Roger put his hands on his hips and as Saino approached. He rubbed his chin quizzically. "Well," he said, "You're curious one, aren't you?" He had a pipe in his mouth which he puffed thoughtfully. "Roger!" Anita said disapprovingly. "Please." She turned her attention to Saino. "I take it you're the ones hoping to lend us all a hand, hmm?" She was sweet and motherly. Saino kept a smile up as Roger pointed out the fact. Thankfully, Anita was there to makes things easy. Nodding to Anita's query, Saino gave the trio a salute. "Saino Animeta at your service!" he responded, giving them a childishly serious demeanor. "Oh!" Nanny giggled. "What a dear he is!" Roger gave a salute back, puffing his pipe and looking faux-serious as well. "Our fate is in your hands." He relaxed, lighting his pipe again. "Or is that paws?" "Roger, please!" Anita reprimanded, but in good humor. They guffawed together. "Well, Saino, we have just the thing for you." "That's right, old boy." Roger puffed at his pipe and pulled a small booklet out of his pocket. "Here." He signed his name, he handed it to Anita, who handed it to Nanny, and each of them signed their name on the same page. "Quite an easy business to get into. And should you ever find yourself in a narrow straight, you have a whole army behind you." "Roger, darling, they're only puppies." "Ninety-Nine of them. There's something particular about this fellow, I can tell. He has my trust from the get go." "I certainly can agree with that." Nanny nodded. "Me, as well. Good luck, Saino, dear." Saino took the book as delivered. A bit of confusion written on his face as he opened the book to see the autographs. "Oh thank you...! Ummm Do you mind me asking, Do you know a place where I can start doing my...line of work?" he asked while putting the book away within his jacket. There had to be a place to start for him and the group. "Talk to the residents along Main Street. They're sure to be as trusting as we've been," Anita explained. "I would also suggest looking for work," Roger added. "There's plenty of opportunities around, and you never know what you'll get out of it." "You'll get a pin and a hard-earned dollar, dear." Nanny winked. "The doodad'll tell you." Roger pointed to the MagicBand+. "Keep the pen and pad. We're supposed to give them away. The pens never run out of ink. Curious technology." Dug's ears perked up at Ao's approach. He growled, at first, but relaxed. "Yes, dog. That is me. I am the dog. My name is Dug." He spoke in choppy, careless sentences, from a small mechanism on the collar around his neck. "Yes! I have seen the weird things!" He sniffed the ground around Ao. "They have taken over this place. They are evil! I do not like them. They are bad, and I do not like them or bad things." "Weird things eh?" Ao put his hand to his chin as he started to wonder. "So, what are these weird things like? Do they look people like me or more so like you or just animals in general?" "They are like animals, but they are evil!" Dug said. "They run around really fast, and they hide in trees. I will take you to them." Dug ran around Ao and dashed to a tree. He barked up at the branches, only to scare a few squirrels. "You cannot hide forever, evil squirrels!" "Hm, evil and animal-like, hm?" Ao started to ponder, before he suddenly realized that Dug had been talking about squirrels the entire time. His Eureka moment was had. He walked over to Dug, squatted down, and patted his head. "Good work Dug, thanks for taking care of those evil rodents. I can now sleep at night better knowing that those fiends will no longer traipse in those trees any longer." Standing back up, he gave a thumbs up to Dug and said, "Thanks again buddy, but I should be heading back to my friends now." "Wait! I have to give you something first!" Dug hopped up and planted his front paws on Ao to stand on his back feet. Dug hopped down, circling around three times. He seemed to be chasing his tail before pulling out a small book and a pen. "What's it that you want to give me little buddy?" Ao looked at pen and the book and promptly picked both up. "Huh. Thanks for the little journal, thingermajig, Dug." Dug nabbed the pen and shook it until the cap broke off. Ink poured onto the street of Main Street into a tiny puddle. He dabbed his paw in the ink puddle and dangled his paw above the ground, whimpering. "Please put the book down. I do not want you to forget you met me and we talked about squirrels and how evil they are and I want you to remember me." "Alrighty then." Ao simply opened the book up and placed it on the ground. Dug planted his paw onto a page in the book, leaving a pawprint. With some spare ink, he scribbled "Dug" below it in a messy scribble with a claw. "Thank you," he panted happily. "I know I have just met you, but I love you. You are nice. Please come back and we can bark at squirrels some more." Dug returned the cap to the pen. It was back in working order.
