"A blonde?" Aphrodite asked, tilting her head. "What makes you think that?"
Aphrodite lifted up her shirt a little and winced. There was a wound on her stomach from where the man had hit her with the gun.
Aphrodite quickly followed after Artemis.
"Um... S-Sure..." Hailey said and smiled.
"Ohh..." Aphrodite said, looking up at the house. She smiled and got off of the motorcycle, taking off the helmet.
Aphrodite held on tightly, giggling as they rode.
Aphrodite took the helmet and put it on her head, snapping the buckle shut on it. She then got on the motorcycle, wrapping her arms around Artemis' waist and holding on tight.
Aphrodite looked at Artemis and smiled. "Okay~!" She said. happily, and ran after her. The police came in after them and arrested the man.
Aphrodite stood up, coughing a little. "That hurt..." She muttered, looking at the man. "And I thought we were just getting to be friends..." She had a disappointed tone in her voice.
Agreed... *passes out*
lol thanx... sorry, overprotective parents >_>
The man groaned in pain and everyone in the store stared at Artemis, wondering how she could be so strong.
Hiya! :) and plz don't say my name on here unless it's in a PM... my parents will get really mad. >.> is there a way 2 edit it out?
Aphrodite couldn't help but giggle. "You always play so rough!" She said and walked over to the man and put her hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" She asked, worriedly. The man swung his arm around and hit Aphrodite away. She fell to the floor. "Ow!" She said.
"H-Hey! Artemis, you're hurting him!" She said, panicking a little. "He wasn't threatening me!"
I'm in between EvilMan_89 and AnTi::Her0~>... o.o
I'll get to work on this. :) I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "silky lines", but I've got a pretty good idea that you might like ;D and lastly, do you want your username on it?
'bout time o.o just when I don't need it anymore... XD
OOC- I'm not doing anything tonight... as of now... so I should be here. Katara hugged her knees, resting her chin on them. Everybody seemed so hopeless, despite saying that hope was what they needed. It was difficult to keep a good mood. Momo flew over to Silax and landed on his shoulder, nudging him gently with his head.
OOC- Hey, I can't help being sick! Ugh I don't like it, tho... Feels like I'm gonna pass out any second... T-T *gasp* y ish u worried, Princess? =O "Alright," Akito said and smiled. "And I take it you're our captain?" He asked, winking at Anthony. Anthony nodded and then went into the room where the games were stored, digging around in a trunk. He came back with three eyepatches, three plastic hooks, and three different colored bandanas. They were black, red, and purple.