FOR THE SECOND TIME >:3 BOW DOWN MORTALS! THIS WILL BE GLORIOUS xD What have you been up to recently?
I am good : D Cat's in Britain right now and I'm going to go see her again next week which I am so excited about : D how are you?
Guys, thanks for the information, I know he left KHV but if he ever came back because a lot of people do, it'll be something nice to come back...
Bushy! When the hell did you reach Prem? XD I completely missed it! Congrats man
I forgot this existed. I am happy once again. Oh my God! Rep... I completely forgot that existed back on vBulletin as a shallow measure of member's social ranking on this site.
All this advice is absolutely brilliant, my boyfriend gets the exact same anxieties about me, he loves me dearly but he gets them and he voices them which allows me to disarm him and tell him how much he means to me and although he might not listen and take in how much I love him the first time I say it, he may understand when I tell him the hundredth time or the a thousandth time. If you voice it to him, he can comfort you and show you the love you need. Don't feel bad for these anxieties, they are just thoughts, thoughts shaped from bad experiences, thoughts build to protect us but protect us from the good as well as the bad- they're misinformed. They are perfectly natural but they will go with time if you are treated properly. I can't say how much time exactly as everyone is different but remember, they are just thoughts, you are separate from your thoughts- your brain just generates thoughts none stop. We believe a lot of the things it says when really it's just stuff our brain churned out while we weren't looking. Anyway, it's okay, communication is key and don't feel bad about having these thoughts :3
~Moved to technology as the code vault is more for the codes themselves and you are asking a question about the technology behind it. I do apologise, I don't know much about technology so I wish I could help you xD Have a nice day, any questions, feel free to message me.
Oh my, I will forever love these threads <3 Now onto the tenth one! Well done Midny and Finalform32 for getting post #5000 : D Now get cracking and do some more posting and stuff! ~Locked
I totally agree with that, the only thing about being 'cool' was so that more people would actually do it as that can be one of the reasons people don't wear seatbelts or do drink and drive. It's not the only reason of course. Yeah, I've only had one lesson but it weirds me out to think that all the gear changing will one day become second nature.
I have literally watched a few episodes while on holiday but didn't think much of it but it did seem very sweet. But a child's show that becomes popular in the adult world? Is that really a bad thing?
I am currently learning to drive... this stuff terrifies me senseless. There is nothing cool about using a phone or drinking and driving or not wearing a seatbelt. Why is being safe not cool?
I go away.... I come back to people talking about eating brains. Please, I am quite fond of my brain ;-; ... but go for the hippocampus... that's where the memories are.
Off to Lanzarote, see you biches later : D
I want to learn the lingo. Sorry ;-; Won't happen again. That crushed my soul. But then seeing him film this made up for it. BUT YOU GET TO MEET MISHA AND THAT'S THE BEST THING EVER! He attacked me with them.
I have my moments of hiatus, but I always come back : D
Which character? It was very enjoyable, just started series 10.
I know there will be one... I think D: as far as I know, may have changed.
I ran into this man. Spoiler No? Well I did and I am literally still buzzing and it was about a month ago.
KH3: will basically be in development FOR THE REST OF YOUR CONCEIVABLE LIVES
Ansem you sneaky bitch.