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  1. Sebax

    This is an RP I'm currently developing. I hoping to attract serious and casual video game players as well as writers in any range of ability. It is geared to be easy for the player to understand what they're doing, and there's an actual sense of reward if you apply yourself to working towards a real end goal.

    Plus, it takes place at Disney World!
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 24, 2014 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  2. Sebax
    ஜName: Sebax
    ஜ Age: 36
    ஜ Appearance: Dressed finely and slick-looking. Sports a full, bushy beard.
    ஜSmall bio: Long ago, the Nobody Sebax devastated worlds as a twisted sorcerer. He was locked away in a sheet of music, awaiting the day he would be unleashed...
    ஜ Reason for rescuing the hero: Wouldn't you like to know?
    ஜWeapon (If applicable): Rotary Round, a blade with a ball handle. Resembles a quarter note. It magically shifts into a scythe to resemble an eighth note. He throws Four Counts, bombs that resemble whole notes.
    ஜPower (If applicable): Control over Sound. He can blast others away with sheer force of a loud sound. He can alter his voice to mimic literally any sound. Clever as a tack.
    ஜ Other: Sebax isn't the same Base from SOS. He is the manifestation of what Base could have done, if he'd chosen the wrong path. Base existed separately from Sebax, but they are essentially the same person, save for a massive difference in personality.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sebax
    Welcome, to the
    Wonderful World of Disney

    WWD is a concept I'm currently offering to KH-vids. For now, it's still in its infancy, and I can only offer readers a taste of what could happen, but I need you to help that happen. It's going to take time and effort on my part, but I am willing to make it happen!

    What's different about WWD?

    This RP is going to be statistic-run. While that's nothing new for the Arena, it's still a fairly unused practice, so it will still stand out. What's even further than that is the fact that WWD will utilize specialized, but simplified, systems of control so that the player really feels like they're making actual progress as they go around completing tasks; either by themselves or in groups.
    Systems include:
    Ranks and levels
    Battle stats for Boss battles
    Trophy and Special Item Collection
    Unlockable locations and precise, given spots for maps.

    Will it have a story?
    Of course! While I can't give it all away, right away, you are Keybladers who are visiting a fantasy-version of the Disney Theme Parks in Orlando, Florida.

    But I've never been to Disney in Orlando, Fl-!
    When was the last time you took a walk through Traverse Town? A leisurely stroll through Kanto? A hike through the hills of Hyrule? Maybe the last time you played a video game, but when did you physically walk through such areas? Exactly! You'll be given detailed maps as we progress. You'll know where you can find everything and what everything looks like, and we flesh the maps out via scripting what we get out of them.

    This is already a lot to wrap my head around. Why all the trouble?
    It's no trouble at all. I keep track of every skill you build, every stat increase you make, and everything that is related to progress for both individual characters and the cast as a whole.

    Where would we start?
    Well, the plan is to start either on Main Street USA, which will be the only unlocked area of the Magic Kingdom park where everyone begins, or a hotel where everyone will have a room they can personalize. The more you play, the more themes you unlock for your room. Does it really amount to anything? Well, that's up to your imagination, but I feel it's you getting to show off your own creativity and personality.

    How would we unlock Keyblades?
    There'll be a few shops. Some for pins, which will be collectibles, some for Keychains which you can unlock by talking to certain characters are the park and completing certain tasks.

    Question from @Shu : How long do you expect this RP to take to finish?
    Here's how it works: You unlock each area of each park by yourself or with others by defeating bosses that guard those sections. In order to build up your strength to face these foes, you'll probably have to complete some of the lesser tasks in each section first as you progress. Once you defeat or help defeat a boss, you alone unlock access to the sections yielded, but help out future players by giving them the OPTION to face a boss with half their given health after they've been defeated by anyone once. (For you thrill seekers, you can still fight your foes at their full power) Given that there's a lot to do, and you can only do so much in a day, this RP runs at your pace. It could take you a year to get through, or it could take you a few months if you REALLY work at it. Keep in mind, you work through each of four Disney parks. But there's so many little things to do, you'll wind up wandering around to finish everything like you would a real game; in your free time and at your leisure.

    Question from @Hexin : Can these pins we collect have some sort of perk?

    They already do. Each pin gains you a .2 increase in either your Strength, Defense, Magic, or Resistance stat, depending on what category the pin falls into. Since there are 200 pins just at the start to collect, with more possibly on the way, this means you get a 10+ in all four stats if you collect all 200. The categories for pins are: Characters 50, Attractions 50, Movies 50, and pins based off of Items 50.

    Have a question? Ask away, and it may be added to the list above.
    Thread by: Sebax, Oct 24, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Role Play Discussion
  4. Sebax
    The princess was preparing to respond to Ananta's question, but was pleasantly distracted by D'daear's introduction. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, D'daear. Just as it is a pleasure to meet you, and Glen, isn't it?" She nodded her head towards each of the three.

    When it came to mind about answering Ananta's question, Minnie giggled again. "You're all very curious for book collectors." Minnie seemed to be enjoying a joke only she was in on. "Well, every year, for many years, we've held a festival here in town that spreads good will, charity, and allows an opportunity for others to do good deeds. Everyone does well by the other in hopes that the receiving party will vote for the other individual. At the end, there's a big prize for whoever wins. Meanwhile, there's fun and exciting games for everyone to participate in!" She sighed dreamily. "It's really my favorite time of the year. Everyone's so nice to each other." She said this with no inclination that, somewhere in town, Pete, a denizen of the town, was harassing other Keybladers. "So, if you all stay around, be sure to meet as many locals as you can, and I'm sure someone's bound to vote for you. I believe so." Minnie snapped back out of her dreamy state. "Oh my! We still need to find Mickey, or there really won't be much of a festival at all." An idea crossed her mind, and she smiled brightly that it did. "He's at the fruit stand. He'd have to be. He said he'd repair the fruit shooter since it had gone haywire."

    Base heard this and responded to D'daear's question, "I imagine that's going to be outside. Where else would you fling fruit from something called a "fruit shooter"?"

