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  1. Ienzo
    I thought maknig 3 films was pushing it personally... I didn't understand how they even managed a fourth. But I am also a bit worried about the continuation of Pirates of the Carribean, please don't beat a dead horse ;-; I liked those films.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jun 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Ienzo
  3. Ienzo
    That's a really good thing you are doing Mike, I haven't had loads of experience in this area but one of my best friends came out to me, I was more shocked about how out of the blue it was rather than the fact she was bisexual (I felt bad though as my shock was interpreted as dislike).

    One of my other friends started dating a girl and I don't even remember how I reacted so it couldn't have been much of a significant reaction.

    I always feel like if my children ever come out to me, I would like to react by congratulating them for having the courage and then asking them what they want for tea. Surely, it should be no big deal for someone to come out, I always thought it should be treated no differently to heterosexuality but can't have everything, it is still a struggle as it's a stigmatised group STILL so coming out still remains a hard process.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  4. Ienzo
    I would always rather sit inside eating pizza than drink large quantities of alcohol. I feel like my dad wants me to drink alcohol more than I do.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Ienzo
    I wish I could projectile cry over people. I have always envied the anime girls of that skill.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Ienzo
    When I heard Bethesda was holding a conference before E3 I was debating between whether they were going to announce Fallout 4 and Dishonoured 2. Considering I have only ever properly played Dishonoured, I was hoping for the later but then Fallout 4 looks amazing.... and DISHONOURED 2! : D So I got both, and Kh3, AND FINALLY SQUARE ARE RE MAKING THEIR MOST POPULAR GAME INTO SOMETHING MORE MODERN! I have always wanted to play it and I think I finally will.
    Post by: Ienzo, Jun 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Ienzo
  8. Ienzo
    Profile Post Comment

    Sure thing : D

    Sure thing : D
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Jun 19, 2015
  9. Ienzo
    Profile Post Comment

    All the death

    All the death
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Jun 17, 2015
  10. Ienzo
    2k16? Are we having a party next year? : D
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Jun 17, 2015
  11. Ienzo
  12. Ienzo
  13. Ienzo
  14. Ienzo
    I have never heard of this crazy before but if it's a London thing then I can see why. London is like a whole other country to UK XD stuff happens there that happens no other place :3 If it happens in Cardiff then I have not heard about it.
    Post by: Ienzo, Apr 28, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Ienzo
    Profile Post Comment

    good to hear : D

    good to hear : D
    Profile Post Comment by Ienzo, Apr 28, 2015
  16. Ienzo
  17. Ienzo

    So sick...

    And when people say fluids, don't drink alcohol :3 that's makes this stuff worse xD
    Post by: Ienzo, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Ienzo
    Just saw it the other day... I absolutely adore it! That's my basic review of it xD

    I thought it had a good balance of heart warming, funny and action that Marvel films just seem to do so well but there is something more in the Avengers because there is a group of people working together and their interactions offer new conversations that their respective films couldn't.

    One thing I thought they did brilliantly is Ultron. Not just his animation but his character and how James Spader brought him to life. He wasn't just ruthless, he thought what he was doing was right. He wasn't overly fussed about the fact he was artificial like most AI films do, he used it to his advantage and just followed his program.

    I won't spoil anything, I've seen enough spoilers dotted around the internet but the one thing that saddened me most about this film was the fact it was Tony Stark and not Hank Pym who made Ultron like in the comics. Of course it worked out quite well, but it seems silly that they are about to release an Antman film (albeit with Hank Pym handing down his suit). I know it's silly to expect the film series to follow the comics exactly but to me it just irked me.

    Definitely worth a watch if you are a Superhero fan!
    Post by: Ienzo, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Ienzo
  20. Ienzo