10 years? Doesn't this deserve, like, a medal of honor or something? I hate goodbyes. Go in peace and good health, Trigger.
Be-Beyond Good and Evil? I am whimpering right now. Here. Hug. The fact you dig Uncharted too makes us insta-friends. Beyond Good and Evil is just a beautiful game, and I wish Jade had her place among some of the current Video Game Champions. Welcome, foolish mortal, to the Haunted Forum. Okay, so it's not haunted. But still, please, enjoy yourself.
I always thought it odd too that Alice wound up as a Princess of Heart. The person she's based on isn't even royalty. But, all the same, who says the Pure of Heart of has to be a Princess? And more likely: Ariel would need legs. She can't be out of water, and even that came with some learning handicaps in the movie. She also traded her voice for legs in the film? Would that transition somehow? This also means she's not there at the end of the Atlantica world, which changes the tone of the scenes before Departure. Those scenes gave away a lot of information about the lore of the game, and, in the end, Triton trusts Sora. Had Ariel been kidnapped while fighting with him, this might have been different. And after all of this, who wants a temporary party member who's useful to disappear, and then they just come back after Hollow Bastion? And they have fins again? None of the other Princesses went right back home; they had to stay at the castle to stave off the Darkness. Atlantica would have been missing Ariel the rest of the game. As for more Modern, Relevant, and In-Depth: "Alice in Wonderland" was released 50 years prior to KHI, while only 13 years went between "The Little Mermaid' and KHI. No doubt one is certainly more recent, but Alice still has quite a presence in the parks, merchandise, and its source material isn't much worse off either. (Something to make us all feel old: We're as far away from the time KHI was originally released as KHI was to "The Little Mermaid" at the time of its launch; 13 years. Somebody born on the date KHI shipped would nearly be a teenager) In the grand scheme of things, is any character more relevant than another in the Disney Universe? I don't feel so; only more marketable/popular. Creativity, on the other hand, is not a popularity contest. Granted, Alice did worse among most of Walt's other films, but is actually more widely-liked today than it was back then. Heyyyy, look at Alice a little closer. Granted, it's hard to capture the spirit of the book in a non-narrative form. But. Alice is just as well-developed as Ariel, going by films. Ariel only seems more relatable to most, as she is more popular. "I Give Myself Very Good Advice" shows a lot of personal growth. Off on a Tangent: I feel like I'm pretty much the only person who enjoyed Atlantica in KH II. Nice change of pace, and it really helped me with Rhythm, which I used to struggle greatly with; side note: most other Rythm games were boring to me... you hit the button on time... that's all... the entire game...
Narratives Spoiler: Magic Kingdom Villains Spoiler: Staff Spoiler: Players Code: [tabs][tab=Staff][/tab][tab=Players][/tab][tab=Characters][/tab][/tabs] Campus Spoiler: Monorails Magic Kingdom Spoiler: Maps Main Street Spoiler: Maps Entrance Town Square Main Street Hub Spoiler: Meet-and-Greets Spoiler: Jobs Spoiler: Jobs Spoiler: Jobs EPCOT Hollywood Studios Animal Kingdom Earning Pins Spoiler: Character Set 112345678910Set 212345678910 Code: [h2]Set 1[/h2] [table][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] [h2]Set 2[/h2] [table][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] [h2]Disney Dollars[/h2] Earned Code: [tabs][tab=Earned][/tab][/tabs] Scenes Continue Objective Posted? Notes Circumstances that must be met in order to unlock the next part of a scene. Context for the scene and a little bit of extra help to hint at what should be done in the moment. Player bands with green or red borders. Green means they posted, while red means they did not. OOC notes that pertain to group statements, notes for readers, and artist credits. Code: [tabs][tab=Continue][/tab][tab=Objective][/tab][tab=Posted?][/tab][tab=Notes][/tab][/tabs]
[h2]Set 1[/h2] [table][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] [h2]Set 2[/h2] [table][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] [h2]Disney Dollars[/h2]
