I have just made noises no young man my age should make involuntarily... Broadway. I am happy. I am frantic because I have no clue what song I'll pick, but I'm happy. For consideration: I am not telling you what song to pick, but please, do yourself a favor by not just singing songs from Disney movies that are in Broadway plays. "Proud of Your Boy" is likely expanding your horizons, while "Friend Like Me" is probably not; they are from the same show, but one of them is not actually in the movie "Aladdin" and is very much considerably Broadway for that same reason. (Plus, you probably don't want to do the Broadway version of "Friend Like Me" anyway, because it's a bit watered down and they need to give Kevin Michael Richardson (Genie on Broadway and the voice of Gantu from "Lilo & Stitch" among so many other things) a little more credit) If you're having a hard time finding a song that might fit something you want to convey or something that will fit your vocal style, then, by all means, shoot me a PM. I live for this. Broadway has a long-standing history, varying musicology, and there is, I repeat IS something for you in this category. Something else to consider: I'll be voting based on technical singing, sure, but I'm also going to vote based richly on characterization. It's Broadway. To me, at least, this isn't a recital; it's a performance. (Technically, it's the definition of a recital if the group is small, but I digress.) I don't say this as a deterrent. I say this as motivation. Go well, and sing your heart out.
Ah! A couple things I have to point out: I accidentally introduced myself over the Staff Guest, and really thought I was being directed to speak. It was cut, and it was a little bit of harmless rivalry that led me to say "I agree" in the "I sound like a turd" line. It was a joke. o///o I left early because I'm helping my grandmother move. I wanted to stay. I did not get upset over the tone of the podcast, but only got caught up after I was called to help pack some boxes. Also, does this mean I get that fancy blue pin? : 3
I have about $15 in my bank account, and wondering if I can let that sit there, but I know I HAVE to get the card before the days are up, because there's no way I'm losing my Pokemon and account over $5. There's a few in there from my original play through of FR/LG. If... if you can actually do that, you will be my favorite person ever. I was crushed to find out I couldn't get Diancie, and I don't really have connections. I'll contact you through Skype! YOU ARE AWESOME JUST FOR OFFERING!
I missed the release of Diancie, sadly. :c I really need to keep up on these ones, even with a missing piece in my nearly complete Living Dex. I got AS for Christmas, but have had so little time to play. And so little money to buy a recharge card so I can keep my bank open another year. D: Yeah, if you bought a bank account when it came out in the states, then it's running out relatively soon-ish.
Base listened to the words of the wise mouse. He crossed his arms and huffed. 'Peh, sure, Karina and Glen can be swayed by him, but I sure as well won't...' He thought to himself, looking from the portal to the mouse and glaring along the way. He would not be swayed...he would not be swa- Hey, wait a minute, what was he upset about? A tear trickled down Base's cheek. There was so much color in the world with Mickey Mouse there. The entirety of creation opened up and made so much sense with that falsetto whispering its ultimate secrets. "I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" Base bawled, tears flooding down his face, as he picked Mickey up, swung him around, dashed over to Stratos, kissed him on both cheeks, hugged him, and repeated the same process exactly with Kaida and Beuce. "Go well, my brother." He hugged Beuce a little bit longer, and there might have been a slap on the butt for good luck; maybe. Nobody knows for certain. "I LOVE EVERYTHIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!" He shouted as he sprinted for the portal, tears falling to the floor as he ran. He disappeared into the next phase with his cry still echoing throughout the room. ** Base rubbed his head, having landed on his tush in near darkness. All around him, stalks of Dandelions reached as high as a corn stalk would in relation to a normal person. He was in a sparse forest of dandelions, and, just as he got up, he groaned. "What just happened and why do I feel an odd, dying sensation of pure bliss?" Before an answer could present itself, string instrumentals burst out of nowhere in a violent, jubilant attack, and the dandelions followed; they turned into Russian dancers, with leaves for arms and legs, and their colorful bristles for hats. They leaped into Xs in the air and landed in a circular formation around Base, kicking and crossing their arms as their kicks matched the music. The circle was tightening up around a very alert Base, who gulped. "Uh oh..." The dancing dandelions were quickly closing in.
2 and 3 were very close for me. @darkhorseD 's fast paced lyrical delivery and the language switch was impressive to say the least of it. @Amethyst won out because a feeling rose up the gut from a killer delivery of a really jumping tune. It's not that "Guren No Yumiya" inspired no sensation at all, because such was not the case, but just that the feeling was more present in "Real Love". Damn those dramatic Grand pauses. *Shakes fist in mock anger* I couldn't even bother to listen to 1. That late start and those glaring 'splosives. BUY BETTER EQUIPMENT, YA HIPPY!
I'll bring something together... over me ba-dum-bwadaba-dwaaaa
My vote's going to be Glen.
Base stepped in. "For now, we're going to act like this thing never happened." He slipped by Glen to add, "We'll try to make sure you don't die in the meantime...or at least... I will... sorry for the tickling thing...", and he continued to address everyone else. "Come on, you're all acting like this is some kind of overly dramatic Soap Opera!" The camera quickly panned out to a wall outside advertising the very thing he'd mentioned, accompanied by music. The camera returned to Base, knocked a bit off topic by the sudden switch. "What just...happene-" He didn't even let himself finish the thought. He bombarded right into what he intended to say. "Stratos is right, except for what he said about me. After all, I'm just a comedic hero-type who's purpose in this plot is to- Why am I talking about myself as if I were a fictional character...?" He blinked. "DARNIT, BEUCE!" He sunk. His spiel was over. "Just stop being jerks to each other, please."
