Sebax tossed @al215 a switchblade with a condescending sneer. "Know how to use one of these, action hero?" He turned away, towards the docks. "Just leave the dirty tricks and double crossings to me there, hero. You're the good guy, after all, right?" He laughed explosively, showing his sarcasm in his previous statement. He didn't really care who was good or bad. He only liked he had someone's emotions to toy with at the time. The sea was churning and begining to roll violently as a storm began to overtake the coastline. The engines of one of three nearby boats at the docks of Liverpool on the mark of @Nights™ saying "spice". "Spice you want, Spice you get." Sebax cranked up the radio on the water-based vehicle, so the others could hear it clearly. As he jetted off, giving himself an unfair but legal head start, he made one parting statement over the ship's PA system. "Just in case either of you get any funny ideas, I forget if Cal's on board, but I know she ain't in either of the two boats I left you. Good luck, kiddos."
A figure steps out from the darkness. "Hello, @al215 . How's'ih playin' out fer you, eh?" He asks, speaking with a dark, cold rasp. He is a deplorably slimy character, but he is there none the less. He licks his teeth and chuckles devilishly before discarding a cigarette butt to stamp it out on the ground with one of his heavy black boots. He digs his black leather gloved hands in the pockets of his black leather jacket before pulling a pack of cigarettes from his skinny jean pockets; he certainly needs the skinny jeans, as he's about 172cm tall, but can't be more than 8 stones heavy. He lights his cigarette and laughs at you. "Oi regret to inform you tha' Cstah 'as left on important mathairs." He adjusts the flat black cap atop his head and beams two, sunken hazel eyes your way with malice. He removes his hat to run his gloved fingers through his greasy head of dark brown hair. "And as I am a soulless wretch, I'm afraid I'll have to decline your honorable offer of someone else's life." He shakes his head. "C'mon, 'ave a li'l more honor than tha', an' that's coming from me, eh?" He turns his direction towards @Nights™. "I always use a knife. Guns are too messy... too quick." He goes from sleazy to unstable sound double for Heath Ledger's Joker in a second. His attention turns back to Al. "I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to play along with the little game we have going here. Otherwise, where's the fun in that, right?" Funny. He doesn't sound apologetic.
Sorry this took so long and that it was taken on a potato quality laptop camera; my phone is currently out of commission. This is why you invest in piggy banks and keep your change in one place.
Peckish Games- An episode of "Phineas & Ferb" never released until now, and because @KeyToTruth12 is one of us! Check back on this post each day for the gift that keeps on giving. (Five chapters total) Chapter 1: I want to LARP up the Sun It was a bright, summer day. A day that was blessed with mild temperatures, a gentle breeze, and nary a cloud in the sky. This was the sort of day a group of friends could LARP. Five friends LARPed as they had never LARPed before; this was primarily due to the fact they hadn't LARPed before, but the narration digresses. The game was down to the wire, between two remaining LARPers who LARPed at record speed so as to not be out out-LARPed by his oppon- OKAY! IF YOU MAKE ME SAY THAT THING ONE MORE TIME, WITHOUT LETTING ME KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, I'M QUITTING! What's that? Oh. I see. Thank you, now was that so hard? Now then, where was I... Ah! A bulky, blocky form stomped a husky leg onto the backbone of a slain frienemy, and the slain, a skinny Indian boy protested with his accented, squeaky voice promptly after being stepped on. “Buford!” The conquering warrior did not pay Baljeet Tjinder any mind, even though the tinier one's spine could be heard making crunching noises under Buford Van Stomm's lead foot. He was far too occupied scanning the war-field (The Flynn-Fletcher family's gated backyard) for signs of the sole foe had to vanquish before he would be crowned lord of the LARPers, which apparently means one is very good at “Live Action Role Play”; yes, that is what it stands for. Von Stomm the Powerful's mighty ax, forged by the dwarves of the north mountains from the strongest Styrofoam and cardboard in existence, had served him well in dispatching Ferb the Magical, Isabella the Roguish, and Baljeet the Elf, but Lo! He could not even bear eyes upon the phantom that was Phineas the Paladin! He scanned and scanned, the tension rising as Baljeet's vertebrae endured harsh stress from planted footwear. “He's around heh somewheh.” Buford gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes. Little did he know... There it was! A flash of red hair, fearsome foam sword steel, and a head nearly as pointy and triangular in appearance as said sword, and Buford was left to gawk in horror as he felt the butterfly's sting of the blade of Phineas the Paladin across his gullet. Contact had been made with only the quick rustling of leaves as the hallmark that permitted Phineas to fall from the large tree in the backyard to descend upon the unsuspecting Von Stomm the No-Longer-Powerful. Buford stepped back, holding his totally unharmed stomach, choked back unmanly tears and shouted “NOOOOOOOOooooooo!” loudly in anguish as he threw his unbloody hands to the sky and knee-dropped Baljeet with a loud crack of Tjinder's spine and a tiny “eep” from it's spine-keeper while Buford fell in slow-motion (In his own mind, of course) to the ground; his beautiful, crayon-decorated ax fell from his “lifeless” hands and Buford