"I really hope none of you have been here before." Mitch stepped in. "Yeah, talk about a major security breach." Tali scoffed. Not at Glen, but at Mitch's stern reply. "Nice to meet you all. Glen, Ao, Winter." She turned her head inconspicuously towards Saino and mouthed his name with a wink. "Great to learn all your names." She snerked. Mitch walked over to one of the sliding doors. The monorail slowed. "I would suggest holding onto something." The monorail stopped abrupt. "We're trying to sort that out." Despite the sudden halt, Mitch had no trouble standing, hands clasped behind his back. "We?" Tali let go of one of the dangling Hidden Mickey hand holds. "He means me. He...he means me." She made a point of pointing that out to the other passengers. She walked over to meet him while the doors opened up to a new station. "Allllllllll deeeeboaaarrrrd!" she called. "One by one now, spit spot," she did her best "Cheery Londoner" impression. Mitch led the company through the station, down the ramp, and towards the main entrance. "Over there is the Seven Seas Lagoon, which connects to the Bay Lake. Don't ask me who named those." Mitch indicated while Tali was off to the side, humming and tapping to "I'm Walking Right Down the Middle of Main Street U.S.A." "In front of us is a floral arrangement made to look like a resident here. Notice the Hidden Mickey shape of his face. Yes. That's Mickey. Mickey Mouse, in fact. That's not him, obviously. He is not an arrangement of tulips." "Don't ruin the magic! Yes, yes he is," Tali objected. "No. He's not. Come on, Tali." Mitch shook his head. "They haven't met him yet." "Fine. He is a very sweet individual though. All while not being made of Tulips on any molecular level." Tali explained before whistling and tapping the selection she was humming before. "And if you look closely, you'll see a great big dork." Mitch crossed his arms and feigned exasperation. "Where?!" Tali stopped and made sure to cover the guests. "Oh. There he is." She relaxed. Mitch tapped his foot. "Go toe-to-toe with me, Mr. Head-Imagineer." She beat her chest with a thump and stepped up. Mitch looked over her shoulder. "Who's that?" Mitch indicated towards a young woman, sitting on a bench, eating a pretzel. "And those had better not be my pretzels." He raised an eyebrow. "The shops aren't opened yet. There's no possible way to get pretzels here. Only the ones I have stored in my office. I haven't seen her before. I haven't been in my office today. Did you sneak into my office? Did you give away my pretzels? Tali?" As Mitch asked, Tali was walking away...whistling her tune. "Tali?" "Fine! She got here before the others, I couldn't find you, and I set her up. She hasn't been here long. I gave her one pretzel." "My pretzel," Mitch pointed out. "I owe you one pretzel." Mitch sniffled. "" "You over-dramatic cry-bab- Fine! I'll get you an ice cream too." Mitch chuckled. Tali took a deep breath and snerked. They'd both been joking. "Right, well, ice cream aside, let's meet this person, shall we?" Mitch stepped off and walked towards the bench where Ula sat. "I take it you're up to speed?" he asked. "Well, no one is, quite yet." She walked over to a bush and pulled out a red suitcase-looking object. "Gotta know how things are done, right?" She placed the suitcase down on Mitch's foot with purpose. "Ow!" Mitch cried. A chubby, white robot inflated to its full dimensions from out of the suitcase. "Hello, I am Baymax. Your Personal Health Care provider." It lulled, its black eyes kind, but unreadable. "Scanning." "Two ice creams. One for me, and one for my foot," Mitch mumbled. "Deal." Tali nodded her head. "I am reading high levels of Cortisol and Epinephrine. Medical Diagnosis: High levels of Stress and Anxiety. I suggest reducing what is causing you distress." Mitch's mouth twitched. "I can't believe someone finally figured out I was stressed! Tali! You're a miracle-worker!" He was elated. He deflated. "I was being sarcastic." "My scans showed this as well. I am a robot, however, and I cannot be offended by sarcastic remarks." Baymax responded. "Around the park, you'll find residents, like Baymax here, - " Tali patted Baymax's rotund tummy " - who need a little practice dealing with guests. The difficult ones aren't showing up, but we suspect they're collaborating in secret, and we're making efforts to find them. You can help the willing ones, though, by interacting with them. Talking to them will prompt an Autograph and Photo session." She turned her attention towards the guests. "The Photo and Autograph will show up in your MagicBand+, and, who knows? You might just make a friend. Talk to as many characters as possible; they need the practice. Some of the characters have been told to reward