    Sparsely, the other Keybladers were introducing themselves. "My, Kross, you are quite courteous. And Luna, you are a Royal Knight? I suppose book collectors require some pro-"

    "Okay, we're not librarians." Base couldn't keep it inside any longer. He knew that she knew. "But we do need to find Mickey and the book, so if you don't mind showing us the way to where he might be, could you, please?"
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Sebax

    A race! A race! Here's how it will work: Since there's still a battle going on between Pete and a few Keybladers, this will be simple, but fun. Each group meets with their own select denizen or group of denizens of Disney Town, and all you have to do is follow the list of instructions you're given as you complete each given task.

    1. You can't complete the next task if you just completed the previous one. Turns can't touch, but you can go again once someone has had a turn in contributing to your group.
    2. There are five steps to each group (Five items for Group D) to make things quick, but hopefully keep everyone pleasantly distracted.
    3. When it comes to the objects to be found in the attic, one item per player only.
    4. Every player who participates gets the given reward when the five steps are completed.
    5. The first team to complete the criteria gets double the Crowns and double the Munny. If this team happens to be Group D, they will receive the double perk, but the next group to follow in completion will as well.
    6. You still have to follow rule 5 of the KHSOS rule, given here for clarity: "5. To help improve roleplaying ability, a minimum quota will be put on all posts. As you level, more writing will be expected of you. Don't worry, not a lot, but enough to show your growth as a writer as well as a player. The Quota wlll be 5 words for every level your player has."
    7. You have until the end of the battle between Pete and Roe, Kaida, and Cailyn.
    8. This will likely not be the only event to happen while in Disney Town, since this wasn't planned beforehand.

    Group A: Grimm Alley

    Reward: 4 Crowns, 700 munny, 300 EXP

    1.) Approach the mysterious figure.
    2.) ?????
    3.) ?????
    4.) ?????
    5.) ?????

    Group B: Toon Parkway

    Reward: 4 Crowns, 700 munny, 300 EXP

    1.) Approach the frantic rabbit.
    2.) ?????
    3.) ?????
    4.) ?????
    5.) ?????

    Group C: Raceway

    Reward: 4 Crowns, 700 munny, 300 EXP

    1.) Approach the Chipmunks.
    2.) ?????
    3.) ?????
    4.) ?????
    5.) ?????

    Group D: Attic

    Reward: 4 Crowns, 700 munny, 300 EXP

    Objects Left to Find
    1.) Broom
    2.) Wooden Bucket
    3.) Old Roll of Film
    4.) Silver Screen
    5.) Blue Fleur de Lis Ribbon

    The princess was preparing to respond to Ananta's question, but was pleasantly distracted by D'daear's introduction. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, D'daear. Just as it is a pleasure to meet you, and Glen, isn't it?" She nodded her head towards each of the three.

    When it came to mind about answering Ananta's question, Minnie giggled again. "You're all very curious for book collectors." Minnie seemed to be enjoying a joke only she was in on. "Well, every year, for many years, we've held a festival here in town that spreads good will, charity, and allows an opportunity for others to do good deeds. Everyone does well by the other in hopes that the receiving party will vote for the other individual. At the end, there's a big prize for whoever wins. Meanwhile, there's fun and exciting games for everyone to participate in!" She sighed dreamily. "It's really my favorite time of the year. Everyone's so nice to each other." She said this with no inclination that, somewhere in town, Pete, a denizen of the town, was harassing other Keybladers. "So, if you all stay around, be sure to meet as many locals as you can, and I'm sure someone's bound to vote for you. I believe so." Minnie snapped back out of her dreamy state. "Oh my! We still need to find Mickey, or there really won't be much of a festival at all." An idea crossed her mind, and she smiled brightly that it did. "He's at the fruit stand. He'd have to be. He said he'd repair the fruit shooter since it had gone haywire."

    Base heard this and responded to D'daear's question, "I imagine that's going to be outside. Where else would you fling fruit from something called a "fruit shooter"?"

    Sparsely, the other Keybladers were introducing themselves. "My, Kross, you are quite courteous. And Luna, you are a Royal Knight? I suppose book collectors require some pro-"

    "Okay, we're not librarians." Base couldn't keep it inside any longer. He knew that she knew. "But we do need to find Mickey and the book, so if you don't mind showing us the way to where he might be, could you, please?"

    "There won't be much need of that, dear boy." Merlin's voice echoed over Base's shoulder as the wizard took center stage. "Whether or not Mickey took the book is of little consequence when we are, in fact, surrounded with tools that can help us in the very same endeavor." He rolled up his sleeves and flourished his bony arms so that he hunched up his shoulders and resembled the mast of a ship with his arms out wide. "In this very room, are items that can be used as gateways to worlds from the past of whom we're looking for."

    Minnie cleared her throat. "Ahem. That is all very well, for whatever other purpose, but I need to find him in the present time."

    "Oh, you're fretfully right. How silly of me. Well then, there's only one thing to do: I'll stay here and open the portals...(I feel like that's all that I'm accountable for these days)," He mumbled under his breath, "And you all shall aid and assist Princess Minnie." Merlin counted the Keybladers out. "Ah, right: Glen, Karina, Kel, and Beuce will take one area, Base, D'daear, and Stratos shall take the second, which leaves, let's see...Ananta, Kross, Raisor, and Steel for the third. The rest of you, Hikaru, Rain, Aden, and Anora, you'll stay here to assist me. Now then, my dear, where would you like for them to search?" Merlin leaned down to allow Minnie to whisper into his ear. "Wonderful. This will only take a moment then. Good luck everyone." Just like that, in a puff of gray smoke, most of the Keybladers vanished from the room. As they departed, they heard Minnie cry out,

    "Don't forget about helping others as well during the Dream Festival. Good luck!"


    District A: Grimm Alley

    Down a dingy, poorly lit alleyway, cut off from the rest of the town, Karina, Beuce, Kel and Glen wound up. Kept company by shade that created a perpetual night even in the day and knocked over, smelly trash cans, the solemn porch light illuminated a bleak amount of area, but revealed that either path taken down the alley wouldn't lead directly to an exit. Going into a full on sprint could be dangerous.

    Before anyone could act or speak, a voice echoed through the alleyway ominously. "I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the key you have to jiggle in order to unlock the door. I am..." A puff of smoke popped into view and clouded everyone's vision for a moment before a shrouded, short duck in purple flapped open his cape and glared out from behind his purple face mask. "Darkwiiiing Duck!" He inhaled sharply. The next line sounded far less ominous and much more confused. "Who are you?"

    "Psst, DW, can I come out yet?" Another voice called out from sounded like on the nearby trash cans.

