OOC- That's true. ;P Hailey looked over at Zack and smiled. "H-Hey..." She said, softly.
Leah blushed bright red. H-He's an odd one... She thought, not saying anything.
Leah felt chills crawl up her spine when he winked at her. She pretended to gag. "Please... George's kisses are way better than yours..." She giggled. She then walked over to the REAL George and gently took his hand.
Mmmm... I made a bunny sculpture out of this stuff, last night. =D lol my church plays very strange games. :/ I miss teh bunny. </3
Leah looked at Phil. "So... I-I..." Leah suddenly blushed bright red. "Gah!" She covered her mouth, embarassed.
"Phil?" She asked, turning to look at the man she'd just kissed. "Bro?" She looked at George again. "What's going on here?!" She demanded.
Leah heard her name shouted and she turned to see George. She looked at him, confused, and then looked back at Phil. "George...?" She let go of Phil and stepped back from him, looking between the two. "What the heck...?" She said, confused.
"Alright, then..." She said. Then, smiling, she gently kissed him on the lips, wrapping her arms around his neck. Something didn't seem right, though... It didn't feel the same. OOC- Dun, dun, dun... :D
"Hmm..." She said. "You sure? You know you can tell me if something's wrong..." She gently kissed his cheek and smiled.
OOC- Oh. I was hoping he would play along... lol XP Leah had a confused look on her face. "Yes, it is..." She said softly and got up, walking over to him and feeling his forehead. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked him.
Leah sat up, confused. "You sure there's nothing wrong, George?" She asked.
"Alright..." Leah said softly and smiled, patting the bed beside her. "Come lay back down, then."
Leah woke up, feeling George get up. She sat up, slightly and looked around, spotting Phil. "Is something wrong?" She asked him, sleepily. OOC- lol this should be interesting... ;D
OOC- He's in. ;D Leah started to breathe deeper, signaling she fell asleep.
OOC- Sure, if you want. :) *needs to finish editing the first page* >.> lol it's half done XD Leah smiled and cuddled up to him, starting to fall asleep.
Leah relaxed and closed her eyes, resting against him. "I love you," She said and smiled.
I think I've seen it once before... Eh, I just don't like that kind of stuff. ;P lol ty! :glomp:
"That's true..." Leah said and nuzzled him, softly, smiling.
Oh, I see... ...ew.... >_< lol XP *sigh* I'm looking at these dances and wondering "What on earth was I thinking?" These are both hard enough to learn, but then I'd have to teach them to other people... lol but I can do it! ;D
Leah giggled. "What's the point of spending time together if we're both always sleeping?" She asked, grinning. She then yawned.