you with a pin, and others are willing to help you fight. There's incentive to talk to everyone." "I am satisfied with my ca- No, wait. Lollipop?" Baymax's index digit opened up to release a small, purple sucker. He handed it to Mitch and patted him on the head. "There, there." He looked to the guests. On stubbly legs, not moving very fast, he wondered over to Ula. "There, there. Everything will be better soon." He repeated this several times over, with all the guests. "I am satisfied with my care," Mitch grinned, twirling the wrapped sucker around between his fingers. Baymax hobbled back over to the red suitcase and deflated back into a more portable mode. "I guess that's where I come in, huh?" A disgruntled old man shambled towards the group. He walked with a cane bottomed with tennis balls. He had a semi-permanent scowl, white hair, and was quite short. "I heard something about pins." "This is Carl Fredricksen. He runs the Pin Shoppe on Main Street. Most of the pins you'll get along your journey will be from him. His shop can be found on your map." "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wha...what did you need me for?" Carl grunted. "You spend too much time in that shop, Carl. You need to get out more. So... I thought you might like to meet the first guests to- Hey! Where are you going?" "Bah." Carl dismissed Tali's caring and started shambling back towards the archway to the right of the floral setting. Above it, a train sat at the station. "Jobs. Probably should cover jobs next. See, they earn you Disney Dollars." Tali dug a small note from her pocket. "Earn enough, and you can buy items from all around the park; not just pins from Mr. Grumpy Gus." "How wonderful to hear that phrase not being used against me," Mitch noted. "Well, to be fair, you are a Grumpy Gus." "I own it." Mitch shrugged. "Right. Jobs are also listed in your MagicBand+. When it comes to earned pins, you're going to need ten of them to access the next section of the park. From there...well, you'll have new instructions by then. I, meanwhile, have to get back to the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow." "Epcot," Mitch offered to the guests with a curt bow of his head. "Can't I be full of hot air for once? You're such a good role model for it." Tali retorted. She picked up Baymax and heaved it up past the group and back towards the monorail. "Good luck, everyone!" she called, before boarding the car. In a few moments, it had taken off. "I'll be staying with you. I don't see the Park Manager around, but he's bound to show up sooner or later." Mitch silently hoped that the Disney Villains weren't managing to take captives... "You have your instructions for the present time. I wish you luck as well. If any of you wish to find me, I'll be over at the other end of Main Street U.S.A." He nodded. "You are free to go. Again, good luck." OOC: Something I'd like to try: When approaching something to prompt it, try putting something at the end to tell me directly. Like, Ao walked into the Emporium or Glen talked to Mary & Bert
The hours danced while the Keybladers struck. In fact, it did not take hours. They were only slaying to the melody of "Dance of the Hours". This time around, Base went for the group approach. He cast another Thunder spell to charge up Glen, and fired every shot he had at the Heartless. His entire arsenal of spells dissipated the Heartless his allies didn't catch. They would have caught them off guard, but Base was there to offer support. What a good friend he wa- A hippo landed on his skinny frame. Squashed beneath the heavy beast of burden, Base was no more. That was, until, he lifted it up on shaky legs and bending arms. He tossed the hippo off and huffed and puffed to catch his breath. But the Heartless crocodiles circled around him. He swung and they went, but he'd jumped in a little late. "Did I miss anything?" he said. "This is going to," - Base smacked a Heartless sneaking up on Stratos -"take some cleaning up," he grunted. OOC: 172 words, 8 EXP 9/12
My moving has been a nightmare. Couldn't do the Video Game one, and I'm kicking myself over I might miss Disney; look at my avatar. I'm moved into the place, but everything is in boxes - including my equipment - and I need to order a new mic since my old one quit. I'm going to order it off of Amazon Prime, and I might spring for the 1-Day Delivery if you permit me just a little more time. I'm really sorry. Travelling has been a nightmare. EDIT: I apparently have only just slightly not enough to get the mic this week.
