"Why Zack, why??" Or "Don't lose sight of the light" Or "Sephiroth!"
I'm not very sure about that, it looks like this could be the best they could get. Well if anything, I can see the graphics downgrading instead.
There we go~
Eh, it could've been much funnier if it were an actual image from the video, but this was the best I could've found.
View attachment 39960
I think we're more better off with the normal kh2 look. I mean this is newer design is good, but I get the feeling that square is too focused on the graphics rather than the game itself.
If there were any anime in the world that I would incorporate Kingdom Hearts with, it would be Fairy Tail. They have similar concepts, the whole "level up" system, and Friendship conquers everything.
........ Zzzzzzz ......... ..... ....... I just made someone a widow.
Hello xHaru.
http://youtu.be/ry5p1KEk0Vs FORK?!!
Pssss you're wasting your time...
View attachment 39812
Tsubone, give me your pinkie nail.
Perhaps there is some cut to this, perhaps they use the 1 mp as an emergency when the ability is needed.
http://kh-vids.net/threads/tony-abbott-says-the-killing.147764/ Was posted in wrong section.
This may be typical, but I'm looking forward to an online multiplayer, kinda like Days were you form a party and you complete some sorts of objectives, it was the only reason why I wanted days in the first place.
Some of these shows your avatars are made after, brought back some mad nostalgia. Ahhh those were the bad times...
Is it wrong that I don't have a Skype?
No love for goopy.