Well, things started off pretty rocky, but let's get this party started. I heard the cries of the people and I have listened! I spent the whole of the day organizing everything and setting up the prompts, so know that you will have all of October and one day to complete the given assignment. To clarify, from the time this thread opens to the public-11:59 PM November 1st, 2014 in YOUR time zone. Prompt 1: Centered around a Disney Villain/Hero and they are celebrating Halloween either with their henchmen, underlings, sidekicks, romantic interests or fellow Villains/Heroes. Bonus points if you write from your chosen villain's/hero's point-of-view, aka: 1st person narrative, and we have to guess the identity by given clues. Unique Grade: How accurately you get the characters involved 0-10 points Prompt 2: You are your character from SOS locked in a Haunted House for a night. It can be the Disney Haunted Mansion, but it does not have to be. You can't get out through the front door, so you decide to explore like you would on any world. BONUS POINTS: Include elements similar to the types of missions you'd have in KHSOS, but in condensed form. The more you can squeeze in of “Investigation/Brawls/Defending/Bosses” without having the story getting too long and dragging, the better. NOTES: You have all your present abilities, summons, jobs, limits, etc BUT none of them can get you out directly. Unique Grade: Flow of action 0-10 points Try to keep it from being too quick, but also try to keep it from dragging needlessly Prompt 3: This song: Bonus points: Write without spoken words. This means no dialogue and no monologues. Unique Grade: Build up and climax, given that this is the central theme of the song 0-10 Rules and Guidelines You set your own maturity rating for your story. Try to keep it at a max of PG 13. Once you set a rating, be sure to follow it, as you will be graded on your ability to keep the promise. All stories must meet a minimum of 3,000 total words. Given that this is a short story, those words will disappear in no time at all. There's no maximum, but, please, try to keep it below 10,000; you will not lose points for going over. Please, double check your writing before submitting. Grammar will be graded. Each grading category is worth a maximum of ten points each. Each Prompt has a special Unique Grade that brings the total for each at fifty points. Bonus points give you an automatic 5+ if the criteria is met. In the event of a tie between top grades, a public vote will be made for the winner. Please, no endings that personally attack the reader. It is a problematic, somewhat cheating way of getting the audience scared when reading horror. It's like kicking someone in the groin to win a fight; you win to some degree, but you really don't. Nothing that sounds like a chain letter. "OoooOOOooo, your house will be invaded by chocolate bunnies if you read this sentence!" (You get the idea) or something like it (Obviously something worse) will result in an automatic grade of zero. I am not kidding; it's cheap. You have your deadlines, but please note: this will go so much faster if everyone has their entries in as early as possible. I withhold the right to create more rules that are deemed fair to maintain the spirit of competition and fair play. NEW RULE: Please, refrain from writing stories that include elements of: Sickness, Viruses, and Contagious Diseases. I've been sick lately, and this is the last thing I need to be worrying about. Rewards: First Place: 2,000 Munny/15 Crowns Second Place: 1,000 Munny/10 Crowns Third Place: 500 Munny/5 Crowns Participation/Consolation Prize awarded at the end: A new Keyblade Grades Did you keep your rating promise?/Did you accurately rate your own story? 0-10 points Grammar, spelling, punctuation, phrasing, format, etc... 0-10 points Artistry (Style, voice, theme, effectiveness) 0-10 points Originality (Yes, even fanfictions will be graded on this) 0-10 points
Mancrushes. We call them mancrushes. I, I confess, can't help but be brought in by the oodles of charm that is Richard Castle/Nathan Fillion. I'm not sexually attracted to him, but I certainly am more impressed by him more than most people I just stumble upon; his antics make me feel warm and fuzzy, but that's just effective charm usage, and not in the stir of emotions, "I need that body" sort of thing. Most of my "Man Crushes" are just guys I have worlds of respect for; Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Nathan Fillion, Robert Downey Jr., John Barrowman, Robert Carlyle, and the late Robin Williams, etc. Enough about me. Yes. That's my whole point. We're all the same on the inside. While, yes, Mike, liking Britney Spears is a popular cornerstone of modern homosexuality (I've worked with guys in musicals whose whole warm-up tracks for singing and dancing are solely made of Beyonce, Spears, Rihanna, etc. and they all had one thing in common: good taste in footwear... oh and the fact they were all gay; that too. 90% of them were the sassiest Queens you'd ever meet; they were delightful people. We got along great.) I nearly, NEARLY (But didn't, respectfully) when you cited liking Pop music as an indicator of sexuality. My favorite artists are some of the most feminine (Nael Yaim, Lenka, P!nk, etc), but, to your credit, I tend to not always mention my affinity for such artists unless I know the people I'm speaking to won't likely judge me on my tastes; in that sense, I am sometimes insecure, but it's getting easier for everyone the more open everyone is with another.
