"uuh..." "wha... What happened..." He said confused "where am I..."
OOC: cmon! hes more dead that alive, and you want him to safe himself? XD BiC: Noxas unconscious, started to dream about the past events with the Organization, and of his comrades
OOC: dont worry =P i wont die so easly BIC: Noxas slowly began to sink in the water "why... why does this happen?" "im... im sorry..."
OOC: you guys do realize that you abandoned Noxas in the water, right? XDDD BIC: because he was staying for too long on the cold water, he passes out (again XD) "everyone... where are you?"
Noxas saw that someone gave him a raft. "Nulix... is.. is that you?" he said. "Its... Its me..."
Noxas tried to look up "Xa... Xane..."
"The ship..." Noxas reached the ship he saw before, so he tried to call anyone on the ship. "Help... please... som... somebody..." he said in a dying like tone.
Noxas finally came up to the surface "cough, cough... I..cough... thought I would... cough... die..." he then saw something floating at the water, and he swam to it, so he could float until someone would see him
Noxas then wakes up because of him hitting the water. "i cant... breath..." "i have to get out of here..." he thought. then desperately trying to swim to the surface
OOC: back. BIC: "theres a ship!" he said as he was falling. "i wonder if i cast a spell, someone would see me?" "Firaga!" "Firaga!". "I hope someone saw it..." he then passes out...
OOC: you guys are in a ship at the ocean, right? BTW, BRB
OOC: can i start posting now? =P BIC: Noxas started looking for an exit to the cave he was in. "theres gotta be an exit somewhere... otherwise, how could i be here?" after quite some searching, he saw the sun through a hole. "light!" Noxas then used his Keyblade to burst out of the place. "****..." he said as he began to fall from a cliff to the ocean.
OOC: hey hey! what about me! im back!
OOC: what time is it there?
OOC: crap... its 7:30 PM over here, and i cant stay on too late since I have an exam tomorrow...
OOC: lol... wonder when the others are getting on...
OOC: really is!
OOC: its an awesome PS2-PSP and soon Wii series. go here: Monster Hunter Series - Wikipedia just click any game in the list :)
OOC: cool, hope you can get to listen to it! Do you by any chance know the Monster Hunter series?
OOC: i was correct! =P didnt know it was possible to listen other countries radio station though