toppled over the “corpse” of the so-called “elf”. The deed now done, his friends now dead, Phineas the Paladin rose triumphantly to his feet, surveyed the devastation sprawled across his parent's backyard and shook his head with his eyelids weighted by the travesty of fake war. It was literally in the blink of an eye that the boy transformed back into his normal, cheery self and smiled contentedly. “Good game, everyone. Who's up for snacks?” Phineas offered the deceased, and the dead rose effortlessly as though they'd never been harmed at all; which they hadn't been at all. LARP. “I could go for a snack,” was the general theme of the indefinite chatter that came from the group as everybody but one used the slide-glass door to enter the Flynn-Fletcher household. Meanwhile, one whiny child only insisted something silly like, “I believe I am in need of a chiropractor...hello? Anyone?” He hadn't even bothered to get up from where he'd fallen as the first casualty. Inside the house, freshly-baked cookies were being dumped onto a plate by Phineas's biological mother and Ferb's Step-Mother, who happened to be one person; Linda Flynn-Fletcher set the plate on the kitchen table and chuckled as the kids dug right into the chocolate chipped treats. “Did you kids have fun slaying each other?” She asked as if she were asking “How was your day?” instead. “Well, Buford kind of hogged the game.” Isabella Garcia-Sharpiro dunked her cookie into a provided glass of of milk. She shrugged off her shabby rogue robe to reveal her full Fireside Scout uniform and fixed her black hair underneath her Fireside Girl cap. “Eh, what can I say? I'mma natural born warriah.” Buford responded nonchalantly, shoving his cookie into his mouth with ravenous tenacity; the first was quickly followed by a second and a third. Unfortunately for Phineas though, he could not relate how it went for him. He knew it would only disappoint his friends, because he knew them. That was the problem! He knew his friends too well. He had anticipated their every move every match, and had used that to his advantage every match to win six times out of seven rounds; because one match he tripped over a rock. So he smiled and laughed with his friends, because he knew they'd be disappointed by his unhappiness with how LARPing had gone. There was one thing he didn't know though. “Hey! Where's Perry?” He asked. Everyone else shrugged. Elsewhere, in a backyard where Baljeet was only just crawling into the house, a billed house pet went from a derpy-looking quadruped to a serious bipedal who donned a 1940's fedora before he slipped to the a nearby wall and knocked against it three times to reveal a small access-way that led him straight down into a tract of transport tubes. He zoomed in lines, curves, and loop-de-loops to wind up in a resplendent room with twelve small circles making one large circle in the middle of the room. Eleven of the circles were occupied by other small critters wearing similar fedoras, which prompted the newly arrived Perry the Platypus to take the remaining spot; the instant he did, all the floor-circles lit up red and began to rise to a higher level where each of the twelve wound up in a different assignment room. Alone, Perry dashed over to a keyboard under a mammoth screen at the other end of the generally sparkling white room. He hopped into the purple swivel pod chair and tapped a simple command into the keyboard that brought the screen to life. Life on the screen brought with it the entrance of a middle-aged man with a large, hooked nose with a broom mustache twitching underneath it as he scratched said nose. “Good morning, Agent P.” He spoke with a distinctly husky voice, and he adjusted the collar of his green uniform which bore a double M stitched into the shoulder. “I'm going to have to be just a bit brief on this brief, because- oh,” His uni-brow lifted up in surprise and he chuckled, “I didn't even see that until I did it. “Brief brief”. That's pretty funny. Isn't that funny, Carl?” “Comedy gold, Sir!” A nasally youth complied from off-screen without a trace of Irony. Major Monogram chortled a bit more and wiped a joyful tear from his eye before he realized Perry was unamused. “Oh. Right.” Monogram put on his business face. “Intelligence tells us Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz is planning to have his brother over for lunch. Okay, so we received a call from Mayor Doofenshmirtz and he told us it was likely his brother might have ulterior motives- You know what, Carl, just play the voice-mail.” “From Mayor Doofenshmirtz or Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Sir.” “I think we both know the answer to that, Carl; don't be an idiot.” Monogram grimaced. “Hello? Tell me, is your doorbell running?” A heavily-accented voice squawked over the comm system, barely able to contain its own laughter. “No, wait, I got that wrong. I mean DING DONG. You see, I have ding donged with intention to ditch. Oh drat, no, that's not right either. Oh! Is your refrigerator running? Because your eyebrow had better go catch it! Ha! Take that Mr. Major Mono-brow!” The track ended with a grumbling Monogram shaking his head. “The other one, Carl.” He said abruptly, which prompted a new track to be played almost immediately after the outburst. “Not much to relate.” Roger Doofenshmirtz's deep, resonant voice replaced Heinz's awkward squawking. “I'm aware of your past with my brother Heinz; believe me, he won't shut up about you. Thank you for thwarting his nefarious plots in the past, but,” His tone was incredulously blasé as he sighed his say, “Well, he's invited me to lunch, and if I know my brother, it probably something to do with one of those nefarious plots he's always