Over the course of my life, I had one of those Macklemoric "Same Love" opening reflective moments. From an early age, I liked theatre, interior design, I could tell the difference between vaguely similar colors, I liked to draw, I became attached to mostly male personalities when it came to watching entertainment, and several other tropes. Like you, I was largely isolated from others; I moved to eight different schools before college, but I always wanted to entertain people, so it made me feel terrible to be cast out as "weird". I made my nickname Jay once when I was in fifth grade. Huh. Jay rhymes with /something/...but what IS it?! Oh. Right. I can't tell you how eerie it is to hear a group of kids just get together to chant something, but they would literally chant "Jay is gay", and generally because I possessed traits attributed to gay people. The kicker? I'm straight as an arrow. My sexuality has next to nothing to do with my personality and abilities as a person. I'm caring, I'm (admittedly) sensitive, but I identify as a male and I am solely attracted to women in terms of "Hey, look at those! Gasp! For meeee? You're too kind." I feel that the more people are comfortable with their sexuality, the more we all get to be the humans we want to be without fear of extradition for liking something attached to something that gets an unfair, childishly applied label. I'm glad you found your way, Mike. Even if the realization is slow, it's a great thing to reach a conclusion you feel comfortable with. Me? I could look at a guy or a girl and tell you "Yeah, they're attractive" without much too it, because I know I feel secure with the fact that I am most comfortable with the companionship of someone of the opposite sex. I study anatomy and sociology, since they're great skills to have in acting, and that's where I get the concepts of how to balance judgement on whether someone's appearance might be found to be tasteful. Basically, the more accepted all sexualities are, the less they will matter outside of the sheets. I'm not saying "Hey, keep it there! Down, tiger! Down!", I'm saying that people shouldn't be automatically triggered into a rage when some guy says "I'm a fashion designer" or a woman says "I'm a contractor", and they do, because they falsely connect all those things with sexuality. A big part of accepting all people they way they are is to break down the gender barriers. People who want to come out coming out really helps with all that. It's invaluable. Thank you.
Blue waves hugged white sand. Soft music whistled wistfully from a panflute that brushed against rich, red lips. A raven mane framed a gentle, heart-shaped face that owned those lips and those thin, frail fingers that danced across the narrow tubes of the wooden instrument she played. Her feet sunk into the sand, though her tiny form scarcely weighed more than a hundred pounds; a hundred pounds that was quickly lifted up into the air and held above the head of a larger man. She screeched, dropping her panflute, but she screeched in delight. She squealed with delight as she kicked her feet in the air. Her tiny frame was cloaked in a black and white sundress that flitted about as bold hands held her at the waist and held her parallel to the sea as the man stomped into the shallows with his large, hairy feet and wet, sloppy splashes of sea water against his ankles. “COLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIN!” Patricia screamed in half parts ownership to reprimanding and begging for mercy. “Collin? COLLIN!” She tried to scold with trepidation, but found her position to goofy too be taken seriously. “Fine, fine.” She giggled in a fit of joy. “Put me down. Oh. Oh wait no, don't do that.” The realization she was soaring, open-winged only six feet above the sea sunk in. “Collin, I hope you know you're crazy.” She guffawed. Bright hazel eyes under brown bangs lit up with impish pride. “Would you have married me without the brilliant quality it is?” His voice had a deep, knowledgeable lilt to it. Large set and muscular, Collin Noble's lightly tanned skin had browned from the days spent at the beach over the past week