*Looks at username *Wipes eyes *Looks at username again Dayum I must've been gone for a long time. ;O CONGRATES CHERRY BOO
Am I the only one that prfers the normal D-Link summons?
Ok so befor I state my opinion, let's think for a moment here. If you were a guy and you reunited with your closest friend, would you bend on your knees and cry for him? Cause honestly even if they were really close (Like brothers), never in my life will I believe to ever see two straight guys reuniting while crying. (Unless its like sonething pretty traumatic) But it's basically a "How you see it" situation.
Wasnt his eye color different in kh2 than in BBS? I thought in a way he was consumed by his own vengence meaning he had a huge flow of darkness in his heart
How awesom Misty is.
......Too shay.
Nuu my Ps3 turned off! Q_Q
Heh mines from a game on the Japanese PSN server Lol.
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*Turns TV on *Still on 6hr update Smh >.> I'll just have you add me xD It's Riku_Replica3
*Looks at sig *Goes onto PSN in a heartbeat
I would heal you, but it has nothing to do with the benefits of me and The King.
Well there's someone I haven't talk to in awhile. (Assuming you remember meh) Bruh can you even Beadamon? Impressions? So once you take over the world, will ypu be a nice ruler? Bruh can you even Oathkeeper? Will you attenpt to conquer KHV? Can I be a general?
Kinda like how my username on another forum is, "Noel Vermilion" yet people STILL mistake me to "Noel Kreiss". God faqn dammit xD
If it's Kh2 we're talking about, then I got an idea. You know how Riku and Mickey arraigned for Sora and friend's arrival at Yen Cid? Perhaps the Gummi ship was a gift from those two and Mickey could'nt figure out the name of it at the last minute. So Riku was like, "I got you bro'", and named the gummi ship Highwind just to remind Sora who the winner is.
A keyblade were it's ability shoots lasers, or fires, or some kind of effect.
Hello Digi, haven't seen you quite awhile. How are you? So far what's your opinion on Kill la Kill? Impressions? Any specific reasons why your username is DigitaAtlas? Any favorite Fighting games? If a girl tells you that she's a hardcore gamer and states that she's a YouTube Star, Cheerleader, part of a seority (Might not spell it right), and porclaims to be a Fightness Fanatic, would you believe her?
T^T It's nice to finally feel loved again.