fooling around concocting. Thought you should know. If you need me, you have my secretary's number.” He sounded confident and unalarmed for a man who suspected trickery. Then again, if one's brother was as predictably evil as Heinz was, then it probably would be a regular day for him as the sibling. Major Monogram lost no time going right back to the matter at hand. “We should probably prepare for anything just in case the evil Doofenshmirtz is up to something; really, anything at all. To clarify once again, the evil one is the one who we didn't get a call from and the one that isn't a mayor.” Perry rolled his eyes, and Monogram merely muttered, “Oh, right, that probably didn't need clarification, I understand, but that doesn't change the fact you should go over to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. to put a stop to him... from whatever he might be doing.” Perry stood to salute the screen and hopped into the exit tube tract off to the side without a word just as Monogram finished the transmission with the traditional, “Good luck, Agent P.” *** Back up in the house, the cookies were diminished without Baljeet getting to taste one just as he finally made his way to the table. He did not seek a cookie, however, but only an end to his torment. He pulled himself towards Isabella with a meek, “” which drew her attention. In an instant and with a blood-curling crack, Baljeet's spine was realigned by a quick massage Isabella provided by walking on his back; a skill which had earned her her “Relaxing Massage” badge. “Better?” Isabella asked, hopping off daintily. “Yes, much better. Thank you.” Baljeet returned to his feet and returned to his complacent self. “So, would anyone like to have another match? I think I'm ready this time to really fight seriously this time.” He tried to act ferocious, but came off more as an non-intimidating kitten than the Indian tiger he was going for. “My, you kids are really hyped up about this, aren't you? Baljeet's usually so, well, peaceful.” Missus Flynn-Fletcher said. “We sure are!” Phineas emphatically lied with enthusiasm that hid his lack of it. “Are you sure? You were out first every round except one.” Isabella inquired curiously. “One being because Phineas tripped over a rock.” Ferb added succinctly. “Nata mention,” Buford checked the clock on the wall, “I haveta bully a kid across town in halfanowah. I don't wanna use up all my enagee just bullyin' you, Baljeet, y'know?” “I understand, Buford. I do not wish to take up too much of your time.” “My time issa precious thing.” Buford stated matter-of-factually. “And don'you forget it.” Candace Flynn-Fletcher, Phineas's sister, Linda's daughter, and Ferb's step-sister (who happened to all be the same, one person), arrived into the kitchen to see the group assembled there. She was a teenage girl with red hair like her mother and biological brother, but she was generally shaped, from head-to-toe, like the letter P; this is the story of how she died. Anyway, moving on, she arrived into the kitchen and was approached by her mother wiping dishwater of the plate that held the cookies from earlier. “Candace, I'm going to the store to pick up a few things. Keep an eye on the kids and make sure nobody puts an eye while Yarping or whatever you call it. You have my number on your phone, right?” Before Candace could answer, Linda broke into laughter. “I'm only kidding you, dear. We both know I'm on speed dial. I'll be right back, so hopefully you won't need to worry about any “busting” today, honey.” “Jeremy can still come over for lunch though, right, Mom?” Candace asked with a touch of anxiety. “Of course. Jeremy's a sweetheart, and if he suddenly turns into a boy we have to worry about, I can nail him in the leg with a bow and arrow. I told you I took Archery in High School, right?” She placed the dish on the rack to dry, kissed all three of her kids on the forehead, grabbed the keys to the minivan from the counter-top, and went out the door to the garage. “Right, well, that happened.” Candace stood there bemused by the fact her mother had just passively offered to impale her boyfriend. “Okay, try to keep everything down when Jeremy gets here. He should be here any secon-” There was a ring of the doorbell. Candace's eyes lit up and her voice went from harsh to giddy as she dashed off to open the door. Luckily, Jeremy was there on the other side. “Hi, Jeremy...” Candace guffawed and stepped aside to let Jeremy Johnson into the house. “Oh, hi, Candace.” Jeremy was indeed a sweet lad; big-hearted and the same kind of dorky as Candace. He was a little bit taller than Candace and had blond hair. This is the story of how he died too. Let's just be clear... pretty much everyone dies; yes, it's one of those stories. “What're you up to today?” “Oh, nothing.” “We'll just be in the backyard hitting each other with blunt weapons.” Baljeet called out to the chaperon as the children went back out to the backyard. Everyone was almost ready to get right back to where they started. Phineas heaved up his two-handed sword and rubbed his shoes in the grass to get a feel for the earth before the start of the next match. Phineas the Paladin was raring and ready to go. “Ferb, I know what we're going to do today.” He said in a stand off with his quiet, green-haire brother Chapter 2: Enter the Doofen...shmirtz Perry the Platypus let the wind carry him and his para-glider through the Danville skies to the balcony of Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated. He let go of the glider and let it fly off without him as he landed with grace before being almost instantly snared in a trap set for him; the trap being a camouflaged, flattened cage that sprang to life to hold Perry