Leah smiled and walked over to him. She suddenly paused for a second. "You are George, right?" She asked him, just in case.
Katara held on to him tightly, also not wanting to let go. She was frightened of what would come in this battle. Death... it would most certainly be unavoidable. But who would they lose? She couldn't seem to find a spark of hope... something to tell her and everyone else that they could win this battle... That everyone would make it out and Telren would be gone forever. Momo fell off of the couch. (lol XP)
"Okay. Thank you, sir!" Leah said as she ran off. Despite him telling her to consider him a friend, she still couldn't help but to call him 'sir'. Leah then took a deep breath and opened the door to the dorm. "Hey." She said to George and smiled, walking in the dorm and closing the door.
Leah got back to her dorm but hesitated at the door, hearing George speak. She was nervous to go inside.
"Ohh..." Aphrodite said and smiled, looking at the DVD player. "What's that?" She asked, pointing at the DVD player.
Leah turned to leave. "I'm going to go back to my dorm... Bye!" She said and waved to everyone, smiling, and walked off.
"It's okay," Leah said and smiled. She blushed a little at his side comment. She reached out her hand and helped him up. "Nice to meet you Jack, I'm Leah..." She said. OOC- C'mon, how did a gunshot do that to Roxas? :/
Momo fell asleep, sprawled out on the couch. Katara hugged Silax tightly. "I'm glad... With this battle, we can finally be rid of Telren once and for all..." She paused and tears began silently falling down her cheeks. "But... I still wish it would never come..." She said.
Katara smiled. "Of course..." She said. "But I'll be keeping an eye on you, too..." She said, looking down. "I can't bear to lose anyone else... Death may be inevitable in this fight, but I will do whatever I can to avoid it. You've all protected me, and now it's my turn to do the same for you..."
OOC- Thank you, guys... :) Momo flew over and curled up on the couch, closing his eyes. "True..." Katara said and sighed, glancing up at the sky. Once they were outside, she turned to Silax. "What did you need to speak with me about?" She asked him.
OOC- Thank you, Last... *hugs* This applies to everybody here... Please, if you know my real name, please don't use it on KHV... If too many people on here find out my name, I'm going to get into alot of trouble with my parents... Momo was glad to have the attention. He made a small, cheerful sound. When Frostex tried to stroke him, he gently nuzzled his hand. Katara looked up. "Of course..." She said to Silax and smiled, standing up. OOC- And by tonight, around what time do you mean?
Hailey looked up as Michael came back and smiled. She wasn't sure what to say, since she wasn't sure who that was.
Aphrodite smiled. "Yay!" She said. "Whatcha order?" She asked, curiously.
Oh, Mike is my friend in real life. ;D and no, Anime College.
I give up. -_- .......................
I was talking with MicketyMike here on my visitor messages this morning and apparantely FinalForm was reading them, cuz' he said my name in an rp...
Yes, it's a common name... I don't get y my parents won't just let me tell ppl wat it is... but I'll get grounded if I do, which is y I was...
great... >_< seriously, it freaked me out so bad I'm almost in tears right now... I'm scared easily. >_< someone posted it on my visitor...
um nope. o.o and I only tell the people on here who I know in real life... they let it slip and other people find out and start using my real name, which freaks me out when they do because I didn't tell it to them... And my parents are on around-the-clock patrol of this place... They don't trust anything online. >_<
>.> <.< FinalForm said my real name on a thread and I never told it to him... O_o Freaked me out...