Sounds like it's no Holiday in Cambodia...: 3 Anyway, she's on the AEST [time] board. And it's about mid-afternoon for her. It could be up mid-afternoon for you, or late afternoon, or not today at all. It's conceivable she may not have time at the present moment; i.e., she has to put your audio into a video and upload it, AND make the voting thread. Just reassuring that things will probably happen, just try not to rush them. Also, I really wanted to make that Dead Kennedys reference.
Different components blending well together. It's not an exceptional work of art, unless Hatsune is hand-drawn by the editor, but the editing itself is nominal. Great color contrast and usage of font to be a part of the piece, rather than a distraction.
I was impressed by the professional appeal of the artwork. The coloring was excellently executed, and I really only spotted a slight inconsistency in top of the ribbon of the hat because I was looking very, very closely for something to add critically. It's seriously just a fraction of a bit of space that doesn't quite click. The dress, on the other hand, is another world entirely. It's a mesmerizing example of rich color; excellent color selection and shading, to say the least.
I agree with the Scott Pilgrim remark, but only so far. It's reminiscent, but closer to Fish Hooks. I'm going to be frank: I am easily amused. They created a universe I genuinely liked, and it's only the Pilot that I saw. Usually, it takes a show time to build up speed and really find out what they're doing. I think this will get better, but can easily get worse. Honestly, I think the Floating Pony Head is the first time a character genuinely annoyed me (And I like Jar Jar Binks...), but given that she's supposed to be that way, I'll give them a pass since she's a full character and not just a talking head; well, she is not and she is, but, you know... never mind. A bit overdone on the innuendos. Innuendos, in my opinion, should be more subtle, even if the subject they're alluding is extremely dark. With the frequency of and style of lewd humor, I felt like I was watching a cartoon aimed at adults, but made for kids. It was a detail that was a bit distracting. Is Disney just trying to copy Adventure Time and Gumball? It was not the worst thing I've seen hit the Disney animation blocks lately. Not horribly contrived or banal, but actually rather entertaining and engaging. I like those "crappy" live-action shows.
Well, it seems no one else has gotten the opportunity to wish you a welcome return. Please, allow me! You're not a user I recognize (I actually joined the forum back in 2008), but I'm sure the forum will benefit from your return. Have fun, and I hope you stay with us this time.
Now, I know I've spotted you before. Was your Avatar the same then as it is now? Either way, welcome back! As someone who came back after years of lurking in the shadows, going back to being a devoted member of the forum is one of the best choices I've made. It's a great community, and I'm sure we're all glad to have you back!
"Quite a fancy doodad you have there." A voice, rebellious in meter and tone, noted from one of the plush purple seats, directed towards Winter's Keyblade. She stood up and walked toward the group, slender and tall, with had a rather pallid complexion offset by black fingernails, and jetblack hair with a streak of royal purple pigment down the front in a bang that hung over one eye. She was wearing large, round, Hepburn-esque sunglasses and a business suit, with a lime green jacket and creased, plaited pants that were not as much an eye sore as a lime green anything would normally be; it was a suit that suited her. Her face, though she was particularly without exaggerated shape, was round, with sharp features. "Too bad those don't quite work so well in the parks." She seemed oddly gratified with this claim and nudged Mitch playing in the rib with one elbow and a wink; a wink made visible by her removing her glasses and tucking them away in Mitch's breast pocket. "Well, no, they don't, for the same reason the denizens are not as big a current threat. Magic of any sort is technologically restrained, but since they seem to be working on ways to bypass your systems, Tali, I'd have to say that the bypass system you also designed is going to have to work." Mitch smiled toward the young woman, much younger than himself; she was approximately twenty-nine years old. "Why can't you just say "Good job, Tali"?" She impersonated Mitch's low and dignified tone; quite well, actually. When