What the.... It's obviously a great game. Also, have you see this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z0wV2xsx1o
If I regret it then I am coming for you
Not sure how big this group is outside of the UK but I think they're brilliant, they have a very folky feel that's just full of energy and soul (the only way to describe it really). I loved their last album "Babel" because of this fact but they've just released a single that'll be in their new album and they've said they've "ditched the banjos" which is what I loved about them. So I listened to the new track and it was good, but not why I like Mumford and Sons. Does anyone else agree/disagree/no idea who this band is? xD For comparison: From Babel: Their new song, "Believe": Not saying it's bad, just my opinion is it's not as good but everyone is raving about it. I guess this is one change of sound that I'm not huge on. Opinions?
yeah.... you freaaaaaaak >:3
Is there a reason for this? 0.o
I would play the Pimps... I'm sure many players of sims 4 would agree.
I would totally buy this dress if gold suited me
xD Oh sorry, my bad. My facebook dash has been filled with this dress the last day and a load of people have been talking about it so I just assumed you all had heard about it.
No edit but this has nothing to do with the cones in your eyes, nothing to do with biology really- colour blind and full vision see the same and different colours alike- it's not a factor (neither is gender, age or anything really that has been found). It's simply how you perceive the lighting, it could appear to be a white dress under a blue light or a blue dress under a yellow light. Since it's so borderline, sometimes you see white, sometimes blue.
Yes, but then how do people who view it on the same screen see different colours? :/
What is the colour of this dress? I am so sick of this dress but I am also insanely curious as to what causes peoples differences in perception.
LIGHTNING HAMSTER THINGY! : D Hello :3 Feenie! It's been far too long... this place needs you back. This is Ienzo by the way... in case there was totally no other way of knowing it was me : D
D: NOT SICK! OH GOD! FETCH THE PILLS! NEED 10 CC's OF COMPRESSED UNICORN FARTS STAT! I have been good :3 lots of work, quite a bit of stress,...
OHELLO BIUIUIUIUIUIUIU! : D With the best flaming motor cycle I've ever seen. How's it going?
Woah, there's only 12 left in stock in UK amazon at £37 which is pretty similar price. This is sad 0.o
Awkward moment when the answer to a maths problem is 61 and you go around saying "Below" is the answer.
That looks amazing! It looks good enough to come to consoles and it would work well! The PSP that it's normally on would probably struggle with 3v3 but next gen would do well. I hope they retain the villains as well, I didn't see any I don't think aside from the small shots at the beginning. It wouldn't be Dissidia without villains ;-;
I try to play through on the standard mode to enjoy it, I'm not amazing at the game and I get quite frustrated with it at times if I can't get passed a boss. Of course when I am better at the game and I know it well then I go onto proud.
Mark! It is so sad to see you go ;-; you are one of the oldest members and oldest staff members and it just feels weird you not having a blue name any more. I understand what you mean though and sometimes things just do come to their natural end. You will be sorely missed and I can't thank you enough for all the work you've put into this site and your dedication. I wish you all the best in whatever you go and do : D
I've wanted to play this... I wasn't sure if I should put my money into it but it looked amazing : D I may wait for a steam sale >:3