First things first: My keyboard is dying. I have to type some buttons more than once while typing, there's a slow response, and I have cleaned it. There's even a few keys missing and the Space bar is one of the worstoffenders. Okay, so that was on purpose, but I keep having to go back and edit things I shouldn't have to for looking like that. I can post casually like this, but probably not going to write full stories that well. I hear Mechanical Keyboards work great for writers, but they usually tend to be geared towards Gamers. Nearly all of the articles I've seen display how well it lets you have a split second advantage on other players, so there's only the occasional article on typing for the sake of typing. Specs: I'd like to stay below $200 I have done some research. So far, I like Daskeyboard, Roccat, and Max Keyboard the most. I'm looking for a Brown Switch. Just looking for advice. Best would be "Here's a bad choice, how to avoid it, and why". I'd prefer illuminated keys where the letters light up. Which makes the Max Keyboard Nighthawk a favorite contender at the moment. It helps that it's blue; not digging the red ones. Any writers out there on a Mechanical Keyboard or something else?
Got all dressed up for Valentines Day. Not spending it with anyone. I just like a good occasion to step out a little less casually. View attachment 41381
Hey, @Patman , I'm rather enjoying the exchange here. Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of moving (Oddly enough, to North Carolina) and today's the day. I totally said the right version. You just THINK you heard an e. Heard? No, ****, that was read. ****. OH! That was in your head. Yeah, Uhhh, I was writing phonetically. Okay, you caught me, I done screwed up. Dernit, I was just trying to be friendly, 'cuz: Here's the deal. I can communicate with you. That's wonderful. And getting rarer. I'm pretty much playing Socrates here, and that's it. I'm seeing a lot of hatred over here, and I'm really sorry if you're getting any of it. You don't seem too bad. For a dirty, dirty heretic. Naughty lad. Apply how you know Christians practice Christianity in America to how Atheists practice Atheism in America, and you have a very similar group. It's not about logic in this case. It's about being a part of another collective. It's about "Somebody told me this was illogical, boom, logic bomb, logic, logic, logic." It is turning into a religion. It used to be a philosophy. Now, it's theology. Believe me, I'm not getting my wires crossed. A Modern Atheist is crying for their religious freedom when being hypercritical just as often as anybody else. I would, actually, vote for an Atheist though. Were they a member of Atheists of America though, that might hurt their chances with me. It'd be the same as voting in any other hate group with a political agenda. Sorry that I can't embed that video in the discussion. If it's not available in your country, here's the Spark Notes: Atheists are as easy to offend in America as any other group. They justify anything they do by saying "Well, we do nice things for the community every once in a while." You know, while teaching the philosophy that organized religion is the devil. Bill Maher is a prophet, admittedly, accidentally. I like him, but there's so many hanging on every word he says like he's, coincidentally, a messiah. There's no god to it, really. Would kind of make the hypocrisy too blatant. Logic is dying in it too. It's becoming presumptions. Like the examples I mentioned. Those REALLY exist. I'm not kidding. Now, don't be fooled. Not all Christians over here want to blow up a Planned Parenthood. Not all Muslims want to bring America to its knees. Not all Atheists are yuppies paving the path for future intolerance, which made groups like previously mentioned; the ones in other religions. Keep in mind, it's these radicals that tend to be more traitorous to their Holy Books when meaning to keep to it. Because someone manipulated them. I don't think I'm educating you of this point. There is some general-ness in my little rant. Yes, I used that word on purpose: Just to bring up: Wow, your English is good. Sorry if I've seemed a bit long-winded; I'm not normally concise on Philosophy. When you look at something from every possible vantage point, detail is key. That's what needs to be pointed out here: It's been working up for a while now on these shores. Sheep. Atheist sheep. With a coalition. I understand that it's reasonable to go with Innocent until proven guilty. It's also important to point out: there is a new kind of sensationalism, and they are a threat to everyone. Especially Atheists. Mofos makin' people like you look bad. This is not an isolated incident. And it's not just Atheists. "my sisters 1st grade classroom is predominately muslim students and none of them showed up today and when she called their parents to see if they were okay they said they were too afraid to send their kids to school. so dont sit here and tell me this is an isolated incident."~ filthy****ingmouths from Tumblr Take everything with a grain of salt. Hey, maybe she's lying. Just don't assume the "Troublemaker parking lot" angry guy isn't. That is a general notion, not at Patman. You have Atheists defending the murderer the same way white people defended Darren Wilson.