with his newly built family. A young couple, Collin and Patricia had met at the Primavera Opera House three years prior and instantly fallen in love with each other while performing together for the first time. They hadn't done much acting in the past year, since Collin became the Primavera's company manager and Patricia had been occupied with carrying the weight of something far more carefully attended to for the past two years. “I would have married you if you were crazy or completely, plain-old sane; it's your mind that drew me in, love. Though lucky me: I got one of the crazy ones.” She stared back into his eyes and he dropped her back to a vertical alignment, but she wrapped her short legs around his torso to keep from getting her feet wet in the ocean that covered Collin's black swimming trunks. Their noses scrunched and brushed against each other as lips exchanged embraces. “Lucky me.” Patricia said with every amount of honesty in her golden heart. Across the white sands behind them, tinier feet than Patricia's stumbled across the sand as tiny hands grabbed hold of the discarded panflute. The face of a chubby, black-haired toddler with cherub cheeks and a bowl cut beamed as he blissfully danced about with the panflute in his chunky fingers, despite the fact he had no clue what dancing or panflutes were entirely. Young Sebastian just giggled in the sun on the private beach owned by the Noble estate. He was dressed in an embarrassingly campy sailor suit costume, because of course he was; his mother had dressed the two year old. Sebastian just danced about on the sand and laughed because mommy was laughing. Oh wait. Mommy was far away. Tiny Sebastian didn't like that, as he figured out within just moments of finding the wonderful panflute that made him elated. He cried. Loud. He rubbed his eyes, plopped his diapered tush onto the sand, and cried. This recent turn of events and change in ambiance took Collin and Patricia aback for only a moment, before Patricia gave Collin a knowing glance. Obediently and wordlessly, her husbandly steed gave her a brief lift back to land. When they arrived at the feet of the toddler, each parent took their index fingers and thumbs to grab hold of exposed, wriggling baby toes; one foot to one parent. They made goofy noises while Patricia retrieved her panflute and Collin blew directly onto the young lad's stomach to produce a gaseous noise that was just close enough to the real thing that it made little Sebastian forget his woes and he instead shrieked with sheer joy. “What were you doing with my panflute?” If Patricia was attempting to interrogate the boy, then she was doing an incredibly terrible job. Her voice had gone three octaves higher and she was tickling his feet. This would only be effective torture if the point was to get Sebastian to laugh even more, uncontrollably, because she succeeded in that point. “What were you doing with my panflute, you silly boy?” Her blue-green eyes sparkled in front of Sebastian's hazel ones, and his mother's smile blocking away the sun was the last sight Base saw before awaking in the middle of a familiar space. There, fining himself tucked away in the sheets of his old bed, in his old room, Base was far too wrapped up in a single thought to realize he'd suddenly found himself somewhere he had no recollection of falling asleep last. He was in the Mysterious Tower for sure; it was the room where he'd stayed while training under Yen Sid and learned to grasp his magical abilities before really setting out on his journey. No. He could only think about blue-green eyes staring back at him and his father's laugh. Hugging the sheets close to his chest... Base missed his parents as the feeling sunk in once again that they were possibly gone forever with the rest of Theate. He felt beyond alone; he felt infinitesimally isolated and solitary as though he were the last of a dying race. He supposed he was. That didn't make the pain in his chest and head go away. He could only reflect on where he'd gone since he left where he came from. He'd gone from impossibly lanky to healthily filled-out, he'd met many fantastic people, and he'd