lol... omg I just almost had a heart attack X.x
OOC- Sorry. Leah suddenly fell over when someone ran into her. "Ouch..." She said, looking at Jack. "Oh! Are you okay?" She asked him.
-_- of course... nobody takes anything serious in the spam zone...
OOC- kay, I'm back... almost had a heart attack... XD "Well... because I bit his son..." Leah said before Roxas walking in. She just listened to their conversation. How is the principal suppossed to know who took his keyblades...? She wondered.
If you know my name, then don't say it online where everyone can see it! Seriously, I WILL get in trouble by my parents and I will NEVER be able to come back on here again. Is that what you guys want? I know this is in the spam zone but please take this seriously, guys... I've told anyone who knows my name time and time again that you can't tell anyone else online what it is. Not even through PM. So just stop already. Okay, I'm done...
OOC- wat the heck are you talking about, Daxma? and I can't rp right now, you guys just really stressed me out... EDIT: oh wait, I think I know wat u mean, Daxma... congrats! ^w^
Aphrodite winced, seeing Artemis throw the man. "That looks like it hurt..." She thought aloud.
OOC- *whistles* lots of stuff... Hmm... Sorry, I'm not that good at remembering... heh... George's twin brother Phil just showed up and Leah kissed him, thinking he was George, then George walks in on them kissing and gets mad. Leah finds out what happened and Phil keeps hitting on her. Leah then runs off to the principal's office because he wanted to talk with her. I'm not sure where everyone else is. Oh and Roxas is badly hurt. Leah shook her head. "Besides Mr. Strong hating me for being a vampire and George's twin brother, Phil, hitting on me, then nope..." She said bluntly and giggled.
Leah sighed in relief and laughed, a little. "Okay, good..." She said soflty and smiled. "I've been okay... I guess what you could call 'okay' for a vampire..."
"Ohh..." Aphrodite said, looking at the TV. "Hey, there's that man, again." She pointed at the man from the robbery and giggled.
Leah sat down in the chair. She had a nervous feeling, like she was in trouble.
Aphrodite looked at the TV and blinked, surprised. "How did we get in that little box with all of those people...?" She asked. OOC- It's probably obvious, but she doesn't know much about modern day technology... XD
Leah glanced up at the clock. "Gah! Sorry, guys, I have to go talk to the principal. I'll be right back!" She said and quickly kissed George on the cheek before running off. She soon arrived at the principal's office and walked in. "You said you wanted to see me?" She said.
Aphrodite sat down, cross-legged, watching Artemis.
Aphrodite shrugged and smiled. "Okay!" She said, happily.
"So what do ya wanna do, now?" Aphrodite asked, smiling.
*squeals* omg I've been waiting for this!!! I'm so excited! Me and Rainbow Stoner promised we'd go together... Even if it is a school night, we're still gonna be one of the first people there! Midnight show FTW! XD
"Sorry..." Aphrodite apologized and rubbed the back of her head. She pulled her shirt back down over the bandages. "Thanks, Artemis!" She said and kissed her on the cheek, smiling. That would've been strange for any of the humans on earth, but it was normal for Aphrodite. It was how she thanked people or said goodbye.
Aphrodite winced when she rubbed the cloth over her wound. "Well someone had to ask him to stop scaring people... Besides, I was curious. I've never seen that thing he was holding, before." She explained.
Momo made a small, satisfied noise when Silax scratched behind his ears. Katara couldn't help but smile. Momo then jumped up and flew around the room, circling Yeifou. He was trying to think of some way to cheer everybody up.