    "No, not... yyyyet." The mysterious figure gritted his teeth in agitation at his sidekick giving away his position.

    "Okay, you just give the word, and I'll ambush whoever needs to be ambushed."

    The mysterious figure responded by dropping hold of his cape to slap the palm of one of his white, feathery hands into his face mask and down his yellow-orange duck bill that sprang like a diving board when his hand moved down from off his face. "Thank you, LP." He grumbled miserably.

    District B: Toon Parkway

    "P-p-p-p-p-bbbbbleeeeease, Baby Herman! Get back down here!" A white rabbit in red overalls shouted frantically as he held yellow-gloved hands above his long eared hands. Toon Parkway was a neat little park with green grass fenced in with white picket fences in a thirty yards by thirty yards area of cobblestone pathways that all routed to a single pale yellow gazebo with a green trim in the center by a small pond. It also had, at that time, a flying baby; a flying baby with balloon strings strapped to the back of its diaper. While the baby cooed innocently, the rabbit was on the ground losing his mind.

    Base stared at the Rabbit in distress and looked to the others. "Should we help him? I mean, to not do anything would be child endangerment, but my question is: how did that child get that endangered in the first place??" He asked incredulously.

    District: Raceway

    Two chipmunks were arguing on a podium under an awning that looked out onto a racetrack across the way from where Ananta, Kross, Raisor, and Steel appeared in a puff of ethereal smoke.

    "Listen here, blockhead!" The one with a black nose pounded the other one, the chipmunk with a large, red nose, directly on the head. "This'll never work."

    A female voice piped in, chipper. "Don't be so hard on Dale, Chip." She instructed from below the podium, with the sounds of wrenches twisting and bolts tightening clicking from the same spot. Chip went to pieces, changing from frustrated to swooning in a flash.

    "You're right, Gadget." Chip chipped in while Dale rubbed his sore head. "Alright, blockhead, what do you have to say?"

    "I told ya! There's no way to no for sure until it's tested." Dale took the moment to offer his own little argument.

    The Attic

    "Now then, Higgitus Figgutus, zoomba-ka-zing. I want your attention everything!" Merlin cast his spell dramatically, but the response from the room was not at all dramatic. He furrowed his bushy eyebrows in frustration and hopped on a stool. "Everything! Confound it!" He cursed the space when the room still didn't heed his order. He calmed down and spoke directly to Hikaru. "So sorry, lad. Could you and the others possibly go about looking for special items in the room? I need a broom, a wooden bucket, an old roll of film, a pull-down silver screen, and a blue ribbon with an odd symbol on looks a little like this..." He drew a Fleur de Lis in the air with a bit of magic. "These are the items we need to open those portals I spoke of. My magic should be able to find them, eventually, but we must not dawdle. Time is of the essence you know."


    25/45 Experienced
    8/25 Veteran
    Thread by: Sebax, Oct 21, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  6. Sebax
    "There's certainly something up there." Base returned to Glen, but the reply didn't have any effect on who it was meant for as Glen went up anyway. Base flinched at the thought of the soreness that must have come with falling down the stairs, and this thought distracted him as Glen disappeared into the darkness above...and the ladder retracted after him and the trap door slammed shut. Base's eyebrows almost entered his hairline and his breath was caught on a ledge he couldn't reach. "Glen!" He shouted as he dashed to the rescue. The pull string was just out of reach, and Base had to jump for it, but failed all of three attempts. "The shower head was intended for someone under five feet, but the attic was designed for a giant. My wrath will be swift and thorough on any contractor who happens to live here." Finally, he nabbed and secured the string on the fourth try. His success was short lived, as he received a smart WHACK to the head that put him on his back when the trap door re-opened. On his back, another knock was taken to his noggin when the stairs forcibly slid down, and just before it crushed his skull like a grape, the bottom rung merely tapped him square on the forehead. "Swift, thorough...and without mercy..." Base mumbled to himself as he slid out from beneath the ladder and rubbed his sore head before shaking it off and running up the stairs to aid his friend. "Come on!" He called to the others before he too disappeared into the void.

    Upstairs was dark, but his eyes had adjusted and he spotted Glen almost right away. Fortunately, the ladder hadn't repeated its closure when Base went up, but there was something different about the attic. Base couldn't speak he felt a presence. He scanned the assorted packed boxes, knick knacks, and wooden beams that made up the space. There was plenty of cover for something to hide, but what Base spotted with horror wasn't trying to hide. He saw... a shadow. He retracted as it stepped closer. He called his Keyblade, ready to fight, but afraid for his life.

    "Oh my. You are wielders of the Keyblade?" A meek, feminine voice called out from the shadows as the shadow itself stepped forward. It was a mouse, much like the one Base and the others had seen in the tower. Only, she was a girl, dressed in elegant garb and with a small tiara atop her head. It was a stretch, but Base recognized her face.

    "Minnie?" Base wondered aloud.

    "Oh? Oh...uh...why yes. I am. Princess Minnie, but who are you all?"

    He couldn't give them all away. "We're... ummm, librarians." Base lied. "We're looking for a book. Have you seen one around here?"

    "My mind has not been on books, I'm afraid. You see, I'm looking for my friend. This is his home. I've been looking for him everywhere, but while I was looking, the lights went out and I heard loud commotions all around the house, so I hid." She giggled infectiously. "It's good to know that you are all librarians and not burglars."

    "We are librarians, just not from any Library around here." Base explained as if it were the truth. "Do you know where your friend might be besides here? We think he has a book of ours."

    "You must have an awfully strict overdue policy." Minnie again giggled. She wasn't taking them seriously, while pointing to Base's summoned Keyblade with one gloved hand. "As for your question, I am afraid that I do not know the answer. He said he'd meet me here so we could go to the Dream Festival together."

    "Dream Festival?" Base inquired.

    "It's an event held every year in town. As you're here, of course you're welcome to attend, but I really do wish I knew where Mickey was."

    "We'll find him. We just need a little more to go on."

    "I'm afraid I can be of no service." Minnie frowned.

    "That's fine." Base then noticed a small metal box lingering behind the elegant mouse. "Pardon me, Miss."

    "Minnie. Princess Minnie. You really must not be from around here."

