yeah, i was thinking on asking her out to the movies some time ^^
good point.... oh, and what would you do VaKH87?? i mean, what do girls do to get the guys attention? just to see if shes "telling" me something
i could compliment her, but in my school we wear uniforms soo... not really possible there ^^'
well... what about going to the movies? i could ask as if it was something "casual" like... my brothers didnt want to come, and its boring to go alone. wanna come with me? kind of thing
well... its not that easy...a rumour would spread over the whole school (since im "mid" popular) and everyone knows me... and since im a rather shy guy when it comes to the girl i like... so my confidence is rather hard to get up... but you guys dont have anything that might give me any clue if she likes me??
How do I know if this girl likes me?? well... at school, I like this girl. (im at High school btw) I only have half a day at a week with her at school. anyway, we talk in those hours and whenever i else can.. when she sees me, she say hi to me(every time), and yesterday she said that i was rude, but at the same time she seemed happy (not sure though) then i had to go, but i kept meeting her the rest of the day and she kept talking to me. She even smiles at me (alot actually) when we talk oh, and ive seen her talk to another guy too, but idk... what should I do? please answer me!
awesome! *dies in excitement* moar KH:BbS info!!
*sigh* i guess no one ever reads my posts... ill try again: What do you guys think of this?
OOC: k, later
OOC: *joins Xephos* T_T
OOC: i was shocked too when i saw that...
OOC: yeah, its in the main page...
OOC: dang... hey, i have a question... since i havent been on KH-vids lately, i read that Soku died... is that true... what happened to him??
OOC: nevermind... i was on the wrong RP xD
OOC: OMG! hey guys! sorry i sudden didnt post, but its because ive been doing pretty bad at school (specially at math related stuff) hows everyone been?? and... what are we doing?? where are we??
OOC: well... i met again with Xegreny and Bellatrix O_o
OOC:what about the ship i was on??
i had a little "theory" a while back: when a keyblade has a keychain on it, it would as we already know, change shape, abilities and stuff but what if the keychains arent needed?? well, if thats true, how could it have a shape? my thoughts are that the keyblade could change shape depending on the wielders heart. Terra: a big, heavy looking keyblade (close, hand to hand combat) Ven: normal-small sized, light looking keyblade (for quick attacks) Aqua: normal blue sized with a "misterious" looking keyblade (long distance, magic attacks)
OMG!!! CANT BELIEVE THIS!!! YOU DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM AFTER WATCHING THIS!!!! *hyperventilates* OMG!!!!!! *dies in excitement*