gone to even more dazzling places. Then... why did he still feel so empty? In his reflection, that was when he heard a scream come from outside his door. It sounded far away, but it was within the tower. Carefully, Base stepped from out of his bed, dressed in a blue shirt with a Treble Clef sigil on the front, black skinny jeans, and black sneakers, and ventured out into the hallway. Whatever the scream was, it sounded familiar and it pained to hear it. A moment's time and a quick realization brought Base to light that the scream he'd heard was D'daear. Somewhere, his friends and his protege were in some sort of grievous danger, and Base had no memory of what last happened to him or how he'd gotten there at all. Base took off running down the hallway as fast as his feet could carry him. OOC: 15/45 Experienced Writer 2/25 Veteran Writer 1/5 Taciturn Observer
Okaay. This is gonna be tricky. I did a lot of work to get myself up-to-date, now that all remains is the validating. For your convenience, I'm going to try to put the least amount of burden on you, Krowley. 1.) I want to clear the boards on both my Abilities and SC Slots. Going down to zero so that I'm SURE everything's right. Equipping the Abilities: High Jump Combo Dodge Roll Guard Magic Lock-On Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Cheer Second Wind EXP Writer I All equaling: 17 points. I'm aware I have two more; I'd like to save that space. Equipping the Skill Commands: Cura Thunder Fire Aqua Splash Aero Taking up all four slots, plus my Mage Bonus Slot, with nothing but Magical Commands; all legal. 2.) Addressing an issue. As I've mentioned in Skype chat, there's a problem with switching the prices between Summons and Keyblades. There's no point to having spent a great deal of munny to buy a Summon when that Summon is no longer individually purchasable. With the discontinuation of the Dwarves, especially, there should be compensation. I did a price check, and found out that Bambi previously cost 1,500 munny. I bought him August 23rd, 2013; the End of Summer Sale was the last two weeks of August that year (I checked), which would mean I bought Bambi at 750. All I want is to buy Twitterpated at 2,250. I'll come back to how much munny that leaves me with, because I am buying more Keyblades. I am buying the following Keyblades: Elementary at 1,000 munny Hidden Dragon at 2,500 Purchasing both awards me: Basil Summon Mushu Summon This all leaves me with: 1,040 munny if you allow me the discount on Twitterpated, and 290 munny if you do not permit me. Please permit me the discount, as I feel I have made a good case and I did research to make sure that no one was cheated. 3.) I'm using two points to purchase two Intelligence points. The total buffs from that equal: +2 Magic, +1 Res, and .40 MP My stats become: 28(+5) Magic, 14 Res, and 7.4 MP This leaves me with: 0 points left to spend I'm using 23 Crowns to purchase +1 Strength and +1 Defense. This brings my stats to: 10 Strength and 10 Defense This leaves me with: 1 Crown left to spend. 4.) When it comes to the two Beast's Castle Keyblades, A.) If fighting with Vincent earned one the "Rumbling Rose", I accept this Key. B.) If the selection is free of such charge, I would prefer to have the Divine Rose. Please tell me which I am awarded by selecting either A or B when you reply, since this selection is the only one that I have not yet accounted for with edits to my Wiki page, and I would like to do so as soon as possible. EDIT: 5.) So far, Base has the following Achievements met: Gameplay Struggler- Bronze 1 Summon Me Once...- Bronze 1 Amateur Mystic- Bronze 1 Story Novice Writer- Bronze 1 Part of the Gang- Bronze 1 First Departure- Bronze 1 Enthusiastic Vagabond- Silver 2 Contracted- Bronze 1 "Couldn't have done it without ya!"- Bronze 1 Disney Prime- Bronze 1 Disney Fable- Bronze 1 Disney Rennaissance- Bronze 1 Community Connected- Bronze 1 Did You Know?- Bronze 1 What's Your Sign?- Bronze 1 Origins- Bronze 1 This is My Story...- Silver 2 Council, Gather!- Silver 2 Seeing Spots- Bronze 1 Microphone Jitters- Bronze 1 Changes were made to the wiki. No changes left to be made.