inside. “Ahhh, if it isn't my old nemesis, Perry the Platypus. Welllll, you're TOO LATE! No, really, this time you're actually too late.” The lanky villain shook his white lab coat proudly and turned a chair in his lab around to show the platypus that the younger Doofenshmirtz brother, Roger, was bound and gagged. “I already captured my brother, and I already have the -inator set up and raring to go! Haha! Well...maybe I should have done that sometime before, rather than always waiting for you to thwart me. I'm sure I don't need to remind you. Roger over here has been mayor of Danville for quite some time. Not for long! You see, I am going to prove to him once and for all that I actually have better leadership skills than he does. No matter what mother says.” He picked up Perry's cage and plopped him down with a harsh clatter beside Roger's seat in front of an exceptionally large, complicated device. “BEHOLD! THE PECKISHINATOR! I... I suppose a little back-story is necessary for this one. You see, for far too long I have been under Roger's boot, and every attempt to usurp him by either democratic or diabolical means have failed; I can't even take over Danville, and then I start to just wonder about the tri-state area, which was kinda my goal since “World Domination” just sounds so cliched and too much of a hassle, really. No more shall I be less looked up to than my goody two-shoes brother! And as for why it's called the Peckishinator is because, well, when it hits you, it does two things. First, it transports you to a virtual realm of my own design which I will explain later, and second, it makes you ever so slightly peckish when you get there; this seemed like an oversight at first, sure, but what was once oversight has become a happy little accident. You see, I have designed the machine to randomly fire all across Danville to bring others into that realm thing I mentioned? Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you, Mr. Blabby Pants! These randomly selected individuals will be forced to do battle against each other, with Roger and myself at the helm, so to speak. You see, he'll have the same amount of executive powers as I will, and, you see where I am going with this, right? I mean, it's pretty obvious that since we'll both be leading, but opposite each other, whoever leads best is obviously the better leader. And soooo, blah blah blah BLAHHH blah, Perry the Blahblahpus. Bladdiy Bladdiy blahh BLAAAAHHH-” Great Googily Moogily! Does this guy ever shut up? My fingers are getting tired from just his incessant monologuing., “And now you know what this whole thing is referencing. It's like, a book, or a movie, or something; I don't want to get into it. I just want to point one thing out that's VERY important. Blahhhhhhh, hey, is there a problem?” No. “Then why do you keep doing that?” Doofenshmirtz looked up into nowhere like an idiot. “Hey! Stop that! I can hear you, you know! And I'm pretty offended.” Perry looked to Roger, who looked back with bewilderment over who Heinz was talking to; they both shrugged and just went with it. “No, seriously, this really is important, let me finish.” Fine. “Thanks. Okay, where was Iiiii- Right! A couple of points: Since “President Doofenshmirtz” versus “President Doofenshmirtz” will just get confusing, and because there's a slight chance people selected by random might know each other, no one but me will remember who they are while in my little virtual world. That is totally fair, Perry the Platypus, so stop giving me that stern look.” Did you set up the plot well enough? Can I move onto the next thing now? There is seriously entire paragraphs of you rambling. “Gimme a minute, gimme a minute.” Doofenshmirtz walked calmly over to the mammoth monstrosity he'd constructed and pulled the switch. Wait, Doofenshmirtz actually SUCCEEDED at something?! “Hey! Again, I can hear you! You think you're so smart, but you know what I think? Jerk. Just a big olllle meanie. Anyway, prepare yourselves, Roger and Perry, for you will find: In this new world, the danger is very reallll!” He started to laugh evilly, but was cut off as a blast of green light struck him and “poofed!” him out of existence. Perry rattled in his cage and Roger hopped in his chair, but neither could stop the cannon from targeting them and rendering them to the state as the vanished Heinz Doofenshmirtz. They were simply... gone. Meanwhile, back at the ranch! This is a phrase often used in comics and whatnot. It's not actually a ranch, it's the Flynn-Fletcher house. Not a ranch. “Give up yet, Buford?” Phineas was squaring off, face-to-face with the sole remaining LARPer, as he knew he would... again. “Nevah! I'm the head cowboya this ranch!” Buford successfully knocked Phineas's sword out of his grasp, a move that Phineas hadn't seen coming for once. Also, not a ranch. He kicked Phineas to the ground, and alas, alack! Phineas was helpless! He'd lose at last and- When the ax came down, it hit the grass. Buford blinked in confusion. “Huh? But I-” Buford vanished as well. “Buford? Phineas? Wha...whatcha doOOoiiin?” Isabella broke the rules understandably by getting to her feet and searched the nearby yard for the vanished friends. The others followed suit, but only one individual noticed the two sudden disappearances. She narrowed her eyes. “I don't have any clue what they just did, but they are Soooooo busted.” Candace's instincts were taking over as she jumped from the couch and headed for the garage. “Candace? Are you o-?” Jeremy asked more than a bit concerned before vanishing without Candace's notice. She was already in the garage just in time to see her mother pull in driving the minivan, which is probably a dangling participle, but Candace