Ditto, mon amie. There's many Atheists in the Modern Era I have great respect for too. Stephen Fry is another particular favorite of mine. He can go a little Old Testament, as can Ricky Gervais at times, about trouncing organized religion; but they do so in a very intelligent way. Bill Maher has his moments. I feel he tries so hard to be modern Voltaire, when Christopher Hitchens has him beat by a long shot. My whole point though, in this discussion, is that these are not edgy ideas anymore. Fry's recent discussion on what he would say to God had a huge following and was widely lauded. Atheism is becoming popular. It's finally getting its chance. Big picture though: Popular can turn to fad really ****ing quick. I beat the censor to the punch by just typing an asterix four times. It also has rules. Dogma. I'll get to that in a bit. Well, to be honest, I did badly want to get your attention, specifically. Still, this nor that was a direct attack on you or your beliefs. The use of second-person tense in that phrase is to all readers, but you caught my attention since you brought up the plight of Atheists. A very true case. You're not burned at the stakes in as many countries as you used to be though. And that's great. But why bring it up here? The villain isn't Atheism. It's Atheism for the sake of Atheism. Self-serving Atheism. There's more a respect for Atheists in the media than you think. Please, don't say rant. I'm not condemning your word choice, but, please, permit me to say any lengthy wordage is far too commonly regarded exclusively as either a pontificate or a rant. It isn't necessarily either. Rant has such a negative connotation in the world today. It feels, though not necessarily true of what you're saying, that one means to disregard what another has said. True, you didn't say. It's blowing up everywhere though. See, Atheists have this funny thing about them where they are just as human as anyone else. They've paraded as the ones who never killed anyone for some time. They never had the chance, really. I never shot someone. I've also never held a gun in front of someone who, in theory, just tried to kill someone I cared about or succeeded in such an action. Get the picture? There's Atheists, if you don't prefer the term "Faddist", who have said "No Atheist would do such a thing as these religious people are doing". Then this North Carolina deal happens. "Well, then, no "True" Atheist would, since that goes against what we do as group and individually." That's, to side track, another advantage Atheism has. You can group up or go it alone. You don't need someone to remind you there's a nothing, because you never have to think about a nothing. But you do have groups. Atheists of America do great things. Hypocritical things. Unspeakable, hateful things. And great things for all of humanity. Much like every other organized religion on the Earth. Now. Rationalize that. Who shoots someone in the head over a parking space? Not his. I believe it was the guest one. He's looking out for the community, huh? A community, which, according to quite a few people he shares it with, he hates. He's a very easy man to offend, as nearly everyone else who seems to know or have known him has said. Even his strongest enabler defender is saying he has Psychopathic tendencies. He didn't just shoot the one he had a dispute with either. He shot his wife. Her sister. He killed without restraint. He made sure they were dead. Spoiler This is an image of the three victims. That is safe to click. They were still alive when that photo was taken. Look at how tall each of them is. Circumstantial evidence, but how did he manage to shoot all three of them in the head? Is he so good a marksman? Was this premeditated? This, truly is, begging the question. But, in questions, there lie answers. And this whole thing breaks my heart so much that I would love to know the answer. Theism is the belief in a God or Gods. That's it. Period. They all diverted at some point. We all have wise men and manipulators. Sometimes both are in the same person. To say, Atheism is a name and nothing else, is doing an injustice