and she was completely confused by everything.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Near-to-Tears
    "Fine, just promise me you'll be careful Elena." Adam said, knowing there was no point in arguing with her.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Near-to-Tears
    "Are you sure that's a good idea Elly...?" Raye asked quietly. "I mean you just said it yourself, he's nothing but trouble..."

    "Well it doesn't seem like she has that much of a choice, does it?" Adam said, his eyes still not leaving Danny.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Near-to-Tears
    "I'd like to see them f*cking try!" Adam snarled, his hazel eyes narrowing.

    "What the hell are you lot?!" Amy shrieked at Elena, whatever was happening now certainly wasn't good news. She'd always had the feeling her Dad and her new mother were hiding something, but she figured it had been something small like they'd met awkwardly or something.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Near-to-Tears
    "Daaaamn." Raye said under her breath as she looked the vampire up and down, as she was completely human the vampires' amazing charm always worked on her. And the fact she was easy to impress really didn't help matters.

    "Oh shut up Raye." Adam sighed, rolling his eyes irritatedly. His eyes were fixed firmly on the guy who had just dropped down. If he tried anything, anything at all to hurt Elena he was prepared to do whatever it took to protect her.

    Amy squeaked pathetically, this wasn't at all how she'd imagined her prom night going. She was stuck with a vampire, a blood thirsty vampire. And she was most certainly kidnapping material. She was weak, she wasn't very exceptional, and whoever this vampire was they wanted something from her new family.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Near-to-Tears
    "Ermmm... Okay..." She replied, worried as to what she had just gotten herself involved in.

    Quickly Adam came running over to them, nearly tripping over his shoe laces. "Are you okay Elly? What happened?" He asked, the words literally falling out of his mouth.

    "Hey! Don't worry about me! I'm fine!" Raye said as she practically fell out of the crowd. "Not like I'm wearing heels or anything."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Near-to-Tears
    "Wh-What the hell are you talking about...?" She asked, her voice suddenly much more quiet and understated. Amy hadn't ever been told about the vampires and werewolves in her extended family, Ocean and her father had chosen to keep it away from her until the time was right.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Near-to-Tears
    OOC- It's okay XD

    "Elena...?" A quiet voice from behind her said, a willowy Ravenclaw girl with her sleek black hair tied up in a perfect up-do. Her dress was a beautiful pastel pink with a tinge of lilac, and covered in ruffles around the skirt. It was Amy, and she'd been looking for her new 'aunt' for quite a while. There was something she'd been meaning to ask her for a while, but never had the chance to.

    And it seemed tonight wouldn't be her chance either, once she saw the state of the body behind the tapestry and screamed in terror. All she wanted to do was run away, but her feet were glued to the floor.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Near-to-Tears
    "Very." She smiled.

    OOC- Good idea, I'm running out of replies.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Near-to-Tears
    "Don't worry, we won't." Adam said, smiling over the brim of his glass. "We're just playing, right Raye?" He asked, looking at the red head.

    "Yeah, we are." She said, nudging her best male friend in the side playfully.

    Hermia giggled slightly. "Dirty pervert."
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Near-to-Tears
    "If he starts I'll smack him over the nose with a rolled up newspaper." Hermia chimed in, giggling slightly. The atmosphere had become rather dark, so she felt she should at least make an attempt to cheer everyone up.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Near-to-Tears
    "Not even just a little?" She asked, swaying slightly in a playful way. "Mean's we'll have to stop having naked days." Hermia added on with a small giggle.

    "Yeah, cheers." Raye said as she awkwardly took her glass from his other hand. "Even if you did nearly spill it all over yourself, and me."

    "Hey, at least I tried." Adam said indignantly as he lowered the drink from his lips after taking a sip.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Near-to-Tears
    OOC- Good night. ^^

    "This... Is going to be strange." Lake said, leaning against the doorframe.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Near-to-Tears
    "Your poor Dad." Hermia laughed. "He's having enough problems getting used to Jessie calling him Grandpa. Oh well, do you think you're ready to be called 'Daddy'?"

    After a couple more moments Adam reappeared, two drinks balanced in one hand and another in his other hand. Carefully he offered Elena the single drink and vaguely gesturing to Raye to take one of the others. "There we go." He smiled.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Near-to-Tears
    "All right." Casey nodded. "I better get rounding them up." He said, heading off to find the phone.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Near-to-Tears
    "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." She giggled, flicking her hair cutely.

    "I think everyone will be a little surprised, to say the least." Hermia smiled.
    Post by: Near-to-Tears, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home