Hello. I've been playing Pokemon X for some time now, and there is, at last, just a few more Pokemon I have to get to complete my regional dexes. Now, you may be asking: "How has he been playing so long without completing the Dex?!" Well, I have an answer: I completed my National Dex quite awhile ago; in fact, I'm very close to completing an honest Living Dex. However, if you are not aware, you can only complete the Central, Coastal, and Mountain Dexes by capturing, breeding, and training native Kalos Pokemon. Since I brought up a lot of other Pokemon from Black 2 to X, Pokemon that could be found in X, there was sometime before I could complete any of the three dexes and get the deserved crown. Now, however, I only have a Pupitar to train into Tyranitar, catch and evolve a Lairon to evolve into Aggron, trade a Clamperl that I have back to me (I already have the Clamperl that's holding a Deep Sea Tooth), and a Kalos Native Articuno to see once and then you can have it back. I don't need to keep it. Really, I have more Legendary Birds than I really need. I'm really hoping somebody will trade me the Articuno to see just out of the goodness of their hearts, but I can offer a 4IV Poochyena or a Polar region Scatterbug, either of which you can nickname.
Name: Rylan Moriarty Age: 20 Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Appearance: Thin. Long, shoulder-length red hair that is well-groomed. Well-toned muscles; fit. Sharp facial features, especially sharp, methodical eyes. Brown eyes with a twinge of gold. Pale skin. Personality: Patient, wise, and sometimes a little condescending in his showing of his wisdom, he is a writer and an actor with a funny streak who tries to bring joy to all he encounters; Pokemon and Human alike. Region: Unova Hometown: Virbank Professor: Professor Oak Starter Pokémon: Name: Kuchoma Species: Litleo Gender: Female Personality: Quiet Name: Fen Species: Poochyena Gender: Male Personality: Brave Favorite Type(s): Fire and Normal Back Story: Formerly an actor in Virbank, in the Unova region, the only Pokemon he ever handled were the ones used for motion pictures, although he handled them very well without the assistance of a professional handler. He was approached by Professors Oak and Cyprus and Gym Leader Blaine, all from the Kanto region, to discuss the possible future of a career in Pokemon training, as well as an offer to be a part of a data collecting experiment. Rylan took the offer readily, having already solidified his acting career. He is so well-known across Kalos and other regions that he is instantly recognizable by regular movie-goers, but not everyone. Upon arrival in Kalos, Oak was there to meet him with two Pokeballs. Oak said that any two Pokemon of his choosing could habitat the pokeballs, and he would have to choose which ones. Rylan choose Litleo and Poochyena, named them, and he was sent off on his way from the airport to the train station where he took the train to the hub of Lumiose City. There, with his Pokemon at hand, Rylan started his Pokemon adventure.
Not sure if anyone wants the lead or has signed up to do it. I'd like to sign up for lead vocals all the same.
So, dearies, I did a video. I was messing around with a few songs, and I found a character that fits a song pretty well. Anyone who watches the popular show "Once Upon a Time" might see my point and might just hear it too. CnC Welcome.
I have a new word processor. I'm writing again.
The most metal theme for the least active battle ever. I approve.
Thank you for your wishes of condolences. He was a great man who helped shape me into the man I am today, as my mother was a single mother who lived with my grandparents in their home from the time I was three years old until I was around ten; I spent most of my formative years around my grandparents, and it was only recently, the past five years, where I didn't spend much time around them since I moved to Upstate New York. And as a Robin Williams tribute, A does makes the most sense. I want to give B and C their due too, because I feel Depression should be payed attention to during National Suicide Prevention Week. I'm going to wait for a few more votes. If one gets five more than any other I'll end it there due to time constraints or I'll end it if one option gets ten votes total for the same reason. I'm also voting for A, but not because it's a personal favorite; somebody close to me who is not a member of the forum informed me they'd vote for A if they could, so I'll count it and I want to remember it when I do the tallying. Thank you all for the support so far.