to the people who live by it in a world that condemns them for merely questioning. It is an ideology. It also has Dogma. Granted, it's rules are a bit more hidden in social etiquette. "If you subscribe to a religion, you likely were born into it. You wouldn't choose another religion. You don't really believe. It's silly." Example. I know plenty of Atheists who were raised Atheist. They believe it as ardently as any religious person does. Does this mean they too applied no thought to the selection of how they see things? Well, in a way, yes, because: "Religion is silly. You talk to an imaginary friend, use it to serve a political agenda, justify your actions in wrong-doing, and disregard science." I hear this all the time. You just said yourself you're not apolitical. Sooner or later, somebody is going to use that to their advantage. So that somebody who is an Atheist can be controlled the same way everyone else ever has been. It's then that Science takes a back seat. I can't name a single major world religion that didn't have a scientific revolution era; they were bold, they discovered things, and with the supposition that as it worked, it was true. Genetics. Algebra. Loans. Either created or perfected by religious authorities. "The world would be more peaceful if it were all Atheist." The world would be as relatively peaceful if it were Christian, Muslim, etc. The trouble has always been "Well, not everyone is. How do we get them to convert?" Give it a little time, and it's not going to seem so ridiculous or non-ordinary (You, by the above text, ascribe that it's not so much ridiculous as unusual for an Atheist to go Full Rapture) for religious people to live in justifiable fear of a group that wants to exterminate them. It's in an infancy, but Atheism is amassing its own group of bigots and sadists. There is but one goal: A cure. A cure to help all those sick people with the Mental Disease of being Deluded. It's not an irrational fear. It's something that is a visible seed, and history shows it's not going to be pretty. I'm not talking full-out genocide. It's plausible, yes, but not needed. A group of five can blow **** up without being a society, corporation, or society. I snicker when I hear "Imagine" sometimes. It's a beautiful song. But don't think things are going to be any different with "No religion too". I prefer to translate it into: "A world where what your religion is doesn't matter to anyone else. It is what it is, and that's it." It doesn't sync up as well to the verse. Patman, I respect you and your two cents. It provides a dialogue. Everyone in the world has a problem surrounding how they choose to live their life. Ask yourself, would you be so cavalier if the tables were reversed? Muslim man kills three college students. All I wanted to do was see if you would do something besides just writing off the killer as crazy of his own accord. If he was and is, that just means it will still happen again. Whether or not there is doctrine in Atheism, we're watching a turning point. Monsters becoming bold. If he enlivens and inspires anyone to do as he has done for any reason, then it is then too late to turn back. Zola betrayed and turned into an evil priest inspiring hatred. Voltaire and Hitchens become Martyrs for Idealism. Essentially, I love Atheists, as I love humanity, and I fear its bastardization. It's happened before. It's happening now. In our effort towards equality, we must all prevent what we can of creating, teaching, inspiring, or becoming the next generation of bigots. No one is saying Atheists eat babies. Well, it's possible, babies are delicious, ever tried veal? This is the irrational thinking of people who do not understand anything past the tip of their nose. We can all easily turn into that person. I used to be that person. So, inversely, we can all turn into the opposite of those people if we happen to be them to begin with. You'd never know it until you step out of its grip. Anti-Theism is a theism. So is the KKK. So is ISIS. It's the inherent idea that "I am right, you are wrong, subscribe to my religion now or be a fool or a dead fool."