Mitch spoke next, it was practically an exact repeat of what she'd just said. Or perhaps he was impersonating her impression of him consciously. It seemed to be hard to tell between these two. "Good job, Tali." He chuckled, and as she snerked in reply, she offered a silver briefcase with three, interlocking circles imprinted on the front of it. "This is what she's talking about. In here," He clicked a button on the briefcase to display its contents to the assembled warriors, "Are devices called MyMagic plus. They were in the works for some time, but Professor Tali O'Ness here," Tali waved and grinned like a faux doofus to the group, causing Mitch to break out laughing as he continued, "Added a few tweaks to have them augment your powers as well as the other amenities it was designed to provide. Would you like to demonstrate, Tali?" "Thought you'd never ask." She snatched one of the four green bands, leaving five pink, five blue, five red, five orange, five gray, and five yellow. She held it on the pads of her bony fingers and pressed the plush, three-circled sigil that was on the briefcase as well was on the very top of the pillowy-looking wristband. "Like that?" She indicated the sigil. "We call them "Hidden Mickeys". Not that they're very well hidden, I mean, come on, they're everywhere." She joked and Mitch tapped his foot impatiently and huffed. "Oh, stop your fuming, it was good move. You did a good job, Mitch." She pinched his face and twisted a lip up into a smile on Aisling's face. She started to sing a verse of a swinging tune while a holographic, comically large, 3-Dimensional camera popped up from out of the wristband, hovered over and directed its transparent lens towards the duo. "♫♫Look at the birdy♫♫" A flash hit everyone's eyes, and the camera disappeared to be replaced a small 2-Dimensional square screen floating just above the face of the wristband. She hummed "Makin' Memories" happily to herself as Mitch frowned. "I blinked." He stated with dismay. "Show them what else it does, and try to keep me out of the demonstrations, will you?" "Well, if you bring up the menu by just pressing and holding the Hidden Mickey button, you get these options. One, Travel to Resort, brings you to your room at the Hotel." "They don't have a room yet. Do not press that button just yet. We're having...." He coughed, uncomfortable. "Security problems." It was an obvious euphemism. "You can also check your profile. This will take some background info." She opened a second briefcase, and inside was a assortment of lanyards that, like the MagicBands, were multiples of numerous colors. Purple, Blue, Pink, Green, Red, Black, Gray, White, Yellow, and Orange. "These are for you to store the pins you collect. To make sure you're up to the task of freeing the parks from the current threat, these pins have to be earned. Some pins make you stronger, and some make you tougher. Most of them have to be bought, but there will be opportunities for you to earn them as well. To make sure you progress at a good rate to match the villains on a hostile takeover, you'll have to progress by sections of the park, and you'll need a certain amount of pins to progress. We really want to make sure you don't get your head handed back to you on a silver pla-" Mitch coughed much louder, purposefully interrupting her. "I wouldn't worry about it." She said. "Just so long as you collect the pins we've scattered across the parks. You can carry ten at a time on the lanyard. When you bring the pins to a MyMagic Service Station, and turn in the pins, then they show up in your profile. Adding this to your MyMagic device works as a channel to augment your own natural abilities. You may even get better here than you ever were outside. You never know what can happen here. The future is a mystery worth exploring though." "It is that school of thought that brings me to my next point. Tali is the Park Manager of Epcot. It's experiencing complications as well. All the parks are. You'll hear more about the troubles the Magic Kingdom is facing from Freddie Wiez, the Park Manager there. We should be arriving soon, so, please, pick a lanyard and a Magicband as soon as possible." "And if you ever get lost, wherever you are, remember: You can receive information, like missions, on your device, and the MagicBand has a map feature too!" Tali held up both briefcases with a smile. "So, who's first?
I sent you a PM this time because Skype didn't seem to send the file. I really hope it's not meet again. -_-" Consider me in for this round though!