    "Sorry. No." Base manuevered around and opened the box connected to the wall. Popping it open, he was relieved to see the circuit breakers for the house. Naturally, from a city world, he made quick work of the device and, with a tiny spark of Thunder magic, Base returned the house to its lighted, cheery state. He knew, somewhere, a dwarf was facing brutal consequence for his actions, but Base had other pressing matters on his mind.

    "Oh, how wonderful." Minnie looked up as the attic was brought out of its dingy state. "Thank you..."

    "Base. Just Base." Despite his royal last name, Base lacked any true honorifics when faced with a Princess.

    "Thank you, Base." Princess Minnie smiled and shook his hand. "If you can now help me find my friend, Mickey, then I'm sure you will all make wonderful additions to the Dream Festival." She was cheery at first, but sighed. "I am really beginning to worry about him."

    Given how sullen she looked, Base began to question just how "friendly" the two mice were. He felt pity for her to say the least. She really seemed to care about him. Base was doubting more and more by the second that whoever Mickey was, he couldn't be a bad guy. He dared not say the name "Yen Sid". If she knew him, it would give them away, and he'd also probably have to break the news that the sorcerer had achieved the status of a lawn ornament. If she didn't know of him, then that wouldn't help anyone.

    "Well, thank you, Glen. Without you, we wouldn't have been able to find our biggest lead so far." Glen nodded to the other person." He began to pace. "Now... if only we knew where to look for Mickey..."


    24/45 Experienced
    7/20 Veteran
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 19, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Sebax
    Base patted Steel on the shoulder. "Let's keep Property Damage to a minimum of none." He calmly made a counter offer to Steel's drastic take."If there's a problem with lighting a candle, imagine what blowing a hole through the wall is going to do on Glen's and everyone else's nerves." He reasoned with a relaxed air about him. He nodded to the others for taking notice and applauding his find in the photographs. Trusting that his reasoning had done well enough to soothe Steel's desire to needlessly rips holes both through the walls and their stealth oper- He paused. He wanted to make sure. "Now that there's the suspicion that the owner of the home is just as likely our ally, I do not think he would think kindly if we started tearing apart his home. Don't. Blow. Up. Anything."

    Base left the room to continue his investigation, taking care to make sure the hallway was clear before he walked out. Across the way, he discovered a rest room. It was packed with the usual utensils and appliances. A sink, a shower, a toilet, a red toothbrush in a cup by the sink,bath towels and hand towels. Standard bathroom fare. Base looked into the mirror, and looked back at him looking at him. He noticed how his hair had gotten longer in the back and that his beard was starting to come back through. Once he was somewhere more stable, the stubble would have to go. Pulling his fingertips away from his jawline, Base loosened his tense muscles in his neck and back and looked askance towards the shower curtains. He took notice of the fact that the curtains were egg shell white with dots about a quarter of an inch wide; the dots looked like letters. Were those some sort of backwards, cursive Gs? He stopped wondering over trivial matters and pulled the curtain aside. Nothing to report except for the inside of an empty bathtub, a shower head, and a white rubber duck with a blue old-fashioned sailor cap with a black tie at the base of the hat. He took each observation into considerations about who exactly was the owner of said house. Obviously, someone a bit shorter, since the shower head barely reached past Base's neck line. Then again, it was evident that a mouse lived here. Each clue just gave it away more and more that the one he'd seen run off with that book was the same individual who called this place home. Base stepped across the linoleum flooring to return back to the hallway to make sure Steel hadn't done anything rash. "Again. Don't. Blow. Up. Anything." He drove his point home. "Anything."

    Base searched the kitchen, the living room again, and every room in the house he could find. Each evinced a total absence of the mouse or anyone else he didn't already know. He returned to the others and reported his findings to them.

    "I couldn't find anyone, but the house does seem lived in and well-main-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. Out in the upstairs hallway, a clatter and clash was heard that sounded like wood pounding against wood. When Base rushed to see what it was, he froze up seeing a new room had been revealed. A trap door had been opened in the ceiling to reveal a pull-down staircase (likely what had caused the noise) that presumably led straight up to the ceiling. He gulped. After that interruption and air of mystery, he wasn't feeling so great about checking what seemed to be... an attic...


    23/45 Experienced
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 19, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Sebax
    Unequipped: Gravity
    Equipped: Faith

    Alterations made to "Base" page.

    Unequipped: Lady Luck
    Stat changes: -2 Strength and -5 Magic
    Equipped: Star Seeker
    MP: 7.4 (+1)
    Strength: 10 (+7)
    Magic: 28 (+3)

    4 Crowns for performing "On My Way" in the month of October. 399 munny on top.
    Working on "One Little Slip", but I guess that isn't needed info.
    I now have 5 Crowns and 1,439 munny.

    It'' beautiful...

    Added the Mega-Potion and Sweet Memories to Base's Wiki.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 18, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  9. Sebax
    "Element of surprise." Base offered a reason to Glen with assured brevity, but quietly. "We're one, two, three, four...and five Keyblade Warriors." Base took Karina into consideration when she popped into view. "Yes, it was a bit rash, but what difference would having the door creak open make? We'd all just be standing there, in the doorframe, as the door slowly slips open. What would we say? "House keeping. Here to turn up your sheets." Base took note of the fact that Aden and D'daear had wound up in the same bed.

    "Oh...umm... you know, they could have just fallen in like that. I did hear a clammer." Base almost blushed. "What exactly that clammer was was hopefully just a rough landing. Wrong choice of words. You know what, let's just all get over this hump by... forget it. Bad choice of words again." Base surveyed the room. It had been left in a state of disarray from the described rough landing, but still held the semblance of a bedroom... per the bed.

    Searching through the room, Base made sure to try and leave everything as it was, save for the pair of red shorts that he picked up and raised an eyebrow at. There seemed to be another pair in white with black buttons, where the pair he held had yellow buttons. Big yellow shoes were neatly rowed up by the dresser that had been knocked of the scattered shorts, but surely no one had feet that big. On the dresser, a row of picture frames had been knocked down and Base, investigating, propped them back up to see none of them were damaged. The first showed a mouse like the one he'd seen at Yen Sid's tower sitting beside a tall, thin men with a pencil mustache smiling in a picture studio. The second showed two mice, one of them being the mouse from the first, and the second being a more feminine looking mouse in a polkadot dress with a bow to match on her head in between two big, round ears. She had her arms wrapped around him, and she was giving him a great big kiss on the cheek in front of what looked like a castle. The photographs were signed, Base noticed soon after a quick glance. The first was signed "It all began with you, Walt" and the second read "To Mickey, with Love, Minnie". He couldn't decipher much from what was written, except that maybe the mouse he'd seen at the tower was named "Mickey" and he lived there. A third frame that hadn't been fixed yet caught Base's eye.

