"Good." Lake nodded, finally stopping circling her daughter like an overprotective vulture. "Well I don't think I'm going to have too much choice if what they say is true River." Hermia said just before taking a sip from the glass.
There was a very loud snarl from a bush nearby, apparently Hermia had decided that the bushes near the front of the house looked a lot more comfortable then the rest of the garden. Less gnome infested. And she was definitely not impressed with River's threat. "I'm only asking you to do what any civilised adult would do." Lake said, rolling her eyes. She knew full well it was an impossible battle. "And you know what, we're going to give the whole 'walk away' thing a go right now." Ocean muttered as she and her mother walked into the house with the luggage.
After a few minutes Hermia re-emerged from the bathroom. Her brow was slightly sweaty and she was still very pale. "Yeah, I'm saying I'm pregnant..." She sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Are you sure? You didn't get bitten or anything? No injuries?" Lake continued to rant, circling the girl as though to make sure for herself. "Chill out Auntie Lake, seriously." Jacob chuckled as he folded his arms behind his head.
"And Cadey, do your best to keep a civil tongue. Got it?" Casey said sternly, so long as he was stuck with them he was going to try his best to keep everyone in line. After all, it would appear that now he was the patriarch of the family. "Do us all a favour River and when you feel that pissed off just remove yourself from the situation. It's better then having to explain to an aunt or uncle why their kid has just randomly disappeared." Lake added on as she passed by, holding onto one end of a rather large suitcase while Ocean carried the other.
"There's times where I really f*cking hate my life." Hermia growled, then suddenly she turned white. "Excuse me!" She said hurriedly as she fled off to the bathroom, her hand covering her mouth. "There we go," Jacob said smugly as they reappeared. "One Elena, express delivery." He said, dropping onto the nearest sofa with a great casualness to him. Despite the quiet echoes of a great shouting match going on upstairs. "Elena!" Lake and Adam exclaimed at the same time, giving each other a rather perplexed and confused expression. Adam decided it would be for the best to step back and let her mother do her duties, so as not to raise suspicions. "Oh my god, are you okay? Raye and Amy and Adam told us about what had happened at the ball." She rambled as she rushed over to her youngest daughter. Her tone, as usual, was very flustered.
After a moment Hermia figured that her plan was probably a hell of a lot more desirable then hanging around a battleground for the next god knows how long. So with a sigh she sloped off down the steps into the back garden and dropped off the dress she was wearing just as she turned into her chocolate wolf form and disappeared into the long grass. "Do you lot mind not bickering for the entire time we're here?" Casey said, folding his arms irritably. The constant arguing going on between the younger members of the family was seriously starting to get on his nerves.
Jacob sighed and took hold of his cousin's wrist. "Figured you'd rather tag along then try it yourself." He chuckled. "See ya." Jacob said, saluted to River before vanishing in another loud crack. "Well, this is just fan-f*cking-tastic." Hermia muttered as she dropped onto the sofa.
"We're not hiding, we're just strategically placing ourselves." Casey said indignantly, he didn't like to be accused of running away from situations. What little pride he had he liked to keep intact. Hermia rolled her eyes, the drama going on in this household was starting to become more then she could bear. It was getting to the point where she just wanted to turn into a wolf and go curl up in the garden somewhere and be lost in the jungle of grass for days.
Have you guys ever met someone so stupid you actually feel your intelligence melting away every time you talk to them? =_=
"All right princess, let's get going." Jacob said as he wandered over to Elena.
"Dude, you're old. Get over it." Jacob grinned. "Now come on Elena, we need to get you home. Your parents are worried."
"We can safely say this has pretty much nothing to do with vampires." Casey said, nodding in agreement with his wife. "Yeah... sure..." Hermia sighed.
"It's okay River, I'll take her. Seeing as I'm heading back that way anyway." Jacob offered. "Besides, you look like you need some sleep old man." He added on cheekily.
"Two." Jacob said, not breaking his countdown for anyone. "You can't really blame us for not trusting you." Hermia muttered under her breath.
"Yeah, it would probably cause you guys more problems then it would solve." Casey sighed as he watched his wife and her cousin, or his brother-in-law, talk. "River...?" Hermia asked cautiously, unwilling to set him off again. "You okay...?" His manner recently had scared her, an awful lot. It wasn't like he was himself anymore.
"I'll give you until the count of three to clear off." Jacob growled, he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck growing as he spoke. His shifting on moments away. "One." He said sharply, his teeth baring.
"Well then, let's start with these two." He said, gesturing his head towards them.
OOC- Let's just move on to them being at the Burrow. And I don't know, I don't really see them getting married. XD
"Just making sure, seeing as you didn't mention her." Jacob replied, shrugging slightly. "Anyway, you guys need any help getting rid of the undead b*stards?" He said, dropping his left leg backwards and adopting a position that was perfect for a long and high jump.
"They're fine, though Amy's having a talk with Ocean and Jackson. It was getting rather loud. And Raye's fine as well, I'm assuming you're worried about her too." Jacob replied, his sharp eyes never straying from the two vampires across the room.