Fire! The first time the blasted beast had to open its mouth was to breath fire! Having been still locked in its jaws, Base caught sight of a light coming from the Dinosaur King's throat and managed to duck low enough as the jet of flames erupted from the throat and flew itself out past the razor sharp teeth. This was it. Base had to make his escape when the flame had subsided--- If he managed to dodge it still--- and he would be free to strike; he would have his revenge. The flames did subside, and he hopped quickly to his feet while light from outside, though dim, poured into the fleshy tomb. He found his cycle lacking, however. He looked on in horror as he saw it slide out as the stupid beast turned its head, and though Base dove for it, he was shut off last second. He narrowly escaped with all his limbs as the T-Rex bit down, and he was, again, in darkness. Still, at least he had all his limbs. How terrible would it be if Base and Beuce had more in common than the fact of them both being cool and having names that sound very close to each other? Still, he was cut off from the group, several meters in the air, and transport-less while also one tongue flick away from being digested. Things did not look grand for him, and he knew this too well. He touched his fingers together to make a tent of his hands and breathed exasperatedly through his palms as he locked and bent the fingers the way they were meant to bend. "This isn't at all like my last trip here..." He'd been to Symphony of Sorcery before, but it had looked nothing like this. Save for the entrance of the Mysterious Tower, nothing at all looked familiar about the place. Well... he had time to think. Even if the monster did open its mouth again, he wouldn't be able to just jump out. His High Jump wasn't that great. This was Mickey's past, as well as the past of the worlds in general, both Mysterious Tower and Symphony of Sorcery. Was the world he knew and visited when starting his journey what became of this place, or was it merely a section that he was sent to explore, and he never was able to see what else existed until now? Either way, those close to his heart had no chance of showing up... this was simply not their place, and probably not their time. Base had to rely on his friends with him then. He was in darkness, and it smelled intensely of the rotting, sweaty feet of a thousand dead skunks, but he knew they were outside fighting. Glen, Beuce, Karina, Kel, and Kaida. This was his first time fighting with Glen and Kaida, he was sure, but he'd read about them in the journal. He'd read about everyone. All the adventures they'd had so far while a part of the brigade, what had already happened, without really realizing he was a part of it all. Or maybe he had, and he just hadn't much time to think about it lately. Either way, he knew at least one thing... he was getting out of this mess alive. For good measure, he kicked the tongue of the dinosaur. There. That oughta show it. OOC: 543 words= 27+ EXP 22/250 T-Rex.
Spoiler: Green Arrow Spoilers Where'd Jinx go? Things were just getting good.
Inspired by a crash of thunder from around, Base struck an idea. This foe was throwing projectiles at them, so it made sense to return the favor. Wordlessly, but with a great clash of cymbals, Thunder hit the foe, then again, and again, and again. Stratos and Kaida were doing their part. Why, even Beuce was doing his par- Hey... 'I don't believe Beuce can fly' Base thought to himself as he saw the three-limbed, white-haired ally rocket towards the enemy, hit it, and come crashing down onto Base's motorcycle-based Keyblade glider. He landed right on the backseat. In some circles, this seat is refered to as the "Bitch" seat. There. The first time I've technically cursed in KHSOS, and it was in a spoiler. Base brought Beuce back to where Kaida had picked him up and dropped him off before heading back to the scaly beasty. This foe used fire magic, and Base knew exactly what to do about that. He soared up, dodging the laser beams and actually went closer to the maw on his cycle Keyblade. He waited for the beast to open its mouth and cast blizzard magic directly into the throat of the ancient abomination. It subsided a fire attack it was raring to make, and it also sent it reeling; just as Base had hoped. What he had not hoped was that the monster could still bite. It could. It did. Base just so happened to fit nicely in the cavity, as his cycle was forced to park on the bumpy, slithering tongue. At least, he thought it was a tongue; it must have been. He didn't know. It was incredibly dark. He'd stopped the beast from casting more fire magic for a little while, or using its teeth on his friends, but it was really giving eating him the good ole college try. It rocked it tongue and bucked its head, trying to make the Keyblader go down. The Keyblader go dooowww-owwn, Keyblader go down. Just one buck was all it would take for the Keyblader go down, and in a not-so-delightful way. Of course, naturally, Base gave trying to escape such a fate the good ole college try as well, and succeeded only, for some time, in keeping a reptilian esophagus at bay. For the time. Regardless, he was out for the time being, but had damaged the fire-breathing capabilities...for the time... Base gulped, and he hoped the Tyrannosaurus Rex wouldn't do the same. OOC: 414 Words= 20+ EXP 71/250 T-Rex
Yeah, don't you dare, you monster.
Give me things for having made this chart. I don't even watch Arrow.
Is it bad that, for, it's like a very tight Sin wave? Arrow has a tendency to just randomly catch and lose my attention.