I was just talking about this tonight, worrying that I'd already missed it! Phew! It's beautiful!
;~; Thank you so much. It was worth the wait.
Base dashed up and spoke in an imitation of Mickey's while vigorously shaking the mouse's hand. "Aww, gosh, nice ta meetcha, Mick. Why, I've heard so much about you!" He released the mouse's hand and scouted the frozen brooms, and spoke in his own voice. "So Yen Sid's coming back? I hope the homecoming isn't too soon. Knock on wood." He wrapped on the shaft of one of the idle brooms. It made a hollow sound as he did so, and he swam over towards Beuce, laying on his back and kicking to paddle himself along casually. "I hope the brooms don't wake up too soon either...knock on wood." He wrapped on Beuce's head much the same way that he had the broom, and it made the same hollow, slightly musical sound... but only because Base made the very same sound by clicking his tongue in time with his knuckles lightly touching Beuce's dome.
As Glen ceased to resist, a broken end of a broom gave Karina a golden-haired, bristle mustache. No. Really. Karina wound up with a big ole, ginormous, ridiculously disproportionate, full-grown, manly mustache dangling just below her nose. Per permissions given, this very same end piece of a shattered broom quickly regrow its shaft from where it had lost it; in this case, the shaft shot out in a spot already occupied by Karina's head. With a satisfying whilst sickening THWACK!, Karina was knocked back while two more brooms got to their bristled feet. The broom had accidentally been hurtled in the first place by Base taking out seven of the brooms in one swoop, but accident as it may or may not have been, it did not take long for Sebastian Noble to realize an ally was down. He casually gripped Glen's hand, trying to raise him up, and then the hand just sort of slipped out of his grasp and fell limp back into the water. Shock wore itself into Base's features. "Glen? Glen?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Base sank to his knees and beat his elbows into Glen's sternum. "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" His head crashed down on Glen's chest, his spirits broken untillllll,... he heard a heartbeat. Glen was alive. He looked quizzically towards a seemingly dead Glen, and listened again to a completely normal, active heartbeat. It was then Base got an idea. An awful idea. Base got a wonderful, awful idea. He savagely, mercilessly tickled Glen under the armpits while his comrade was still submerged below water. OOC: 256 words 138/150 brooms
Wouldn't I be a worse friend for lying to you if I said the above statement were true? I'm in.
Everything was progressing as well as anything; so long as that "anything" was terrible and forsaken of all dignity. Base could think of no single logical reason to start hacking away at a foe that spawned itself back with a companion to boot. Why? Why do that? Base looked to the satin curtains adorning the walls of the entrance hall. Those glorious curtains would be ruined if the water continued to rise. He would do it for the glory of satin. He felt internally like that was a pretty inappropriate pun, but that didn't matter to him where Yen Sid's possessions were concerned; whether they were in the past or not. He readied his Keyblade. "FOR THE GLORY OF SATIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he went right after those blasted brooms. Away went one, then a second, a third, a fourth, a fifth, and a seventh. They were inevitably replaced by a total of fourteen new brooms. "THIS IS SO POINTLESS! Am I the only one who realizes this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" He stomped in the water as it was starting to rise exponentially more as more brooms were made to fill the place up faster. OOC: 53 Brooms
Sebax raised an eyebrow at the developing scene between @al215 and @Nights™ with limited interest. Meh. Being dead, this was entertainment enough. Only through paying attention he noticed a great detail; there was a long puddle of water coating the deck in the spot Nights was charging towards Al! It seemed as though running across would toss one or both of them overboard. 'Should I warn him...?' Sebax thought to himself... Meh. Being dead, this was entertainment enough.
Sebax floated casually over the deck, having already died when his heart stopped beating. He almost floated right over @al215 and his handiwork, but caught sight and came to an abrupt stop. He just floated there, invisible, as Al straight up slit the throat Sebax had just left behind. He stood there for a moment, just staring. Hey! There wasn't even that much blood oozing from his neck! He was already dead. "Dayyyyyyuuuummm." He said emphatically. "You straight up gangsta." Still, he couldn't blame the guy for going the extra mile.
Sebax stood there, taken down to size and transfixed. His blade fell to the deck with a metallic din, and he clutched the spot where @Nights™ had nicked him; he was gutted right through the chest. There was so much blood on his hands, and it was all his. He just stood there for a moment more, and he looked over to Nights with a chilling, empty gaze. Just when he thought he could choke out a single syllable, he managed just one phrase before falling in a slump. "Guess...who won't be getting...aghhhh, that fanfic..."
Sebax knew he had to strike now or strike never. Steels cut into @al215 's upper-shoulder; it wouldn't kill him, but as he pulled it our sharply...man, was that going to burn. Sebax brandished the knife and let it dance in his hand. He pulled a gun from out of his pocket. "You know that thing I said about guns? Well, dummy, I was quoting an everloving movie, and I'm a true "bleeder", you might say. Now then, are you going to give up honorably? Surrender and die." He had Al in his aim and lowered the brim of his black flat cap, sweat pouring from his black hair stubbled face.
Sebax watched the two in the dark. "Oh for the love of..." He groaned quietly. With grace and a wicked intent, Sebax used the darkness to close the distance between his blade and @al215 's back. He dared not bare his teeth in a smile nor even breathe so that he may be heard, but inside, he grinned like a Cheshire cat. 'So long, hero...' He thought to himself.