Surely, no "true" atheist would do such a thing as kill another person based on religion, right? I'm sorry, but the Rational Age of Atheism of Nietzsche, Douglas Adams, Christopher Hitchens, and, to some extent, Richard Dawkins is drawing to a close. A new generation is stepping in, and "rational" is taking on a new meaning. The more popular a group becomes, the more idiots that group will have; and you can't control what the next generation does. I regrettably scoff when it's noted the ex-wife is sure it couldn't have been a hate crime, because he champions human rights. That's fallacy. Oh, right. So do all Christians (Pedophilia in the church). So do all Muslims (Je Suis Charlie, non). So do all Jews (Watch as I casually point to the orphans and homeless of Palestine). So does everybody (History shows we've all been nothing but fantastic to each other). Well, it just tends to be "I will defend you, but you have to believe what I believe", but not always. “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.” - Voltaire An Atheist said that. A brilliant Atheist. An Atheist whom, no matter who you are, you can agree with that. You don't have to prescribe to a whole new theology. That's the ideal. No matter what you believe. Respect (Not condescending forms of faux tolerance) is the key to peace. Here's the real deal about whether or not this was a hate crime. It, in some sense, doesn't matter if it was or was not. It says a good deal in either case. Do all Atheists, whom haughtily called for Christians to denounce Christian terrorism after Christians called for all Muslims to denounce Islamic terrorism, denounce this killing? It doesn't matter if it's a hate crime. An Atheist killed three Muslim Young Adults. If a Christian did this, Christians would be doing what Atheists I've been seeing are doing, and vice versa. Christians would be hiding under a rock, saying, "That's not representative of all of us!" And the Atheists akin to this deplorable sack of skin in Chapel Hill would be fighting it tooth and nail, "This is your mind on Religion". Granted, many Christians were haughtily calling for ordinary citizens who can't do anything about ISIS directly. That is the trouble with indoctrination; the idea that bigotry becomes justified. But Atheists I have known will, with their own religious enthusiasm, take that as no one of them has ever done what religious people have done, theirs is the one Truth, the one Way, the, wait a freaking minute, this is starting to sound familiar. You do realize this is going to happen again, yes? This is not some Faux News pipe dream. Somebody with some set of ideals is going to kill someone else with a variation in their set of ideals. Sooner or later, the killer is going to be an Atheist and the victim is going to be a religious person, or, an Atheist who says, "Maybe they aren't diseased as you say. Maybe it makes no difference if they talk to the air, so long as they don't hurt anyone because "the wind talked back"." Motives may or may not be clear, and whether or not the killing was motivated by religious factors will vary. "Christian Man Kills Muslim Man For Sleeping With His Wife". There, that would a despicable means of ending another person's life, but one more emotionally "understandable" than "Dude, you stole my parking spot, and I have Anger Issues". This may be begging the question, but fallacies abound anyway. Let's suppose ISIS did what it did and does what it does and they were asked why they do. Let's suppose they answer "Because, you see, they littered". Would anyone have to wonder if there's bullshitery there? Perhaps there might have been a better way of dealing with parking spot violators who were model citizens before getting a bullet in their heads. Bullet. In. The. Head. If you shoot someone in the head, there is no other way around it: YOU HATE THAT PERSON. Not specifically over faith grounds. I could find reasonable doubt if he had shot one of them in the head. One. That signifies it could have been a random shot. How do you land a Psycho Hat Trick like he did? I find comfort that, were I to run into an Atheist leading his or her people down the same road religious people have crossed (Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition), they wouldn't kill me over something silly like "Your faith does not align with mine". No, it would be something reasonable. Like parking spot disputes. I am a Christian. A Catholic. Je suis Yusor, Deah, et Razan. And all that jazz. I'm a rational person. In fact, I kind of land more on the Agnostic Spectrum. I'm with anyone who wants to practice their religion and not hurt people; I do, in fact, classify Atheism as a faith, as it is a theology, and has sects (Take for example, Mr. **** Bag's (Sorry, does he have a name) self-proclaimed "Anti-Theism"). Being an anything does not exonerate a person to do what others have had the mistake of doing what many have done all throughout history. I really, REALLY hope this isn't the new norm. We do not need another age of "Glorious Revolution".
Spoiler: You rang?
I'll take Gaston then.
I'll stand by for Lefou or Gaston solos. Whichever one you want to cast me for. I can, honestly, do either one.
Going through the process of editing all the chapters of all my fanfics. Currently, Chapter 2 of "Based Forward". I use the Hemingway app.
I'm just posting so I can get another post up on my counter. You reached your predetermined limit of people who care about you coming back. Okay, maybe I care...a little...Welcome back. ^^
So, you want posts? :p Me too. EDIT: Okay, I was joking about this at first. Try not to overdo it, hmm? Try to wait at least two posts between posting for some decorum, and say something that adds something to the conversation. Flowmotion was great for me. As someone who likes to explore every reach of the map, Flowmotion kicks off the wall let me get close to places that would be impossible to reach in other KH games. The details were fantastic, especially for a handheld game. Outside of exploring, I barely used Flowmotion because it was so weak. Once I got a hang of it, after I beat the game, I travel using it quite a bit to save on time. tl;dr, I was an old flunky who prefered walkin' to yer high fallootin' Magic jumpin'. Then I found out how to use it. Now it's fun.