Ohh... lol When I joined this lovely little site, I was a complete anime freak. I watched it alot, and at the time I was addicted to a show called Shaman King. I talked about it endlessly and my friends drew me some fan art of Anna and Zeke... XD *ahem* Anyways, I loved the plotline for the show. There are two stars called the Star of Destiny and the Star of Destruction. I liked "StarOfDestiny" as a username, but I thought it was too long (IMO). So, I came up with DestinyStar from that. ;D now I forgot most of the things about that show... I should watch it again. o.o
"Yes, much better..." She said and grinned. The man at the vendor handed them both their ice cream cones. "Thanks!" Leah said and handed George his.
lol I do, too, now. XD Knuckles = Awesome! ;P "That's the thing I hate most about you, Knuckles!" "It's fine if you hate me." XDDD
Leah put her hands on her hips. "And since when am I a lady? I thought I was a woman," She said and then giggled. "All right, I'll take a vanilla one, then," She said and smiled. The man at the vendor got them both their ice cream cones.
Leah stopped at the ice cream vendor and giggled. She looked at George. "What flavor do you want?" She asked him, smiling.
well Anddo on youtube said in the description for one of their videos that they're going up to episode 12, but I'm only on episode 4 so Idk if they really are ;D WOO! XP lol I usually don't watch shows like this o.o
UPDATE: I'm getting better... My back problems were caused by my chair and I have come to believe my breathing problems and nautiousness (sp? lol) were just from stress... I talked to my mom and she believes I may be lightheaded because of my blood sugar and not enough protien. Still, I at least got her to listen to me for a sec without her thinking it's just in my head. XP Anywho, it's nothing serious, and I probably won't need to go to the doctor. Though, I'm still suppossed to keep an eye on it to see if it gets any worse. The stress thing, I dunno what to do to help that, though... Those are seperate problems that I need to solve on my own, but if you're really curious, PM me. Thank you guys so much for your help! *hugs to all* :)
Leah blushed. "Thanks..." She said and smiled, gently squeezing his hand. She saw an ice cream vendor up ahead. "Come on!" She said and giggled, running over there.
"It's a nice day, don't you think so?" She said and looked at George, smiling.
Leah walked through the park with him. She looked up at the sky, smiling.
Leah smiled and walked out of the dorm with him. She held his hand as they headed towards the park, which wasn't too far from the school.
OOC- Huh. I completely screwed that up, then. XP Leah found a long sleeved, purple jacket and put it on over her white shirt. She then went back over to George and gently took his hand."Okay, let's go..." She said and laughed.
Aww... ;-; how far r u and where did u find teh episodes you've seen so far? o.o
OOC- I kinda prefer funny romance... I get kinda tense when it's serious stuff... *hasn't even had a first kiss, yet* >_< Leah saw him blush and her cheeks turned deep red. "I'll just wear a jacket over my shirt..." She said and went over to her suitcase. She took off the short sleeved, blue jacket and looked around in her suitcase for a long sleeved jacket. OOC- Ah, wait a second... I'm confusing myself... Leah was wearing a short sleeved shirt, today. o.o
"Well you and the nurse both noticed it, even then," She said. OOC- should it be funny romantic or serious?
I'm actually watching Sonic X. o.o Anyone know where to find the episodes all in one place? XP plz&thx.
OOC- Hmm okay. But that's the hardest one to do cuz they're pretty much at their limit, as far as I'm gonna go in their relationship, now... But I can work something out. ;D "Oh, one sec!" Leah said and quickly went to the bathroom. She wrapped bandages around the burns on her arm, again and came back. "Okay," She said and smiled.
OOC- lol edited last post ;D "Okay," Leah said and smiled, standing up.
Leah blushed and smiled, gently squeezing his hand. "Well, classes are over for the day..." She said. "Would you like to go out for some ice cream and a walk in the park?" She asked. OOC- lol wat do u want to happen? something romantic, scary, sad? lol like wat kind of feel? *tries to come up with a plan*
Leah leaned her head on his shoulder. OOC- Give me a second while I come up with a brilliant idea... That doesn't relate to vampire stuff... lol XD