didn't care as she waved frantically for her mother to stop immediately. “Mom! Mom! Quick!” “Hold on, Candace, I have to get the groceries in the house. I bought ice cream, and it's already melt-” Linda Flynn-Fletcher was only slightly shocked by Candace opening the driver's side door to pull the all-to-patient mother through the house to the glass portal that allowed both of them to see Isabella and Ferb turning over every rock to find the hastily disappearing comrades; Baljeet had gone the same way, and that had definitely concerned the two survivors. Linda smiled. “Aww, are you kids playing Hide and Seek? Well, have fun with that, I have ice cream melting in the car. Thank you, Candace for watching them.” Linda turned and Isabella and Ferb vanished in one go of green light bolts. “MahhhhhhhhM-uh!” Candace tried to pull her mother back towards the scene of the crime. “Now, it's not about busting at all! I'm actually really concerned now! Something happened and you need to see!” All the pulling was in vain; Linda was already out of her grasp and heading for the car. “Candace, ice cream isn't supposed to be served as a soup, so just let me take care of one thing, and I'm all yours.” “Jeremy? Phineas? Ferb? Weird neighbor kids?” Candace called out in panic to a rapidly depleting household. “Where did you all g-” Candace too vanished. “Hmmm? What was that dear?” Linda at last looked over her shoulder to see... no one, and she shrugged. “She's a little old for hide and seek, but okay.” Luckily, she got the ice cream into the freezer in the nick of time, along with putting all the other groceries in their rightful place. She looked around the backyard, the house, all the rooms, and the front of the house. “Wow. Those kids are good at really at this.” She went about her business, and that was that.
$25 in a $20 billand a $5 bill, from a a great uncle and aunt but $55.96+ in CHANGE from a wonderfully troll-ish uncle. I'm getting more money in the mail soon because a lot of my relatives live in other states and it's easier to just mail money, but they all know my end goal is a home recording studio; and it looks like I might just make it, collectively. I got Alpha Sapphire. I'm thinking there's going to be more posts somewhere where we post our codes/bases/whatever? Some candy. A life-size bronze statue of Queen Elsa signed by Idina Menz- No wait, Santa forgot that one. Darn it, fat man! Hair grooming/trimming kit, because I blink and become a lumberjack no straight razor can tame. (It even has a nose hair trimmer! *Grumbles* I'm sooooo happy that I need that...rassin' frassin'...) If I have money left over after getting everything I need for recording equipment, I might order a few Robin Williams movies I've never seen.
(Jean Valjean: An impatient reveler) One day more. Another holiday, another stuffed turkey I can't stop staring at the Christmas tree. If I cannot guess my gift, I'm sure it will take just another lift. One day mo-ore (Marius: Did not plan ahead) I did not buy until todayyyy How can I be sure I bought the right thing? (One Day more) (Marius and Cosette: the girlfriend Marius bought a gift for) Tomorrow is so far awayyyy (Marius) Will/(Cossette)Oh! will it be grand (Just Marius) or disappointing? (Eponine: Blue Christmas) One more date with the cat I own (Marius: Will she ever trust me again?) Another wasted blue Decemberrrrr (Cosette: I'm just so glad he's here with me) What a Yule I might have knowwwwwn (Cosette: I don't care what's underneath the tree) But no one bothered to call MEEEEEEEEEEEE!! (Enjolras: Worked Christmas Eve) One more day to escape this hiiiiive (Marius: Is it okay I got her perfume?) At the Wal-Mart doors of Freedom! (Marius: I want to know what she thinks) When our bonuses arrive (Marius: Can it mean "I think she stiiiiinks"?!) Into bed I know I'll DIIIIIIIIVE (The clock ticks 12:00 Midnight EST, crowds in New York: ) The time is now! The day is here! (Valjean: Shaking his gift) One day more! (Javert: Filling in for Santa, flying above in Santa's sleigh) One more night to end my journey Every ribbon in a twist Ready to be opened by the children I even double checked the list (Valjean: Shakes his gift more vigorously, his ear pressed to the box) ONE DAY MORE! (Something inside shatters) (The Thénardiers: Preparing Christmas dinner) (Him)Ready for the feast, (Her)Mostly, at the least (Both)Ready soon to serve'em up this Christmas Beast (Him)There a belt will snap (Her)There a little pudge (Both)Thanksgiving al're'ee 'appened so I doubt they'll buuuuuudge (New Yorker crowds, getting the ball out already) A few days more to the old year ending! (Raise the Flag of Freedoms high) Every one will be a drunk! (Every one will be a king!) *SUDDEN MUSIC INTERRUPTION: Lorde practicing to perform onstage for New Year's) But we'll never be Royallllls *RRRRRRR, back to "One Day More" Another good excuse for drinking! (Another paycheck to be sunk) (All) Do you hear the Carolers sing?! (Marius: Panicking!) THE DAY IS HERE! I AM SO SCREWED! (Valjean: Is caught sneaking into his gifts by Javert, puts the gift down) ONE DAY MOOOOOORE! (Javert nods, and goes back up the chimney) (Javert: Back in the sleigh; in time with the Thénardiers repeating their part) I will join these people's heroes, With all these reindeer in their rows, even that one at the front there, the one with the glowing nose (Valjean: Picks up his gifts again) ONE DAY MORRRRRRE! (Javert: Cracking the reigns) The toys are ready for the young ones Tomorrow's not so far away, Tomorrow is the judgement day Tomorrow we discover what our loved ones bought in stooooooooores! One more dawwwwwwwwn. One more dayyyy. ONE DAYYYYYYYYY MOOOOOOOOOOOOOH^OOOOOOOOOOH^OOOOOOOOOOORRRRRE!
