Zee because it just flows better and that's how it's always been called. It's weird now that I think about it...
The roof is not my son, but I will raise it.
But then my brain will fall out ;-;
I was skeptical of this film to start with but after seeing the trailer I hot excited : D I love Judd but I am just upset that Age of Ultron came out before this. I would have rathered them stick to the original story of Pym having made Ultron but oh well, I will still watch both. I am also curious as to whether his other superheros will be used at some point or whether it'll just stick to Antman.
And yours is pink : D
I am glad to hear it went well : D when do you hear back?
Ooooh, good luck and congratulations on the interview! I just suggest being very smiley and welcoming, they are looking for commitment, dedication and an ability to learn and a willingness to do unpleasant jobs (like cleaning loos). Well, this is what I would perceive them to want as it would be what everyone wants but in order to stand out I would focus on first impressions such as professionalism, confidence, friendliness and a unimpeded determination.
Welcome back : D it's good to see back again, I remember you. I like that you are from Italy, your english is very good! But yeah, people come and go all the time around here : D but it's always great when someone actually returns. So stick around and I'm sure you'll fit right back in : D
I have a 5 pack of triple chocolate cookies... the night IS young : D
I hadn't been properly on since August. Uni and a few other things took over, KHV wasn't the only thing to suffer from my lack of attention.
Staff and maybe the site, but my main problem was just motivation and finding a reason to come back after such a prolonged absence.
That is quite a lot of openings, well I'm just glad they are finding more help if they need it, hopefully means a faster release date. I thought it was too hopeful for a 2015 release but I at least hope that we get some form of announcement about it this year.
I agree that Riku has seen one of the biggest improvements because he's become less succumb to his own shortcomings and is finally embracing himself. Sora learned a lot and actually failed at the end which I liked, he's not perfect and he's not even the best (hey, the keyblade didn't even choose him) but he didn't care in the end, he was happy for Riku- that was the biggest thing: before I felt he sort of resented Riku for being better at him at stuff but now he's reveling in it. Compared to KH1 they have grown up and matured a lot. I didn't really notice much change in the other characters but I don't really tend to look too closely at that. I say that's a better change on their part but I can't recall much about other characters.
That was very nice xD and it did help, but no, I came very close to leaving but then remembered how much I love this place and would rather get...
Nah, I just organised my time better and found a better reason to come on
Kingdom hearts and Portal 2 have been the only games I've pre ordered, everything else has simply been buy when I get the chance or when it's cheaper.
These are beautiful.... like sex to my eyes : D
DON'T YOU IGNORE ME WHEN I'M INVISIBLE! XD Those are beautiful. Also... the sex eyes?
That middle one at the bottom... that is still my face while thinking about it
Holy ****turd from a barrel... what is that?