    "Guys, look at this!" The picture showed Mickey standing with Yen Sid, in the flesh. "Something tells me that whoever did that to Master Yen Sid wasn't responsible for what happened. It doesn't prove anything, but look at them. They look like friends. All we know is: whoever lives here knows Yen Sid." Base refused to refer to his teacher in the past sense.


    That's 2/7 for D'daear x Aden.
    22/45 Experienced
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Sebax
    This post held Chapter 5.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: Written Works
  11. Sebax
    "It's me." Base returned back to Ananta in a hushed tone. "Be very, very quiet. I think I heard something in the house." He whispered to Ananta and Kross as his eyes adjusted to see their faces. Sounds continued to echo throughout the little house, and he wasn't sure if the sounds came from his own movements, Ananta or Kross, or something else really was inside with them. "Either someone cut the power or there's been on outage. Take the candle with you, and follow me. I think I heard something upstairs." With that said, Base took precaution in tip-toeing up the regretably creaky stairs that led up to a narrow hallway with a few doors. Noiselessly, Base crept towards a door where he heard someone speaking on the other side.

    "Where did the mirror lead us?" He heard furniture being moved around. Wait...wasn't that a familiar voice? Maybe the people on the other side had taken the same mirror, just wound up in a different spot. The lights came back on as he waited, but that just meant they could go out again at any time if there were shifts. To be safe, Base called his Keyblade to his side and made sure to caution Kross and Ananta.

    "I'm going to go inside. Back me up, if need be." He said to the other two as he slammed the door wide open to see Aden and D'daear. Both of them were sights for sore eyes. "Thank goodness, it's only you two..."
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 17, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Sebax
    "Here we go again..." Base jumped headlong into the mirror, hoping he wouldn't be regurgitated like last time.

    It had done Base's heart well to hear Yen Sid's voice again after so long and after such a calamity had befallen his former master. He'd even mentioned Base by name in front of the others. Though Base had not learned much from Master Eraqus, he knew the power the old samurai contained under a cooled visage. As Base stepped through the portal once more, he reflected on the fact that whatever patch work they'd done in the past was done and over with. This was all too real and more critical than ever, and it sunk in deep that maybe somewhere in the future not all of the friends he'd come to know would be there... but they'd still be connected. He knew that for a fact, and let it ease his anxious nerves as he traveled through the worlds between.

    Once he landed on the other side, his feet calmly were planted on the floor from the instant he arrived. He stumbled almost over the fact. "Huh. So that's what it's like to arrive somewhere without falling into it. That's new." Cautiously, he surveyed his surroundings. It was a small, humble living room with a plump, overstuffed couch against a yellow wall, with yellow floorboards beneath his feet. A little way to the right of the mirror appeared to be the front door right across from a staircase that connected to the same wall the couch was backed against. To the left was a rotund archway with a white trim that seemed to lead into a kitchen. Despite how quaint it was... something wasn't right. Base readied his Keyblade and tip-toed warily through the seemingly docile abode. He stepped away from the curved fireplace lying under a Mouse Deco mantle place that laid beneath the mirror he'd traveled through.

    Curious... others had traveled through before him... why was he early? He was thinking to himself and finding it hard to concentrate as thoughts flooded his mind. He sneaked past a large TV connected to a game station. A dwarf with a purple cap and green coat was facing an old hag on the softly lit screen that cast an eerie, soft glow on the rest of the strange home. While the two characters idled on the screen almost motionlessly, Base directed his attention towards hitting a light switch. The lights came on and it became more confirmed that no one was home, or else the illumination would have drawn attention, if not the loud click of the switch in dead air.

    With an air of professionalism, Base looked from left to right and strafed to ensure he was alone. Only when he realized he was so far, did he rush to pick up the game controller and proceed to smash the Old Hag with the fists of the Dopey-looking dwarf. One hits, two hits, and one right after the other in an all out assault. Six gravestones were rowed up at the bottom of the screen with the seventh box being taken up by the dopey grin of the purple-hatted character. Base upped the ante, knowing he was starting on his last leg. ... But then a door creaked somewhere in the house and the power went out. No TV. No lights. Only the living room in a state of darkness deeper than when Base had entered. He gulped. Maybe going back through the mirror was a better idea.


    21/45 Experienced
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 14, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Sebax
    "He taught you too, didn't he?" A voice calmly traveled over Kross's shoulder. Base was wiping ink off a book covering "Ice Spells" when he spotted the recently returned Kross crumble to dust in front of the stony personage that made everyone at least a little uncomfortable. "We've never really gotten to know each other very well. My memory's been a little foggy lately... weren't you at the enchanted castle with the Beast?" He allowed for a response from Kross, but likewise continued with his stream of consciousness too. "I learned a lot from him too. He saved me from utter destruction right when I needed it most, and even though I didn't feel like I could be much of a hero, Yen Sid pushed me a little bit further to become one. Now I'm here with you and many other heroes. He knew what he was doing all along, and Kross, the one thing I want to say to you is: if he taught you any amount of anything, you can look him right in the eye right now and stand as if nothing is wrong. If he is gone, then he went on his terms doing what he knew was right. If he's just locked away right now, he knew something we don't, but we'll be the ones to figure things out, because I feel like he's the one person who plans on Wild Cards."

    It was then that a faint glow caught Base's eye after patting Kross confidently on the shoulder. He heard, "Hey guys, I found something of use." That was Kel, and it certainly did seem like something of use. It was a hologram of the old master himself. Base grinned broadly. It was his first time seeing the wizard so vibrantly after being sent along to meet Krowley and Shapur where Dumbo lived.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 13, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Sebax
    With a single retching "BLECH!" the mirror literally threw Base up from the portal on the side he'd left from. He saw Glen, as he intended, but he didn't seem to be in much danger since there were far more Keybladers on the side he landed on than he expected. "Something is keeping us from going through. Good to know." He wished he'd known sooner, since, pardoning the pun, he had landed on his keys. He kept some keychains in his back pocket for ready use, but he was silently hoping his boney posterior hadn't snapped anything. "If I know Yen Sid, there's a method to this madness..." Once he spotted everyone cleaning up, that was when it clicked. "Keep picking up! There's got to be something here we need to find. Whoever it was who ran over this place couldn't find it, but that person isn't us. We'll be able to find it."