To my knowledge, Krowley and/or MoK are the only ones left. Not sure why we were notified, but no harm done. I appreciate the info nonetheless.
No wonder he was always going on the blink. He watched as Steel showed up, remarked him, and vanished, and then the whole mess with the animated brooms began; or maybe that's what was behind the mess in the first place. Regardless, a mouse was dashing about trying to stop the brooms from flooding the tower, and the mouse was losing. In the midst of the madness, Base kept his calm and just stood there for a moment. He marched right back to the front entrance and tried, in vain, to open the doors. He proceeded back to where he was previously standing and, very calmly, made the case as it was. "Whatever the case may be, we're just as much invested to stop the flood presently. Anyone in disagreement should learn to hold their breath... very quickly." Base eyed the mouse up and down. "Why are you wearing Yen Sid's hat. I sincerely doubt you're him and or, he allowed you to put it on." Base had once tried the hat on for size, but had been caught; he was warned of the power contained in the hat and what it had done before. Before... were they in the past? If that was the case, then this was, indeed, Mickey. The Mouse had indeed flooded the castle long, long before Base had shown up, and because Mickey was under the tutelage of a shared master, Yen Sid. Oddly enough, Base began to think, if one spelled "Yen Sid" backwards, they would get the word "diS neY"... which made no sense whatsoever... What was going on his head?! It startled even him. Base chose to keep his silence until he was absolutely sure of present events. If they were in the past of the Mysterious Tower, that would not only mean Yen Sid was alive, but it would also mean they could disrupt the flow of time. After all, they had never existed in the event going on,... or had they? It was enough to boggle the brain... too many problems came with time travel.
Base sparked up at Stratos's statement. "You to, huh? Well, you I don't think I know either way. Unless... I do... you know, I really don't know anymore. Base. I have a full name, but no sense in giving it anymore. I'm Base to everyone anyway. And you, and where exactly did you join us?" Base extended his open palm to Stratos for a handshake and a light, friendly gaze. His journeys had made him more extroverted to be sure; he was even starting to feel like a veteran by this time. He waited for a reply, and waited to say what he had to say next, "I joined up in Pachyderm Parade...well, I sort of more feel in, to be more precise. I do a lot of falling lately, and this is just one of the rare times I haven't just fallen into a new world. Then again, this isn't new. I used to live here. Yen Sid..." He recalled seeing Stratos at the tower when they'd found the wizard frozen. "Yen Sid is my teacher..." His mood shifted a bit to one less amused and light, but bounced back in due time. It just hurt to think he might never see his mentor right as he was ever again. "Sorry. I look up to him. He was definitely a better teacher to me than I've been to D'daear so far... that's for sure. Glen, remind me, when we're all back together, I have to make right on a promise?"
"Déjà vu..." Base noted succinctly, scratching his chin and stepping through the familiar entrance of the Mysterious Tower. 'How many Homecomings can a guy have for a place that isn't really home?' He thought to himself. His feet were sitting in an ankle-deep pool of water that seemed to be flowing from the stairs in a trickling stream. Passing by, Base caught sight of Glen and smiled his lopsided grin. "Water water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink, huh, Glen?" He walked calmly as each step made a miniscule, messy splash as his soles broke the surface tension coating the floor. "I bet you couldn't wait to get out of that last world, eh? We seemed to be stuck there forever... and yet... I can't recall going anywhere or being anywhere. I just sort of "appeared" in the right place at the right time. Something weird has been happening, and I'm not quite sure if it's just me or I'm just running under Auto-Pilot half the time, but sometimes I lose track of where I am. If I wonder off anywhere, if I do so at all, keep an eye on me, would you?"
10 Crowns and 200 munny for completeing "Scales and Arpeggios", please. I put effort into making the two parts different from each other, even though I preformed it by myself. Here is the link.
