OOC: I kinda gotta go too =S BIC: well... lets talk about it later... ok? but... let me tell you this... no matter what happens... ive got your back, ok? if theres anything, tell me... ill help you out. he said this as he felt a "boost" self confidence
OOC: hmm... forgot it then O_o BIC: really? how could you've been through that is worse?
OOC: yeah... I'd like to know too... when did they even get to Jail?! BIC: but... who else could had been in a coma like state like me? he asked why is it always me that gets trapped in darkness??
OOC: yup, me too... im on summer breaks, so i have nothing really to do =P I see... then... take your time! BIC: yeah... its just that... on all this time ive been long... ive actually.. been like asleep. i mean, i wasn't conscious... i just suddenly appear in a very dark place. so... i dont know if ive changed at all... i feel the same... im not even sure how much its passed. he said in a kinda sad
OOC: yeah, i would like one too btw. thats good... not as "stressed" then? BIC: heh... guess you think im kinda dumb right... after all this time... i couldn't be a bit more... of a... man...
OOC: how's it going?
OOC: no worries! yay! Jaxed online! BIC: ok... then lets make a fire! he said jokingly
yeah but.. theyr minds are blank... so its not much help... look *Noxas start to poke them in the heads* OOC: sorry.... couldn't resist!! sorry! xD BIC: So hey... wanna look around?
sure... i know that story, he said with a smile. so, what do you wanna do? we should wait for wing, since I dont really know for sure where we are... he took us here with a portal after all
yeah, we have to! he said determined also... you were going to cry right before right? he said teasing her
OOC: not really either... only a couple of them XD BIC: Noxas saw the tears in Bellatrix' eye. we're are finally together... at least some of us... i hope... that we dont get offtrack of each others anymore. so lets do our best, to get at peace. evem though thats impossible! he said jokingly. but no worries.. ok bella? now... wonder whats next...
yeah ^^' everything is good here. what about you?
hey, whats up?
OOC: Nothing much happened i see? well... ill post then something. BIC: Noxas saw Xardius talk to Bella... as he was about to take a nap. You alright? Xardius, cheer up... its been a long time... if you need help, then we'll help out. atleast i will. Noxas then faced Bella. you know... i know of a place that got some incredible apples! if you want, i can take you there. He said smiling to her. OOC: i have an idea guys... what about we include some final fantasy places? i mean, final fantasy has always been a part of KH, right?
SIS! hows it going? had some internet issues so i couldt post in the UO =S
OOC: sorry guys... gotta go for today! ill be on tomorrow! BIC: Wow... thats something Wing... but as long your sure thats its dead, then we should be alright, he said and then smiled oh, btw, do you got a bed or something were i could take a nap? ive.. ive actually walked for a long time without sleeping, so i could use a nap
whats this virus your talking about guys?
Noxas looked at Wing. I see.... Hes gone wrong, just as Bella thought... right? Umm.... Wing... are those guys suppsed to go?
What happened to him? heh, thats what i want to hear! Noxas grinned
I still have hope that everyone that is still alive will be back! Noxas then saw Xane Hey! hows is it been Big guy?! i already want to use my blades again! its a real waste not to use them!