    He stumbled to his feet and began picking up books and scanning over them. His perusal of the subject matter was rushed, but thorough as he made every attempt to get them all from point A to point B.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Sebax
    "I was thinking that we should approach the situation carefully. Glen just jumping head long has changed that a bit. We can't leave him to whatever's waiting on the other side." Base approached Karina as she wept on the ground, and he did so without fear. In his heart, he wanted no one to suffer; it was a deep pain inside him that drew him to ensuring the mental stability of others. When he heard the barrage of insults end in Karina's emotional explosion, Base dared to sit beside her. He did not touch her, but only spoke with understanding and patience. She could growl at him like she had at Ananta. Base would understand it. When Theate fell, he shouted an ground shattering yell that drained him of every sense of feeling he had, and he saw that same presence existing in Karina at that moment. "For what it's worth, you aren't worthless. I never give idle compliments, and I know no more powerful, capable warrior than the one I am looking at right now." He said it with determination and inner strength. He knew how tough Karina was, but knew that she was breaking and if no one dared... "I dare to try and pick up the pieces when everyone else is afraid of getting cut on the sharp edges. I can't begin to understand you, but I can do everything I can to make sure that I am not another thorn in your side. I accept you for the calloused, rough heroine you are. I accept Glen for the pain he can sometimes be, but he is as well an adept fighter. I'm sure he is, but I've never fought with him."

    He gave her a serious look. "I've fought with you though. And I know. If there's any danger waiting on the other side, I know that you can take it head on, and I will fight beside you without a moment's delay." He then spoke to his apprentice, since many had gathered in the room by that point. "D'daear, I don't ask you to follow where I go, but know that I trust in your abilities as well. Whatever happened to you all recently, I know you handled it without me." He smiled. It was an emotional moment, and he tried to keep himself together. "Karina, if there's any hope for any of us right now, it is the epitome of usefulness that I see: a powerful warrior."

    He stood. "We're all capable of handling whatever comes our way, but our only hope comes as our hearts are tied. In many ways, we never leave each other's sides, though we separate and take on our own worlds. One of of us knows someone we don't personally, and that ties us all together as champions of the Light. Right now, through error, Glen is going to need more light to aid him, because something tells me that he's not going to be able to come back right away if he got himself in trouble." Base was a born leader, without even knowing it himself. He merely spoke what he felt was right, and he said it confidently. "This is going to look really stupid, but it's something I have to do. I wouldn't ask anyone to do what I wouldn't be willing to do myself." And then, calling his Keyblade ready to his side and pacing himself, he jumped through the mirror after Glen and the Mouse.


    20/45 Experienced
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 9, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Sebax
    He was distracted. Nothing around him could keep away the sinking feeling Base had in the pit of his stomach with each step taken up to the top of the tower. It was about halfway up that a fire lit beneath his feet to punctuate the point: something was very wrong, and he wasn't moving fast enough. Base flew off into an upward sprint, skipping steps on the stairs in leaps and bounds as he paced to get himself to the top as soon as possible. Greens, blues, and streaks of light that drew the eye in the magical stairway up didn't even register to him in his transfixed, fixated mood. 'What's causing this anxiety?' Base wondered to himself as the Wizard's door soon came into view, long after he'd left the others behind in a mad dash through other rooms and passageways that magically connected to the stairs. A crescent moon shone from the oaken door that Base threw open to reveal a grim sight that made him feel like he'd fall back.

    The room had been ravaged and thrown apart. The study was strewn with broken remnants of book cases, thrown and scattered tomes, and the skull that held a candle on Yen Sid's desk had been crushed into dust. The desk had been thrown and laid vertically to block the doorway leading to another, adjacent room. The throne, however, was where it was supposed to be, but what Base found there made him come to grips with the sinking feeling that shot through his fingertips and ached at his brain. Yen Sid was sitting in his throne, and he'd been turned to stone. A shocking expression was on the wizard's face, etched in gray rock that bore true expression... of a grin? Beside the odd countenance, Base had seen someone turn to stone right before his eyes, and he knew what the difference was when someone had carved a statue in a person's likeness and when someone had physically turned into a frozen statue. Was it his own imagination? Why had the room been tossed and turned? Base knew the wizard kept many secret, but what secret was so important to find that they'd attack Yen Sid personally? Who was strong enough to take him on? That question made Base feel queasy since he knew how powerful Yen Sid was, and he didn't want to know who was more powerful if they were a force of evil that cursed good people into such a state.

    Base took a step forward and nearly slipped as his sneaker made a sickening wet schlop where he put his foot. He steadied his footing by throwing out his arms and was forced to look down as he wobbled. His eyes matched a pool of some black substance beneath his shoe. He took a step back and cautiously took to a knee near the tiny pool. He smelled it from the level of his knees; it smelled of turpentine and it bubbled without provocation. It was gooey and slick like oil, but Base was familiar with art enough to know what it was. "Ink." He murmured, standing up to realize there were concentrated pools of ink all around the room. There was a whole trail of it treading from in front of Yen Sid to across the room where there was a large, ornate rectangular mirror atop a mantle. It just ended there without much clue to where it started or ended.

    Base tried to clear his mind as he carefully stepped over each puddle of ink to reach the man who had taught him so much. What secret was that smile holding. It was one of his knowing smiles that Base knew so well. Sullenly, Base hung his head and started to weep since he had already been made weak by the anxiety that fueled him to the top. He weeped because he saw a problem he could not fix and saw no solution to bring back someone important to him. With each tear, it lightened his heart more and more to release the fear in a physical way, but his heart still ached. Just when he thought his heart would burst open, he saw a doorway he'd never seen before. Curiously, Base stepped forth towards the door, but dared not to open it. He instead waited for others to arrive. He was stuck there for that instant with the frozen remnants of his master.

    It was then that he noticed a small book. Out of all the other ones littering the room, this singular novel caught his eye enough for him to pick it up and strangely turn to the very page that held an answer for him... He read:

    Also, there is the book there that details all the events that happen (Like in LoD)
    It reads;
    "As Master No Heart prepare the onslaught, Yen Sid grinned. He turned himself to stone and told the man he would never reach the secrets he had within. Upon this setback, he still searched tirelessly around the room to no avail of the book he so eagerly sought.