Hello, fellow Disney, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts lovers. A little over a month ago, two people died who meant a lot to me; first, my idol and one of the biggest acting influences who inspired me to act as well as I could and try everything I could, Robin Williams, took his life, and then, my grandfather, the next day, lost his short battle with Cancer. It was a rough time, but with the help of family around me, I was able to cope with the loss of a close relative. What I want to do, as a writer, is to cope by connecting with fellow fans of not only a fallen star, but the loss of one who truly earned the title and admiration of the title of "celebrity" and "performer" when there's so many more "nice looking people who talk into cameras". I want to take one character in particular, the phenomenally powerful cosmic being, the Genie of the Lamp from 1992 Disney Classic "Aladdin", and do a one shot story. One chapter, one clean, quick short story; as I have far too many unfinished novels posted on this forum. I have a few ideas, but I'd like to ask the masses what they would most like to read. I'll list out the ideas below. A.) Direct Dialogue between Genie and Robin Williams Both would be in a neutral setting. Is it heaven? Is it the Cosmos? It doesn't really matter. The focus of this is "Creation and Creator", and, to be honest, even the animators give a lot of credit to Williams for "creating" the character. It would explore Williams's varied film and performance career, and be more about wisdom and comedy. B.) Genie standing in the modern world, in what was once Agrabah The focus here would be harrowing and based on cold, hard reality. It will be downright depressing, but deep down, this is the scenario many figured out would happen to the immortal Genie and it has story potential. Central focus: memories, and dealing with loss. C.) Aladdin, Jasmine, and everyone else trying to cheer a depressed Genie up Genie won't come out of his lamp. Aladdin and the rest become worried about their blue friend and, once the Genie does come out, they try to cheer him up, as he's a little more blue than usual. This story would focus on the fact that those who make us laugh the most are usually the ones that are hurting the most on the inside. I look forward to writing any of these stories. Do you have an idea to add to one of these stories or a story of your own? Well, I encourage you to either write to me or write yourself; writing is a beautiful form of expression, and the world could always use more of it. Do you suffer from Depression? Hey, shoot me a message. I'm always happy to help out a fellow sufferer. If you don't want to talk to me (I understand. Nothing personal, right? :p) 1-800-273-8255 is the number for the National (American) Suicide Prevention Hot Line. Don't live in the States? I think the real question here is: Why do you hate Freedom?! Huh!? Well, for the respectable and well-loved Non-Yanks, here's a list of Lifelines from around the World, because Suicide is a Pandemic, and no one should ever have a crisis alone.
Performances are over. Netflix at home. Scrubs is awesome; never got to watch it sequentially.
I'm going to have to go with 1. She commands the song to the point it competes with the original work in terms of artistry, tonal quality, and quality of the instrumental; providing the instrumental rather than a backtack assisted the sound as well. The one track I listened to more than once because I just wanted to hear it without merely judging the craftsmanship. 2, you're a little sharp. Annunciation will serve you well, because I do hear good hard "t" and endings consonants throughout the song. Well emoted, in my opinion. Flat at some pieces, but you push your way through to keep the whole thing from falling down to a dirge entirely. 3, I commend your bilingual abilities and bravery in song choice. You're a little sharp, but you have an utterly pleasing Soprano pitch. To be honest, were it not for 1, you would have definitely won my vote. 4, you really bring out the character of the song, but I'm sorry, it was a bit too flat. Support your voice, and it will assist the grandly pleasing voice you possess.
"Y'know what kid? I like you, you've got guts." Mae cringed a bit; she hadn't expected such a congenial response. It brought in equal parts shame in her action and the regret she'd have to return the trust; it was simply in her nature. She winced and turned around to maintain her presence that had been already respected. She planted her hands on her hips and nodded to Garen. "I may've overspoken, eh?" Her Irish lilt squeaked not out of shyness, but only to emphasis her chagrin and humility. "Mae Collins." She offered her hand out for a shake. "But we're definitely not in Kansas anymore. Or even Earth." Distracted, Mae looked around at the locals and found they wore odd wardrobes that weren't a far fetch from what her current company was wearing. "Are... are yew abselootlee sarten tha' we're naht locals ahselves? Ah cannuh recall bein' anywhere else." She'd only just finished speaking her bit when Chrona had his say. She looked from him to the others in the carriage. "Ah have a good min' ta fine the lil' rascal who stole from me, an' Ah have the slightest fahlin' havin' "muscles" 'ere wit' us woul' be wise." She jabbed a thumb in the direction of Garen. "Not sayin' it'sa ba' ideer, jus' tryin' tah make sarten we keep ahr wits righ' in order."