"Still bloody broke my bloody expensive shoes..." She muttered as she tapped the snapped off heel with her wand, unfortunately she didn't know the spell but she hoped her wand would. Hermia giggled slightly as she was picked up.
Hermia snorted slightly and turned her head away, her long snout pointing haughtily into the air. "I believe that was her saying if he leaves again she won't want him back." Ocean sighed.
"Hmm," Hermia said with a slightly smug smile spreading over her face. "I wouldn't say no." "I'll go get changed in your bathroom." He said, leaving the room. Raye plopped herself down on the floor and started to try and repair her shoe. "Stupid Adam..."
I've just ended up with the most ******ed person in the world talking to me because we met once at a meet up for anime people in my area. Which means I can't block him because I have to see him once a month and he'd ask me and he also spams my facebook when I'm not online on MSN. And he's just... oh my god. I can't think of all of his stupidity, but his most recent one was me having to tell him ten times that Death Note: Another Note was a book and not an anime before he stopped looking for the anime... That included actually going "But it's a book, that you have to buy. And then read". That was just the first time I told him...
"He must of said something pretty bad to get her in that state."
"I should probably go to bed." She sighed, not wanting to move from her comfort spot on the floor. "Thanks Elly." Adam smiled.
"I'd kiss you, but I still feel sick." Hermia giggled slightly as she took another sip from the glass. Raye and Adam both followed their friend upstairs.
"Is Hermia okay..?" Ocean asked quietly, glancing over at the depressed looking she-wolf.
"No, of course not." Hermia chuckled slightly. "It just means I'm going to have to change my lifestyle a lot, but that's what happens when you have kids." "I didn't expect anything else." Adam nodded. He was actually quite grateful to have to sleep in a different room, it would just be awkward being in the same room as Elena and Raye to sleep.
"I wish he'd just stop acting like such a brat."
"I meant that with how our lives seem to go there will come a point where we have to choose who stays with the kid to look after it and who goes into the fight." "Thank you." Raye smiled. "It's for the best, I'll call your parents just to let them know what's going on."
"I just wish he'd stop taking out on us, we haven't done anything." Ocean sighed.
"Not really, because no matter what one of us is going to have to protect it and therefore hang back. Which will probably be me, and you know it." "I guess there's not really an easy way to tell someone that."
"He's being such a grumpy git." Ocean sighed, rolling her eyes. "What's his problem anyway? I mean seriously, what's he got to be p*ssed about? I know there's the whole secret army trying to kill him thing, but this family always survives these things without so much as a chopped off ear."
"People need to learn it doesn't work." Adam sighed. "I'd never try that, I mean leaving someone really isn't going to work. But I can kind of see why they did it, I mean can you imagine how much of a shake up that would be? 'Hey, you know my new girlfriend, my darling daughter? Yeah, she's a werewolf. And so are all her family, except her cousins. Because they're vampires'." "Yeah, when you say it like that you just sound like a crazy b*astard." "I've always looked out for myself, it's just not how I am to go 'f*ck it, you look after me now'." She sighed.
"So they basically had a fight? But in wolf language." Ocean asked, tilting her head slightly.
"You know I don't like having to depend on other people..." Hermia said as she sunk down the wall and sat on the wooden floor boards. "You can hear for yourself if you're quiet enough." Adam sighed, looking upwards. "They've been at it since we got back. Amy's mad that they didn't tell her, and it screaming about trust and stuff and your sister and Jackson are just going on about how they did it to protect her and her sister."
Hermia wandered out of the bush and sat down at the side of the drive way, her ears drooped back and she let out a pitiful whine. She knew it would be pointless trying to reconcile with him while he was like this, so everything would just stay easier if she remained a wolf for a while. "What was all that about?" Ocean asked as she wandered out of the door. "All I heard was some massive barking and River storming through the house with an expression like he'd just been told Christmas was cancelled."
"Fine, I'll try to keep out of the way. But I'm not turning into a simpering little b*tch border collie for the next nine months." She said, more then just somewhat reluctantly. "Yeah, we're fine." Adam smiled. "Speak for yourself!" Raye said, looking a little frustrated. "The way he was dragging us off I snapped my heel and nearly my ankle with it!" "That's hardly a matter of life or death Raye..."
The second River snarled back Hermia's hackles went up and she unleashed, what to most people, was a terrifying growling bark. It was enough to make Immy drop what she was holding and hide behind her father, and enough to make Casey himself recoil slightly from the direction it was coming from. It was more then obvious she was a hell of a lot more then displeased with River.