    The man in armor left unsuccessful, but only moments after, did a young and small mouse jump from his study's mirror into the scene. Curious and swift, his appearance sparked a hidden room to appear. The mouse entered the secret room and left with a book in hand before running back into the mirror."

    A young, small mouse? But there was no young, small mou- Base was suddenly knocked aside as a scampering presence pushed past him and dashed through the room through the door that Base had noticed before. Base saw the new presence as a waist high mouse with big and black, round ears and a wiry tail. He saw the mouse leave the room that he entered holding a book and paying Base no mind before he jumped... through the mirror. Base stared wide eyed as ripples appeared in what looked like a solid object. For once, Base was utterly speechless.

    18/45 Experienced
    5/25 Veteran
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 7, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Sebax
    "Walk with me, if you please, D'daear.." Base commented to his apprentice, treading towards where Karina had gone. He'd left the doors open almost carelessly, but it was for the best; the doors were next to impossible to open from the outside, as Base had learned the hard way. Then again, Base had grown much stronger than the last time he tried. Both as a Mage and as a Warrior. He gave a reassuring nod to Karina. He'd made it clear that he trusted her enough to go wherever she would put her boot down, and he'd fight alongside her (and had) just like he would with many of the others in the SOS Brigade. He really did wish he knew what had happened during his leave of absence though, since it appeared like a lot of damage had been done.

    It was then that Base started to remember the first time he'd ever come to the tower. He had been scared and all alone; Theate was falling into Darkness all around him, and then he was inexplicably safe in the room he'd just woken up in. Yen Sid had somehow traced in on him as a new Keyblade Wielder and it was the Light in Base's heart that truly saved him from the darkness pouring in all around to cast his whole homeworld into an insidious night. All of his first adventures had been in the tower, and all of his first lessons. It was where he learned how to wield the Keyblade and where he learned his first spell. It was also the last place he was before being sent along on his way to join those he would come to call friends and allies. It was then that he realized when he'd woken up. He'd woken up pretty much when they arrived; Base didn't believe in coincidences. Something was keeping the group together as much as it was splitting them apart to different tasks. He'd missed something, but he knew still he could make himself useful in the next mission to be undertaken. Base walked with purpose, knowing that the pathway up the stairs was longer than it looked from the outside and that many tricks could be waiting inside if Yen Sid wished it... or he wasn't in control anymore. Then Base thought of who he was thinking about. 'Nothing could overtake Master Yen Sid... could it' he thought to himself while his footsteps followed a few behind Karina's. 'Oh wait, I'm supposed to be listening to D'daear...' Base thought to himself once it flew past him that his mind had been wandering at 1000 miles per hour. "Sorry." He apologized again, absent-mindedly.

    There were new people he didn't know in that group outside. There were some people missing. What had befallen his friends? Who were the new ones who seemed to be Keybladers (They had that sort of light aura about them; he could tell). He'd make a point of getting to know everyone, and firmly catching up. So, he did his best to listen to D'daear as they all walked.

    In the farthest regions of his mind, far beyond his mind's eye, Base still knew what had brought him to the Mysterious Tower shortly after arriving at Central Haven, and why it was so hard to remember...

    "Is that him, boss?" A weaselly voice murmured.

    "Yes. Yes it is. You know what to do." A deeper voice returned back.

    "Right, boss."

    And that was the point at which everything went black, and Base had an opportunity to relive a memory close in his heart.

    It was a run down apartment, practically a hovel where Patricia and Collin set down their few bags and looked at the dismal residence with apprehension.

    "Collin, I know this is our only option, but I just can't get over the feeling that this is not what I had intended when I decided to bring a child into the world." Patricia watched Sebastian walk over to the window as the young boy stared out a window.

    "He'll be fine, and so will we." Collin reassured her as he took her in his arms. They'd hit hard times. The Noble family estate had been run into the ground all thanks to Collin's brother having no idea how to handle money. Collin had made the mistake of not only loaning money to his brother Edgar, but he'd also foolishly implicated himself in another one of his brother's half baked schemes. This one was far more sidious and far more illegal than any Collin had known Edgar to undertake. The events in all brought ruin to the Noble name and Collin didn't know who lost more in the final stroke of the turn. While Collin Noble had lost his house, money, job, reputation, and livelihood,... Edgar had lost his life in pursuit of ill gotten gain.

    "I want to hope to you're right." Patricia whispered because that was all the force she able to let loose from her lungs. Through the trouble that had befallen Collin, Patricia stayed. She never even thought of leaving. She could have. Where they were then wouldn't be much different if she were to set out on her own. The thought never even crossed her gentle mind.

    "You all getting settled well enough?" A rough voice called from the doorway out to the hall. A tall, thin man in his 40's who resembled a worn leather boot as much as any white man could. His hair was brown, with a speck of grey on the tip of his tiny, pointed goatee. He removed his sunglasses with rock star flair and ran smashed, crooked fingers through greasy brown hair under a derby hat that he held up with the other hand until he placed it back on his head. He was a good man with a lot of bad things in his past; Collin knew him well.

    "We'll be fine, Dean. Thank you again for letting us stay here. No one else would dare let us near them before."

    "I know what it's like to be in trouble with the law, Cole." Dean's voice had quite a bit of a whiskey treatment and sounded like his vocal chords had been smoke dried and peppered. "You and your family are welcome here any time."

    "The judge said we might be able to earn back the family estate if we can prove we didn't know what Ed was planning, and if we show what kind of people we are."

    "The kind of people I know you are won't have any trouble doing that." Despite the inherent darkness in Dean's voice, his tone was warm and sincere. He was a good man with a rough exterior. "Let me know if you need anything." Dean trailed off and disappeared back down the hallway.

    "I think we should learn from our son." Patricia had a calmer tone than she'd used in a long time, ever since the incident, and a tear peeled from her eye as she looked to her Sebastian who was looking out the window on Potsdam Street in the middle of Theate City as if it were the most fantastic place on earth. It didn't feel like home, but a four year old boy wasn't finding it hard to adapt.

    17/45 Experienced
    4/25 Veteran
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 7, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Sebax
    It was after Hikaru was finished speaking that Base opened the doors to the outside of the Mysterious Tower where he found all his friends and comrades. Excitedly, Base ran up to the group and left the doors open.