Shaking the rain water off his scalp, Base took in the sight of the area. A very large, very ferocious-looking beast roared and had very, very sharp teeth. Huh. "Well...uh...there it is." He professed nonchalantly. "Life, uh... finds a way..." There was a one thing to do and one thing to do only. As Stratos distracted the beast, Base stood just behind Beuce and took hold of his wrists, using his friend like a noodley-armed meat-puppet. He sang. "♫♫Oh, Imma yummy human, look at me so juicy, beucey, and rich. I do awesome favors and have awesome flavor, you see my taste is something so dear!♫♫" He sang, mimicking Beuce's voice before darting behind Glen and raising that friend's hands proudly in the air and trying to bring as much notice over to them and not him. "♫♫AND I'VE BEEN MAR-I-NATE-ED IN BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!♫♫" Something near Glen's voice left Base's mouth as he tried his best to get on his glider and made his way up to the T-Rex. Woa, maybe this was a bad idea. This thing was far more ugly up close and scalier than- Base took a moment to wonder in this thing could read minds. He didn't want to chance it. He went for the tail and dipped and dived whenever the T-Rex's mouth tried to chomp down on him. Each attack landed a tremendous clash of cymbals to fit the atmosphere, while trumpets dey go... BADA...the trumpets they go BADA! THE TRUMPETS THEY GO: BA! You see, Fantasia spent so much effort wondering if they could make a sequence with dinosaurs, when they could have been asking if they should. Jurassic Park had Disneyland references, this Disney/Square Enix game will have Jurassic Park remarks to complete the circle. Base hit and hit against the beast's leathery hide as it continued to rain, and began to assess his life choices; namely, at the moment, he was fighting a monster that was particularly gruesome, and it was ridiculously large. He'd fought the Trick Master, which had been--- Since Base was scaled down at the time--- huge, but not quite as grotesque. This was real. This had flesh, bones, and an odd contact lense that- Wait! So that's why Stratos was attacking the beast. Here, Base was just offering back-up to a friend who surely had a death wish, but then, it dawned on Base that they were supposed to kill the mighty giant. They had to make it extinct... Base was absolutely, 100% okay with this concept. He kept hitting until he could no longer hit for that time. He really didn't like that beasty, as it continued to try and make a snack out of his lean frame. OOC: 455 words= 22+ EXP 205/250 T-Rex
I am one new microphone away from really living my dream. New equipment is good. Stand, interface, mixer, monitoring headphones, all here.
Candy CaneA rainbow of colors filled the dark space as the daffodil ruskies danced; soon joined by Lily Milk Maids. The twirled, they leaped, they lined up, and they kicked. In the jumps, Base spotted what he needed--- a piece of the piece of music they need---, a tiny glowing orb yards and yards away. When the towering flowers lined up, linking petals with each other, Base rolled under them and let them hop right over him. Every move, every roll, and every jump matched the song perfectly as the music continued and continued to build up. But Base never got any closer... The orb remained as many orbs away he rolled towards it. Careful not to trip up the nearby dancers, the event-made Ballerino got to his feet and calmly lunged, with a few, useless Brisé thrown in by his artistic license, off stage to the man conducting the orchestra atop his podium. "Pardon me, Mr. Stokowski?" Base held position fourth position while addressing someone as human as he. "Yes?" The man replied, continuing to conduct as he looked over his shoulder. "Oh, are you new? I saw you out there, and, I must say, you dance with aplomb, young man." "Thank you, Mr. Stokowski. I-" "Please, by all means, call me "Leo"." "Leo, could I ask you a favor?" "Yes, yes, go right ahead, my boy." "Could you please stop for a moment please?" "Well, since you asked so nicely." Leopold Stokowski called for a Grand Pause that arrested the company on the beat directly before the final notes. He held the pause for the length of time it took for Base to calm saunter across the stage, under frozen-in-place flowers to retrieve what he'd been sent to get. With it in hand, Base walked back to the book portal before turning to give Leo the go ahead with his thanks. The piece ended with the fast twirl of strings and petals it was meant to have, and Base jumped on the very last, explosive note of resounding trumpets. Entrance"Hey, guys, I just met Leopold Stokow-" Base carried his piece of the piece before realizing it was rising into the air by itself. All across the room, Base watched in wonder as each collected piece drifted into the air and conjoined into one glorious piece that hummed a wondrous tune through the flooded hall, unabated by the present, unsatisfactory conditions. Tchaikovsky played on while Dukas was paused by a mouse. Base listened with special interest. 12/12
I'd be more insulted if quite a bit of Christmas money went into absolutely no difference in quality in my recordings. xD No worries, and thank you, as well.
As the other entrant, I had to vote for you, @darkhorseD , but I have something I need to say: You deserved the vote. Very much so. So, my vote is no longer a concession. It is sincere and, like I said, you deserved the vote.