OOC: ok, this is getting irritaing T_T everytime i go on, no ones here... then when i get off, 5+ pages get filled up T_T *sigh* BIC: Noxas was waiting at the entrance when he saw that Bella was back. "I knew it!" he said with a big smile in the face "w-what happened?" where were you?" he asked as he walked to her
Hey! FINALLY got my PS2 back! and I finished P3FES!!! man... Nyx is creepy -.- specially if your fighting him at 3am, and your in a dark room xD...
Noxas woke up, to only notice that he was alone. he went downstairs and saw some pancakes with a note someone left. "we went to the mansion at the hill". that was what it said, so he quickly ate. as he went out, he decided that it was time to find out what happened to Bella, so he ran to the mansion. when he arrived, he noticed that the door was opened already. "guuuys" "you here?" he asked. he looked around and saw the other standing and talking. "guys, we gotta find out what happened to Bella" now" he was determined that nothing would interfere in his search. OOC: why is it that theres never no one on?! its no fun this way!
OOC: damn... could someone tell me what happened since yesterday? 8 pages just appeared O_O OOC: ok, lets see what i can come up with... BIC: Noxas then saw a flash of light. he came back to the normal room, but only to see that everyone was in a rush. "what happened" he asked. Noxas then looked around, only to hear rumors that Bellatrix was dead. "what.. what do you mean... HOW CAN BELLA BE DEAD?!" he shouted in a panic. she was the first person to see when he came back from the darkness, so he couldnt believe it OOC: meh, dont have a great mind right now -_-
OOC: holy crap, i've been gone for a little while, and theres masive posts T_T anyway, i kinda forgot where I was... last thing i think was that i was talking with someone O_o oh yeah, i was with bella xD ill see what i get to post... *starts reading past posts* BIC: as the rooms suddenly went black, Noxas started remembering past events... the times he was a knight, when he joined the Organization, when he was fighting with everyone. but then everything went negative. he had a vision. the whole world was deserted. no people, no animals. nothing. just the signs that there once was life. he saw himself taking a calendar, but he couldn't believe it. it was in a near future. the vision dissapeared, but was still on the blacked out room. Noxas summoned his keyblade, which wasn't anymore Oathkeeper nor Oblivion. it looked like if they where fused together. Noxas then looked straight out, and said determined: I wont let that Happen! OOC: i kinda robed ideas of your post Hidden xD i couldnt think of anything else, so i wrote the first thing that crossed my mind =P
OOC: holy crap... a game, book, comic... HOW MUCH HAVEN'T I BEEN TOLD!? i didnt know about that!! someone please clear me up T_T
OOC: oh, i see... even though i havent checked yet, ill do it. and yeah, like once a person said, holidays are thread killers xD
thanks! you too sis! hope this year gets to be a great year for you!
lol, yaeh, saw it! i must say... Org. Moogles FTW! lol happy new year btw
OOC: hey guys! Happy New Year!! 2009, here we go! im back from holidays! havent read for new posts though
cool! id use that code! well... atleast you CAN do some hacking... me= no future hacker xD anyway, the guy that was repairing my PS2 was on mas...
OOC: Wah?! a comic?! nope... you didnt T.T send it please xD
OOC: well... its gonna be a bit difficult for me until new year, but after that i SHOULD be able to get on alot more
yeah! they had closed today, for some reason, so ill have to go some other day =S yeah! i really have!
OOC: Yay! your back... but still.. this place is getting dust... =( get active everyone!
hey pretty boring actually... my PS2... still dont want to play some games... and one of them is P3Fes T_T so ill go this thursday to get it...
Noxas realized that Wing had been quiet for a while. Now that i think about it, we've never really talked, have we? only in fights and stuff
ah well... hope it gets a little more active tomorrow
OOC: yup... most of your post made no sense to me wing.. only the last one xD but its true... holidays are thread killers... specially the ones were family is involved! you spend a great time with them (most of the time anyway =P) and forget about the UO and stuff xD ill post later when more are online btw, so seeya later!
not much either.. the UO has been pretty quiet isnt it