    "Guys!" Base dashed to his battle worn companions and saw just how tired they each were. "What did I miss..." Base was apprehnsive and a bit taken aback to see everyone like that, and especially because he had no memory of where he last was. No wait, he remembered a new place called "Central Haven". He remembered going there, but he didn't remember staying there. Where had he gone afterward and why apart from everyone else? Was he really sleeping that whole time? Because everyone else looked like they'd been through a whole world of trouble. It was then that he noticed some of his closer friends.

    "Beuce! D'daear!" It's great to see you- Oh." Base realized that Beuce was down one arm. It was then that he latched onto the other Keyblader and slowly collected himself to say, "I'm sorry I wasn't there. Whatever happened, I'm sorry." Base and Beuce had joined the brigade of Keybladers on the same world; they'd been to two of the three venturing worlds together. "I can't believe I just woke up, and you were all through... something. I don't even know what. This is all very confusing." Base tried to piece the puzzle together in his head, but found it useless to find pieces he was utterly missing.

    He couldn't remember much. It felt like the last thing he really knew was getting his tailbone kicked into oblivion by the man in a dark metal suit that had betrayed Krowley. Wait. No. Not Krowley. Krowley was someone else; a mentor to someone else. The Krowley that Sebastian Noble knew was "Hikaru". A light kind of name; it really rolled off the tongue. Among the other Keybladers, there were also three ducks and an old man. Base stood to attention.

    "Hi. I'm Sebastian Noble. Base. Call me Base. Unless... you already know who I am... You see, I'm a little out of sync right now, but I think I'm starting to catch up." It was a bit of a lie. Base didn't know much more than when he did when he stepped outside to see everyone gathered in the grass under the multi-colored, magical sky.

    He remembered Beast's Castle, and that was it. He knew he'd gone somewhere else too; That "Central Haven", but as much as he struggled to retrieve the thoughts from his head, the more the search came up empty. It was aggravating and it made Base feel hollow inside. He wanted to shout then and there as if that would bring back his shattered memories. His friends had suffered an ordeal, and Base couldn't even make an excuse to himself as to why he hadn't been there to help.

    "I said it to Beuce... and I mean it to everyone else too... I'm sorry."

    "D'daear? Are you okay?" He turned to his apprentice.

    Into the past...

    "Is it a surprise? I need a little money to tide me over." Edgar Noble was far from what his last name suggested. Some time before Patricia and Collin ever met, there Edgar was... begging for money that he didn't have because he'd wasted his trust money in gambling. Standing about as tall as Collin, Edgar was as much equal in good lucks and physical strength, but had only half of his brother's intelligence and none of the Honor that Collin held so dear. Inside Collin's study, Collin's patience was quickly waning thin.

    "What for?" Collin figured he'd humor his brother, the leech.

    "There's this little thing I like to do every now and again. It's called: Not starve to death." Edgar didn't live in the family estate like Collin had the privilege to. "Not that you have to worry."

    'I don't have to worry about making the same mistakes as you. If you didn't make them, then you wouldn't have to worry either.' Collin bit his tongue and decided against doing the useless thing of trying to degrade someone that was already at rock bottom. "I can set you up with some groceries. I can't do much more than that."

    "How about you just give me the money?"

    "If I do, I think we both know what would happen to it, Ed."

    Edgar shot Collin a wicked scowl. "What's that supposed to mean?" He bit back, but he didn't have the teeth to scare Collin, and he didn't have anything to back up the reply. He spoke as if there was no reason to chastise the layabout for doing nothing but throwing money around when he had it.

    "You know exactly what I mean. Don't even ask that again like you have some reason to be insulted by it." Collin stood his ground and practically breathed fire from his nose. He was going to do his younger brother a favor. The least the former juvenile delinquent could do was at least be grateful for a handout. Especially since Collin knew that the money wouldn't be going towards food if Collin didn't specifically order them himself. He knew his brother too well.

    "How about I write you a list?" Edgar asked with a saccharine smile all too sweet and crooked.

    "Whatever makes you feel better." Collin picked up a notepad and a pen from his desk to hand to Edgar. Edgar took them in hand and seemed to only write one sentence. That one sentence was all he wrote as he put the pen and paper down, started to walk away, and mumbled to himself. When Collin checked the paper, he found a sentence that, to Collin, justified decking his brother right of his feet with a left hook. The punch brought Edgar, with a weak constitution, right to the floor. He fell like a house of cards and Collin quickly regained his senses to regret what he'd down.

    Collin loved his brother, even if knocking him out seemed like a good idea right before he did. That was why, when Edgar woke up, he was lying down on Collin's couch in the middle of the study. That's why he didn't starve as Collin took care of the grocery needs while Edgar was asleep.

    16/45 Experienced
    3/25 Veteran
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 6, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Sebax
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki, perhaps? More likely is the fact that Pokemon isn't as big a hyped up deal here in America as it used to be in the '90s. If there were still a craze where it was clear Pokemon was still popular over here, then we probably would. Plus, demos don't really do so well over here, and I might be wrong because this is my own observation, but we just kind of get used to one thing for awhile, get bored, an move onto the next thing. They probably want to build up hype more by withholding for now.

    That, however, presents a problem for a minut demographic: the people who know what's going on in the rest of the world and they feel insulted to be excluded. Will it detract them from buying the game upon release? Stranger boycotts have happened; case in point, Daniel Craig's first Bond film was boycotted...well...because the last guy wasn't playing James Bond and it was as simple as that.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 6, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  20. Sebax
    Kind of digging how there's so much "Aladdin" wayyyyyyyy before August.

    Okay, I also have a list:

    1. Quest for Camelot
    2. Ferngully
    3. Secret of NIHM

    What's that you say? Each was a movie done by completely separate companies other than Disney?!


    Well then.

    1. Lilo & Stitch
    2. Hercules
    3. Aladdin
    4. Fantasia 2000
    5. Beauty and the Beast
    Then again, pretty much any of the 53 official Disney Animated Features. I was reared on virtually everything from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves up through Frozen. (Ahem...I have an extended childhood...) FINE! Here's my list of my favorite Disney Animated Features, even though I like most of the rest of the Direct-to-VHS/DVD stuff and even still a lot of the under appreciated Live Action Films.
    Post by: Sebax, Oct 6, 2014 in forum: Disney Galaxy