Edited the post to add the description of the effect, i may add a poll.
They both have equal stats, both are unbreakable, the only difference is the special effects of them.
Most people on this site may have played the game, but i want to know what preference you all who have on these two armors, i haven't gotten the Master Assassino armor yet, but the Ishak Pasha is actually pretty neat looking. Master Assassin Armor Spoiler A sturdy outfit made of leather and lightweight metal, built for Assassins who need to move swiftly and silently. This armor makes no noise, no matter the Assassin's speed or bearing. Ishak Pasha Armor Spoiler Sometime after Ishak Pasha's death, the Sultan entrusted his armor to the Janissary Murat Bin Husn, in acknowledgement of his "unbreakable will." Murat devised a plan to keep the armor safe by hiding it at Hagia Sophia, and renovated the Great Chain in Constantinople's harbor to protect the city. However, around 1511, the Assassin Ezio Auditore was able to collect the scattered memoir of Ishak Pasha, and subsequently discovered the armor's location. Soon after, he retrieved it from the tomb within the Hagia Sophia, after working through a puzzling maze, before returning to the city through the sewers. Edit: Ishak Pasha Armor effect's - This armor bore two unique hidden effects, which granted extra resistance to projectile weaponry and a small chance to deflect projectiles (bullets, crossbow bolts, etc.) Master Assassin armor - Similar to the Armor of Ishak Pasha, the armor also had a hidden effect, which was silent sprinting.
Its understandable you wouldn't be able to enjoy eating those types of foods, but maybe if [i'm making a guess] you can cook well, you can make a healthy pizza with healthy stuff.
The only scary games i've really played. (Only scary as a child) Majora's mask, not even scary anymore. Scary maze game. After the first time, you just laugh at the butt A** ugly face. And Eternal darkness: Sanity's requiem, That game just... ugh, makes me limp after playing it a little, but i only played it during my younger ages, and eventually got rid of it.
Rainbows are pretty.
Well, it is a very good game, and last night, i achieved 100% synchronization in all of the sequences. one through nine, the hardest ones, i'd have to say were where you needed to either sneak around, or not kill a single person, along with not being able to get hit a single time. But after all of this work on the game, i'm just happy to have completed all of those, and am that much closer to getting completely synchronized, all that remains now is the misc objectives, two of Leonardo's mission's i need to replay, and that's about it, closer and closer to my goal. Is good. x3
Skyrim has its good parts and bad, but i'd give it a.... 3/5. Like most other games, it gets very redundant after beating the main story, although theres alot more to do, its just annoying, specially when some side missions have bugs and what not. A game that i very much enjoyed, along with most others in the series is Assassins creed. Even though i've never played one, i have played 2 and brotherhood. AC2, i give a 4/5, same for brotherhood.
Sounds more like he grunts, and then says reload. o3o
Quote any thing you'd like from any organization XIII member, one i'd like to hear specifically is. "AGH, RELOAD!"
Cause whynawt. Spoiler
I played it a while back, but now i've gotten a little back into it, mostly to find something more to do on the computer, getting back onto the game, i saw that it has a co-op functionality now, although still a little buggy, its fun to play with other people. On a side note, if you were a balloon, would you want to popped instantly, or slowly deflate until your a flat withered husk?
All this site needs now is an optional cookie/script you can activate/deactivate at any time, that makes KH characters walk around on the screen, kinda like what Desktop ponies does.
I don't have a catch phrase but i know a good one. Sephiroth - I bring you dis pear (Despair) Only applicable if your a pear sales man/woman unfortunately.
And tomorrow on Yut's rants about his mom He don't want to eat his veggies!
I started doing all the miscellaneous objectives after the main story, so of course it took little time, although some missions are a B**** to do. I have every single borgia flag, all romulus lairs done, all treasure chests, all feathers, Started on the guild challenges, aside from the Assassino guild, cause that's done, and i may make an account for Uplay so i can have some different available costumes. Edit: All shop quest's Done
Right now, what i've got is fully leveled assassino guild, All treasures, All feathers, Armor of Brutus, 1 shop quest left, 71/72 - 101 flags.