I would be of no help to you, i mainly listen to OdysseyEurobeat, A pony musician, and Crush 40, the musician for practically all vocal songs in the entire sonic series of games.
They f*ck with your head, sometimes, and its funny watching stupid people think about it. Is the word "heterological", meaning "not applicable to itself," a heterological word? What would happen if Pinocchio said "My nose will be growing"?
I don't have any clue if the Wii's laser reader is like the 360's, but if it was, it usually only happen when the console is moved during play, which makes the laser etch a little scratch in the disk, causing a radial burn, which would in turn, make most of the contents in the game, unreadable by the system. Say like... not being able to play a specific map on a FPS game, or enter a dungeon on a RPG game. Ect.
Yeah i know, reheated gravy gets real salty, but i got no taters, so i used rolls. :x
Im eating it with a spoon.
Ok, so its coming to the Vita and Ps3, thats all well and dandy, but if they say HD, then i want to see the game's graphics having the amount of detail that the CG scene's had on the Ps2, or maybe that's HHD... Either way, FFX was my favorite FF, i didn't really like most of the others.. i kinda got into 7 but... meh.
This sounds a little cray zay, so here's a pinkamena. o3o
"Ah shoot...... wheres the bug spray?" Not too much inappropriate, as its an insect. THEY SHOULDA USED BUG SPRAY INSTEAD OF DA POWER OF LUVE
I have been having trouble sleeping during night, but i was able to stay up till around 6 yesterday, and i've woken up at 10 till 2. (1:50) My goal today is too stay up till 8:00, if not 8:30, so i can get back on a good sleeping pattern. : D I'm so happy, here is a floating pinkie pie.
Heh.... i don't know the feel, i never feel like that... most of the time, but for the past month, i haven't. Just been mostly having insomnia, so for the time being, im a vampire. Pale toned skin, and i wake for night, and sleep during day.
Ahem. "Purpose"
Yes, a new top secret DLC that was never in production, its called Typo island, where everything you can pickup, is miss-spelt, and typo'ed on purpose. And the Jarl is actually Yarl on that island.
Yes, now the next skyronauts, shall be all the YARLS!!
They join skyrims first ever space program, no rockets needed, just get whacked really hard by a giant. : D
If i would have been more clear, thats what i was implementing, althouhg, so far the flame atronach summon has been my friend, despite that i've been crushed by a giant, and brutally murdered by an arrow straight through my nether regions.