Signing up, 'cuz, hey, man, who doesn't wanna be a cat, huh?
Base to depart for Symphony of Sorcery with all due haste!
"Hi, Alive, I'm Beuce. No, that's not right... I'm Base, and you're Kaida. Sorry, I'm just coming in on this one myself. I've been walking in a sort of dream state lately... I'm not even quite sure where I am right now." Base blinked a bit and shook out of his dreamy state. "Woa... trippy... where was I? Where am I? What in the world is THAT thing?!" He indicated towards the ink splatters everyone was gawking at. "Okay, not to be a bother, but these episodes of mine are really starting to become a both-" Base began to pace around, but tripped on Kaida's footwear. "Well, now I'm hurt. Wonderful." OOC: "Hurt? I thought you were Base!" is open!
Christmas Past Year 1 Name: Sebax, but most call me Base. *=Most preferred things Feel free to mix-and-match if you like. Multimedia TV Musicals Youtube (By Multimedia, I mean that all things listed are known widely for more than just one thing they do) *Pokemon- Games, Anime, Fire-Types, Vulpix and Ninetales are my favorites and I like Lucario. *Disney- Movies, Art, Behind the Scenes stuff, and music. Lion King, Aladdin (Esp. Genie. Always was, always will), Lilo & Stitch, Hercules, and Fantasia, but you can't disappoint me with Disney. Not even the stuff you might hate. Futurama (Watched the whole series) Once Upon a Time (I'm a little bit behind on the 4th Season, but I'm unspoilable from 1-3.) Family Guy (Can you even spoil Family Guy...?) Adventure Time (I only have access to seasons 1 & 2) RENT *Cats (I played Gus, the Theatre Cat once, and quite frankly, I miss him.) Phantom of the Opera Jim Meskimen Piotr Michael Ross Marquand Soul Pancake (The Impression Guys Series) I celebrate Christmas if you want to incorporate that somehow.
Evie answered the door within a few moments of Selene knocking. She'd done her shopping the night before, and was starting on breakfast for both her and Flarabelle. Her sister was suffering a massive hangover, and Evie's own headache came from having to repair the door after finding the front door doorknob in Flarabelle's hands. She was terrified someone had broken in while she stepped out, but there was her sister in bed, clutching the whole of the device and snoring loudly. Even though Flara objected, Evie figured that her sibling had decided to keep the shiny object found during a drunk stupor the culprit wouldn't even remember. Nothing seemed to be missing, so it just had to definitely be that. The door was fixed, but at the cost of much of Evie's rest. "We're both home, Selene. Would you like to come in? Please do." She tiredly, but happily welcomed the friend and fellow Eevee (Well, she was a Sylveon, which counted) into the humble abode. *MEANWHILE* Tria soaked her tail in cold water for the millionth time since the previous evening. She'd broken into a nearby home to pilfer a bit for fun, and wound up with an ignited tail after the owner of the house must have sensed her presence. While upset she'd let herself be so careless, she was almost impressed the attacker knew she'd entered; stalking was just one of her many criminal expertise. Tria bailed and headed back to her lair, a top floor apartment in one of the classier hotels in town. She liked to live in luxury, and her present stay wasn't far away from it. She soaked herself in the artisian bathtub, surrounded by decor fit for visiting royalty. She'd only just closed her eyes to relax when her trance was broken by a knock on her front door. She could hear it through the bathroom door, and she glared towards her door as she waited for the knocking to cease. It didn't. Grumbling, Tria grabbed a bathtowel, wrapped it around so as to momentarily be modest, and dripped heavily from her fur as she stormed to the front door. Biting back the urge to kill whoever was on the outside, she opened the door securing her towel and looking disturbed but open to inquisition.
Mitch looked approvingly toward the three approaching figures. He raised an eyebrow at the oddly dressed one, but paid the comical attributes to the credit of a shared destination. "Thank you for coming. I am in good health. Stressed, but in good health. Speaking of said stress, if you would, please board the monorail." He beckoned toward the open doors of the sleek bullet train. "We have a great deal of business to discuss..." The travel was as smooth as a fingernail gliding along the surface of clear water. The only indication they were moving at an incredible speed came from viewing the trees pass quickly from sight in the windows that lined the cars of the monorail. Inside, the design was just as sleek as the exterior; plush purple seat sat below the transparent portals to the outside world whizzing by. Whimsical orchestra music played from the overhead speakers softly as Mitch Aisling stood in front of the gathered Keybladers. "To bring you up to speed, I should mention that after the worlds gathered together, there were many denizens that stood out among the rest. The rules by which these people and creatures existed differed greatly from a majority of the population. After being identified and gathered, a new home was built for them here, in the Wonderful World of Disney. Regrettably, not all the denizens came here of their own cognizance. These are the ones that are the reason there is a forcefield around our borders to prevent all inhabitants linked to the security grid from exiting. They can't harm those who live here for the same reason they do, but they can do a great deal of damage on the outside. We've had trouble keeping the peace, and no one is strong enough to face the challenges these characters present. They are locking off and closing sectors, and keeping the parks torn apart to prevent it from being maintained properly. That's where you all come in. Do you accept the offer to keep the peace in the parks? You will be rewarded for this, and the experience from it as it goes along is rather appealing as well. If you wish to return home at any time, you may. This includes this very trip. If you wish to stay and help us make the Wonderful World of Disney an attraction worthy of world praise, then your presence would be a great honor to have with the company." Mitch gave his speech to his company with relaxed ease. Worst case scenario, they'd want to go back before even landing in the Magic Kingdom. There was enough problems there, but each park had its share of woes. The lives and livelihoods depended on a small group of individuals; a selection of the very few who could wield the Keyblade. That occured to him as it crossed his mind. "You are all Keyblade wielders, yes?"
Grammar Errors: No ifs, ands, or buts, these are just wrong and need to be fixed. That is, if you don't mind. "a place where they come together" could be "a place where they'd/would come together" or "a place where they came together", or you could just reword the sentence. "A lanky man". Hayner? Young adult/man at oldest. Saying "man" makes it sound like this is in the far future, which it doesn't seem to be. "He was stubborn, determine, honorable, and full of sarcasm." determined, rather than determine. "This went on for a few hours, Pence sitting on a piece of furniture". "This went on for a few hours, with Pence" or "This went on for a few hours. Pence was sitting on a piece of furniture". "Hayner was writing his essay that his teacher ("It's not fair that Seifer's dad is our teacher! Come on!") made him write after the incident. " ", and Hayner was writing his essay, which his teacher made him write after the incident." You can keep the between text with the speech, but my focus isn't on correcting what doesn't need to be corrected. What incident? Did I miss something? "Olette was still reading the book, almost finished." Should be something like "Olette was still reading the book; almost finished." or "Olette was still reading the book, and was almost finished with it." "usual energetic trio" *usually "Pence furiously taping the keys" *tapping or *typing That is, unless his keyboard fell apart and now he's tasked with taping them all back in. Poor Pence; I can see this sort of thing happening to him. "turning a page, those were the sounds they made." *"turning a page; those were the sounds they made." "Pence who was still typing" *"Pence, who was still typing" "too long, before" ,=unnecessary For reading ease: Caused some confusion due to an error in syntax, but it isn't necessary to change unless you want to be more clear in your narration. "But it was theirs nonetheless" seems a bit superfluous, as you have nothing to compare it to and you just described the room as being theirs. If it were me, I'd alter the sentence to fit this "But it was theirs nonetheless; their "Usual Spot"." just to strengthen the general nostalgia. "His eyes were usually brown, were bloodshot from", could be something like "His eyes, which were usually brown, were bloodshot", but even that is a little confusing; redeyes don't change the color of the irises, and so the eyes will always be brown regardless of restlessness. So, you should maybe go with "His brown eyes, normally bright and alert, were bloodshot". "His name is Hayner"... welllllll this isn't technically wrong. As a rule of thumb, keep stories to one tense. You seem to use a past tense for everything else, so going with a present tense out of the blue can confuse the reader. Now, this is one of those instances where, with fiction, you can make any "mistake" you like, just so long as you know you're breaking a rule. Sometimes, artistically, you can make "errors" to give the story a certain style, but this is better done before being told what the rule is, otherwise it's changing your style to fit someone else's tastes. "Olette can hardly wait until next year". It's the same as the previous one on this list. Regard with caution mixing tenses. "could have no curfew anymore". The phrasing sounds like she could or could not have a curfew. If the message you're trying to convey is "she wouldn't a curfew anymore", then I would go with that rephrasing. "he keeps up in a red and white". Your tenses are quickly becoming a tenses match. hehehe... get it? Tennis? Tenses? Oh, forget it. Seriously though. Again. Tenses. "He's not as pale as Olette and Hayner". Tensssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss. "stretched her neck then walked over to Pence" *"stretched her neck, then walked over to Pence". "watching him glaring" *"watching him glare" Summary: Plot: I like the general idea of looking a this familiar concept through the eyes of characters we know. It gives us a new, unique vantage point, and that in itself is nice. However, just because it's short doesn't mean that all actions have to be rushed. Paint a picture; don't just go from 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, but instead try to have layers within each step that makes the characters more lifelike and relatable. I would like to see where you go with this, and especially at the part featuring the clock tower and the three nobodies eating Sea Salt Ice Cream together. Grammar: You seem to struggle with unnecessary comma usage and tenses. Conjunctions are your friends, and not every few words that sounds like an introductory clause is an introductory clause. Keep one tense through the whole story. There were very few spelling errors,
I line before. This is the first one I'm actually proud of. I don't think that counts...0.0?
One of those elephants realizing you are correct at the same time I do.